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Disclaimer: Claire is mine.

By, 2280

People say that heroes never die.

I know that is a lie.

You may ask how I know that, and I can give you two answers, you may choose to accept either.

First, I know that heroes do die, because people like me kill them. You see heroes play by an unwritten set of rules, these rules consist of right and wrong, and above all things heroes never do anything wrong.

However the bad guys, people like me, have no such rules. The only rule we do have is to flout the hero’s rules, before we kill them that is.

Secondly I know because I am not a hero, and I will never die. That goes against the very rules of heroism. Isn’t that what people teach their children? That the bad guys always lose, and the good guys ride off into the sunset? I can tell you from experience that doesn’t happen, although there are times when I wish it would.

It’s so simple, so why can’t you goddamned people get it right? Why do you spend so much time trying to save me? What makes you think I even want to be saved? I sit here and watch you beat your heads against the wall, trying to save a world that fears and hates you.

God, if I have to hear that one more time I think I will just throw up.

But the truth is, like me, the world can’t be saved, maybe from an interloper, but from itself? Never. You see, heroes on the whole seem to miss one important point.

No one asked for their help, if they had, then the deed wouldn’t be heroic. So as I see it we have a classic Catch 22. If the hero helps, well they’re not going to be appreciated, yada, yada, yada; but if they don’t help? Well that goes against their number one cardinal rule. Always do what’s right.

Ya see, that irritates me, cause lately people have been calling me a hero; and ta tell ya the truth, I’m just not up to that gig. There’s too much responsibility there, and I have never been very responsible. So the idea of putting other peoples lives in my hands? It’s ludicrous, I’m the person who is more likely to snuff ‘em out remember?

I don’t have these lofty morals of right and wrong, at least not lofty enough to pass par, and I really don’t give a rats ass about what happens to the world today, tomorrow, or the next day. I know what a shit-hole this place really is, and I figure we got what is coming to us.

Heh, whether it comes in the form of a giant asteroid, a giant life sucking crystal, or even one man with a real mean agenda; it won’t surprise me any, cause at one time or another I’ve most likely thought about doing whatever is about to happen to our sorry asses.

So do me a favor, don’t give that crap about heroes never dying. Take a good look around you, heroes are the only ones who do die.
