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Greetings and salutations. I am refered to as Curt, or Dirty, and am enrolled at Grandville High School as of now. The final semester! Soon to be released in to the unsuspecting outside world...

As of now I am just going through the motions of school, I plan to work all summer at Lake Ann Baptist Camp and then take a break from school and hopefully take a trip to Europe. Until then I must be learned in the ways of whatever they teach me here in Grandville. Yet I can't help but ponder whether mythology and calculus are really going to help me beyond these walls...but until then I must be here. So feel free to take a gander here, take your time there is not too much to see...

stylesheet assignment

Classroom List

The table of band links
Lists of favorite things

Check out some other wack sites:
Music:Games:Obligatory Links:
Orange County Supertones The Rock Star Game Grandville Cyberclass
Relient K Infamous Worm Game Grandville Tech Ed
The Normals Mount the ostrich and play JOUST
Caedmon's CallYahoo Games

This page has been brought to you by me, through the great world of Cyberclass!
The great world of cyberclass

Comments, concerns, questions, any senseless ramblings...