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Juggalo Hotel Party!

After the ABK instore! All Juggalos Welcome

Sup ya'll?Its me PsychoKitten!Here to let ya'll know Its that time to have a POST Gathering-PRE Hallowicked Party! A time to all chill and share stories about the gathering,plan some shit for Hallowicked and get krunk with only your closest family.There is a huge Juggalo Picnic going on at Belle Isle...from 12-6pm...then the Abk Instore at Hot Hits 6-9 Now we got a party for that ass to top off the night...well in my case morning...and somewhere to chill...I got mad plans for this party.I want it to be diff then most Juggalo parties.Me and my girl are trying to hook it the FUCK up!So im asking for only the freshest ninjas and ninjettes...We got people coming from Dayton Ohio,Cleveland,oh...Rochester,ny..Some Ohio Homies..and some special guests...So im asking you to keep it cool but have fun.We dont wanna get kicked out n shit.If things go well we'll throw em all the fucking time.Its been a LONNG time since the Flint Juggalo Parties.Some of ya'll old skoo peeps know whut im talking bout.Me and my girl Angel will be at the instore so holla at us.

What is Planned!!:

We got 4 rooms reserved.But if u guys want a room for privacy or u wanna make this as huge as possible,Rooms are only $54 a night for 2 double beds.But check it..Noone humps in my want a Juggalo orgy get your own room!
1.Tropical Paradise Room:
where Caribouloo is on tap,watermelon bowls with tropical fruit available..

2.Get yo Grub on room:
I got the hook up on friend chicken,rolls,chips and bring your hungry asses on...

3.PimpN room:
Music,lights,Things that Glow in the night

4.Vip room:
This is the chill quiet room....Only few people will have acess to this room.

Econo Lodge 31811 Little Mack , Roseville, MI, US, 48066...
show up any time after the instore
....hit me up ...
Aol Instant Messenger:PsychoKittenxxxx
Yahoo Messenger: PsychoKittenxxx
...or call or text Angel at 810-357-9498
We MIGHT have a few guest appearences...:)
All i ask is that ya'll show love and respect and keep the rooms looking decent and dont act like a lil bitch..ahaha...


This party got alot bigger then we anticipated.The shits still going down.But were gonna have to make a few changes.If ya'll wanna bring something to help us out...Me Love u Long Time!

Things we need!
1.Bring yah own alcohol...or match us:)
2.If yah wanna bring snacks thats cool...cuz i dont think 32 peices of Chicken is gonna feed all these starving ninjas.
3.bring a peice of tropical,banannas,cocoanut,watermelon,strawberries..anythang!
4.Were buying glow shit for the pimp room...but if u wanan hit up the dolla sto and wanna add more to the room that would be tight! anything that glows or looks fresh in black light..
So im basically saying thats the only thing we need help with.Me n my girl are spending about $200-$300 on this so if ya'll help to make it even more fresh,That would be cool..If not, just make sure u get there!!!