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Reppin' the underground since 2001....


11/14/04 - Well, the first site went down thanks to some hackers/haters. well if you didnt know here it is....the 2 dead bodies are dead and we will never die again!!!! so hack away fucks, we will be around for a while. oh yeah the hackers/haters sorta destoyed our debut album "Blook Thirsty", but dont worry this 2 year delay will be well worth it. Rotting Corpse and Decap have some special surprises for all you hardcore "2DB" fans.... also watch out for some audio samples from the new cd ... and we will also release the date its coming out before 2005. so check out the site and enjoy!

06/23/03 - we are currently trying to re-up the site...

11/14/02 - hackers are trying to take down the site, all our old news updates are gone... stay tuned