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I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their cooperation and patience during the construction of this website. Thanks for visiting and signing the guestbook too. I hope you enjoyed it!

I also want to thank the coaches for their help with the stat's and for a wonderful season. I know that I'm not accurate with all the stat's, but I hope that I atleast came close! (LOL) This was not an easy job and I don't think that I will venture this way again anytime soon!


I would also like to thank Curt & April for helping me when I couldn't be there to do it... (-=


And finally...

I want to thank the Bulldogs for a wonderful season. I am amazed at how some of you have grown with your talent and I am proud to be a Bulldog parent!

#8 Kenny - The new kid on the block. You have a natural gift for the sport and I wish you continued success should you pursue hockey!

#9 Danny - Your ability to read the plays have come a long way! I enjoyed watching you defend our Bulldogs! Thanks Danny!

#10 Aaron - What can I say about this kid? (lol) All attitude and 100% Bulldog! Don't quit smiling kid! Great job Aaron!

#11 Jimmy - Hmmmm... Let's see here. You have come a long way Jimmy. Stay out of the penatly box dude!!!! Use your body not your stick! Thanks Jimmy!

#13 Tom - You have come along way since the beginning. I watched you grow and become quite a player. Thanks Tom!

#14 Cory - WOW! What a pleasure it is to watch you play! With the grace and speed of the gazelle... simply amazing! As your father says.... go Go GO!!!!

#15 Tommy - BOY have you grown! Awesome job defending our team! You always seemed to give it your all! Thanks Tommy!

#16 Drew - I truly think of you as the "Vlady" of our Bulldogs! Great job Drew!

#18 Chris - Great job with handling that puck. You have a nice touch and the hands to go with it. WTG KID!

#19 Randy - What an awesome kid. An all around leader, dependable and always plays with heart. Keep up the good work Randy and thank you!

#21 Mikey - I could write a book on this one. Who said little packages don't produce a big punch? WOW! One kid that never gives up! Thanks Mikey!

#22 Stephan - My little Dino. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking! Keep trying kid!

#24 Kelly - The slapshot kid! Keep working at it Kelly, you're gettin there!!!

#25 Ian - A kid that never stops trying. Keep working hard Ian... It shows!!

#26 JT - A very "heads up" kind of player. Keep up the good work JT!

#87 TJ - The head hunter himself! A shot that packs a punch! WOW! GO TJ!


#1 Patrick - You always had your head in the game! Some awesome goal tending from this one! Thanks Patrick!!!

#31 Jimmy - Tough breaks didn't beat this one down! Thanks for a great season Jimmy and some awesome saves!