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Jewish Education in Moscow
and St. Petersburg, Russia

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Moscow and St. Petersburg



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Faculty Profile

St Petersburg Staff

Rabbi Elazar Nezdatny
Position: Co-President Migdal Ohr Institutions in Russia; Principal St. Petersburg branch.
Place of Origin: St Petersburg.
Qualifications: Obtained smicha in Eretz Israel 1999. Masters' Degree in Mechanical Engineering from St. Petersburg University.
General Background: Member of the underground learning circles led by Rabbi Tzvi
Wassermann under the Communist regime from 1983. Has been learning at Yeshivat Shvut Ami in Israel under Rabbi Eliezer Kugel since 1988. Director of Migdal Ohr Institutions since 1991.

Yehoshua Kreichman

Position: Deputy Principal, St. Petersburg Branch
Place of Origin: Moldavia
Qualifications: Masters Degree in Building Engineering
General Background: Before moving to Israel, was an active member of the underground Jewish community of Moldavia under the Communist regime. Has been learning at Yeshivat Shvut Ami since 1988 and has been working for Migdal Ohr for the past four years.

Chaim Burshtein
Position: Maggid Shiur in Yeshiva
Other positions: Rabbi of St. Petersburg. Was Dayan in Beit Din of the former USSR in Moscow.
Qualifications: BA in Management. Formal Yeshiva studies at Shvut Ami, Jersualem and Maayan, Beer Sheva. Rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Yitzhak Kolitz, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. Practical course in Gittin in Beit Din, Beer Sheva.
General Background: Has lectured at seminars and classes across Israel, the USA and in the former Soviet Union. A prominent "refusenik", he was actively involved during the 1980s in the struggle for the right of emigration and for religious rights for Jews. Was detained by the KGB on 40 separate occasions and arrested twice. Finally arriived in Isreal in 1987 and made a world lecture tour detailing human rights abuses and struggles of prisoners of Zion in the USSR.

Shmuel Koren
Position: Maggid Shiur (lecturer) at Migdal Ohr High School and Yeshiva.
Place of Origin: The Ukraine.
Qualifications: Masters Degree in Music from the Ukrainian School of Music.
General Background: Graduated Yeshivat Shvut Ami in Israel. Has a reputation as a master chess player.

Yardena Koren
Position: Headmistress of the Migdal Ohr Girls' School in St. Petersburg.
Place of Origin: State of Israel.
Qualifications: Israeli bagrut.
General Background: Has been working at Migdal Ohr for the past four years.

Yosef Wolf Zirlin
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies at Migdal Ohr, St. Petersburg and also responsible for overseeing the Yeshiva program.
Place of Origin: St. Petersburg.
Qualifications: Graduated Migdal Ohr of St. Petersburg in 1992.
General Background: Studied for six years in Yeshivat Shvut Ami in Israel.

Miriam Zirlin
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies at the Migdal Ohr Girls' School.
Place of Origin: Moscow.
Qualifications: Graduated the Beit Ulpana High School and the Michlelet Yerushalayim Seminary in Israel.

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Girls' School Staff

Rabbi Dovid Bargman
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies at Migdal Ohr Boys' School.
Place of Origin: Moscow.
Qualifications:Graduated The Moscow Musical Academy.
General Background: Learned at Yeshivat Oholei Yaakov of Moscow. Is well known for his violin playing.

Yehudah Lekomstez
Position: Maggid Shiur at Migdal Ohr High School and Yeshiva. Also responsible for the Evening and University programs.
Place of Origin: St. Petersburg.
Qualifications: Masters Degree in Philosophy from the University of St. Petersburg.
General Background: Graduated Yeshivat Shvut Ami in Israel. Has been involved with Migdal Ohr for the past three years.

Moscow Staff

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Left to right: Tzvi Zynzypper, Rabbi Michael Ellman, Gedalia Mankovetsky, Rabbi Yosef Kanevsky

Gedalia Mankovetsky
Position: Co-President Migdal Ohr Institutions in Russia. Principal Moscow branch.
Place of Origin: Moscow.
Qualifications: Masters Degree in History from Moscow University.
General Background: Learned at Yeshivat Ateret Yisrael in Israel for seven years from 1988 to 1995. Taught history in Russia before going to Israel. Lectures at Yeshivat Ohr Sameach, Jerusalem, Yeshivat Netivot Olam, Bnei Brak and Beit Ulpana Girls' School, Jerusalem.

Rabbi Michael Ellman
Position: Executive Director of the Moscow branch of Migdal Ohr Institutions.
Place of Origin: St Petersburg.
Qualifications: Graduated the St. Petersburg Technical University.
General Background: Was well known in refusenick circles under Communist Rule. Studied at Yeshivat Shvut Ami in Israel for 14 years.

Tzvi Zynzypper
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies in the high school and yeshiva.
Place of Origin: Russia..
Qualifications: Studied at Yeshivat Kiryat Malachi in Israel for six years.

Yael Zynzypper
Position: Headmistress of the Migdal Ohr Girls' School in Moscow.
Place of Origin: St Petersburg.
Qualifications: Graduated from the Seminar Hechadash in Israel with a diploma for teaching children with learning disabilities.

Rabbi Yosef Kanevsky
Position: Maggid Shiur in the Migdal Ohr high school and yeshiva.
Place of Origin: Sempheropol, Russia.
Qualifications: Graduated the University of Sempheropol.
General Background: Studied at Yeshivat Kiryat Malachi in Israel.

Chana Kanevsky
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies in the Migdal Ohr girls' school.
Place of Origin: Perm, Russia.
Qualifications: Graduated the University of Perm and also Michlelet Yerushalayim in Israel.

Rabbi Gedalia Shustak
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies in the boys' high school and the university.
Place of Origin: Kiev, Ukraine.
Qualifications: Masters Degree in history from Kiev State University. Also graduated from the Sydney College of Computer Science, Australia.
General Background: Studied at Yeshivat Shvut Ami in Israel.

Efrat Shustak
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies in the girls' high school and university.
Place of Origin: Minsk, White Russia.
Qualifications: Graduated the Minsk University and also received a teaching diploma from Machon Lifshitz in Israel.

Dr Shlomo Gendelman
Position: Teacher of Religious Studies in the university. Also responsible for general administration of the university.
Place of Origin: Moscow.
Qualifications: Professor of Physics, Moscow University.

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Rabbi Elazar Nezdatny


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Yehoshua Kreichman


Rabbi Chaim Burshtein


























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