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Midwest Regional Weather Center

        Welcome to the Midwest Regional Weather Center page. This site focuses on the Mesoscale predictions in the Midwest and Great Lakes region. The GrADS Software Package is used to analyze RUC2 data, updated in between :30 and :45 past each hour. This page is similar to the SPC Mesoscale Analysis page, except there are much more variables, and the forecasts focus on SEVERE weather as well as WINTER weather. The general map is a map of the Midwest and Great Lakes, but the map may be zoomed into particular areas (up to a 200 X 200 mile area)within the Midwest or Great Lakes where small scale event(s) are occuring or are expected to occur.

        In the future, I may get soundings up and running for some locations. However; in the NEAR future, I WILL be adding cross sections to the product menu...but the draw back is that GrADS can only draw cross section either going straight north and south, or straight west to east. Here is a map of the CROSS SECTIONS which will be produced.

        Currently, the only model which is ran is the RUC2 Analysis, but I hope to get the RUC2 12hr Forecast up and running in the months to come...especially before severe storm season, which is where almost ALL my forecasting effort goes into. Maybe, just maybe...If I can make my programs compatable with the ETA forecast file naming convention, I'll get that up on this site too.


Models | Meso-Analysis | Severe Weather Outlooks | Winter Outlooks 

Links | Product Info | Model Product ID