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Misty is a character that belongs to Shygal16, and I'm going to be using her in my stories because I think she is just that cool! Here are some Stats so you can get a background on who she is.
This is the information she sent me. If you want to learn more about her you can email her at

Updated: 10/18/01
Misty Anne Morris

Height: 5ft 11 1/2 in

Weight: 103 lbs

Age: 18

Eye Color: Silver. When she gets really sad though, they become a soft powder blue color.

Hair Color: Blond

Family: Mistys parents did get divorced when she was young and she did have a twin sister named Sarah who was killed by Emplate in one of Shygals's Gen X stories. Her mom eventually remarried to Alex Starsmores, He is like Chamber cousin or something. From there Shygal16 created her other sister Chamberlin Arcania Starsmores. On her dads side of the family theres only her Grandmother left alive, Roslin Morris tends to spoil Misty and Sarah. On the moms side there are like a ton of relatives, but again the only one that I ever wrote about was her grandfather Joel Even.

Powers: Can make bubbles. Turn herself and others into water. As well as being able to manipulate liquids (water, paint, chemicals, etc). She could also turn herself into different kinds of liquids, but she had to bind them to her system first. She can bring herself to a boil as well as lower her temperature in the liquid state, but tends to shy away from either extreme in fear of evaporating or of freezing solid.

Personality: Usually really happy/preppy. Usually really out going and willing to talk to new people. She usually is the first one to say lets just forgive and forget, or if it's to severer to forget, then hopefully I'll learn something from it. Speaks with a valley girl accent, but is actually very smart. Loves music of all kinds.

First Appearance:
Odd One Out

Daddies Little Girl Angst
Redemption Adventure

Claire Files

10/01/01 Misty has gone through many advetures and changes in these storylines. She has found a lasting relationship with Rio Qualla, a promising carrer as an opera singer, and has proven herself an asset to the team.

She has also had some hard knocks along the way. Her sister Sarah who was trapped in Misty's psyche since her death in childhood took over her body and destroyed her life, and her friendship with Claire. However now Sarah has her own body, so what will happen is anyone's bet.

Although thier relationship is getting better Claire and Misty have a lot of healing to do, will the fact that Claire is intent on killing Misty's sister stand between them when push comes to shove?

10/18/01Misty realizes that she cannot run from her problems and returns from Snow Valley to the mansion. It is then that she finds out that her sister, Sarah, lost her baby due to Claire's brutal attack. She is shocked not only that Claire would hurt an innocent child, but the manner in which she went about telling her, as if thier friendship meant nothing. Why was Claire so heartless to her, and will Misty be able to move past it and forgive her? Perhaps the time in which she is with Rio's family will give her time to think.