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20 Survival Questions for GA Members

(From the Gamblers Anonymous Information Packet)

If you cannot answer yes to at least seven of these questions, you may not be putting enough in the Gamblers Anonymous program to assure survival. It must be remembered we are battling a baffling and insidious illness and we must be ever vigilant.


1. Attend meetings regularly at least once a week?

2. Continue to identify yourself regularly by sharing your experiences, strength, and hopes?

3. Make 12 step calls?

4. Sponsor members?

5. Regularly use the telephone list?

6. Share your knowledge and experiences with other members at all times?

7. Participate in Pressure Group meetings?

8. Maintain regular personal and social contact with other Gamblers Anonymous members?

9. Lend your assistance in planning, attending and supporting Gamblers Anonymous functions - groups, intergroups, open meetings, banquets, conferences, picnics, ISO, answering service, etc?

10. Regularly support your Gamblers Anonymous group, ISO, regional office, intergroups and other G.A. functions with your contributions?

11. Continue to try and maintain the "how", "honesty", "open-mindedness" and "willingness"?

12. Continue to try to live life One Day At A Time?

13. Continue to take personal inventory and when wrong, promptly admit it?

14. Continue to remove your defects and shortcomings through working the 12 Steps of Recovery?

15. Place principles before personalities?

16. Continue to seek the help of a power greater than yourself in trying to maintain a normal way of thinking and living?

17. Continue to be aware that your gambling compulsion is only "arrested" not "cured"?

18. Continue not to tempt or test yourself by not associating with people who gamble, and not going in or near gambling establishments and by looking for the action feeling (tingle) in your daily life?

19. Personally participate in public relations for Gamblers Anonymous through radio, T.V., newspapers and speaking engagements?

20. Continue to apply the Gamblers Anonymous principles in all your affairs and carry the Gamblers Anonymous message to the compulsive gambler who still suffers?
