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Society of Blood

I call this little hole in the web Society of Blood for a small handful of reasons. The less serious one is i can say i am a SoB and mean it. The srious and real reason this page is here, is my own "obsession" with blood. I am a lover of blood, my own blood. I am my own personal vampire. To evaluate some misconceptions that i have come about will be answered in this little paragraph here. I do not harm animals nor would i consume animal blood, people who do that risk legal action, many diseases, and the serious need of psychological help. I do not want to murder people, i do not want to see people dead, the people whose blood i may drink are CONSENTING, if they weren't i would just go and do my own thing...duh, i don't need jail. I do not have any diseases for i practice what i have named "Clean Drinking." Clean Drinking is a concept i have developed out of common sense and...and...more common sense. (1) Keep your tools clean and polished (they do not have to be sharp, a dull knife with enough pressure gets enough blood for me most of the time) keep them devoid of blood which can trap disease and attract insects which attract more disease, plus keep away rust which can easily cause infection (stainless steel all the way!) and keep your "weapons of choice" in a clean, safe place! (2)Have a First Aid Kit!! even if you want to wear your scars like a badge, you do not want to bleed to death or get a blood infection. Some ideas for a first aid kit include-bandages of various sizes, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, a lighter (helps cauterize a wound), alcohol pads, surgical tape, scissors, hydrocortisone/neosporin, and anything else you deem necessary. (3) "Before you share, always always prepare." Know who you are talking to! Know who you are planning to do things with! Murderers, rapists, stalkers, and then there are the ones that Vamps have to worry about the most...drug users (especially IV drugs), nyphomaniacs, indiscriminate partiers (especially those who drink, smoke, and share fluids with anything and anyone present), Homosexuals (gays especially), and those who share blood with anyone-are much more suceptible to disease and can just as easily spread it and pass it on. STDs are not the only disease you can get from blood; be smart and be safe! As i like to say, "Before you go rare (or Before you share,) you should both prepare. To put this all in one sentence, before you become Platlet Partners a nice FULL physical with FULL blood work is nice and in order. (4) Know your Platlet Partner and what they are looking for in "Sharing the Red". Once again i say; "Before you go rare, you should always prepare." Some of use are fragile beings and think this Platlet Parfait will link us forever; some can eat and run (as in a dating sense-the one night stand); others regard this as a religious experience close to drinking ambrosia with the gods; some relive childhood experiences and traumas; and there even Blood Drunks who do it just for the high. (5)A Safeword? Some people get pretty heady off of blood and start to get to much into it, some people get to bold and well being safe is better than being maimed or scarred for life. So we all have limints and boudaries, and the practice of a safeword exists in the edgy practice of BDsM or Bondage Domination submission and Masochism, so why not in the edgy of practice of "Sharing the Red"? Your partner holding a small blade with lust in his eyes has to know when to stop, so a using a word that would not come up in normal conversation, some examples are: Teapot, Toucan, Gladiolas, and the ever popular color system. The color system usually has three colors-green which means keep going or i really like that; yellow means be careful, slow down, i am not sure about that; red means whoa! hold up! stop! let me catch my breath! December 2, o2...I added an article about my "First Blood" i guess i could add more on teusday or wednesday since i work two eight shifts on Thursday and Friday...i have no idea what to add next...oh well EntryOne: First Blood
Your Friendly Platlet Purveyor,

~~ShadowShiftrunner~~ this page concieved on Teusday, November 19, 2002