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Teen Help

Teen Help

Thanks for coming to this web site; it is deffinately worth your time!

Everyone has their share of problems in life; Some with worse problems than others. Sometimes you might feel extreamly sad or angry over something that has happened to you.

But, everyone has a way of dealing with these problems in life - There are people that open themselves up and talk about their problems, there are people that write their problems down in a journal or diary, and there are those that just give up and don't talk to others about their problems.

Often if a person doesn't talk about their problems all their emotions get built up inside and it can lead to depression. Depression is a serious thing. Many people turn to suicide for an escape from the pain that life causes. Every hour and 53 minutes and person under the age of 25 commits suicide in the United States. (that's almost 5,000 precious lives lost per year.) If you think one of your friends is becoming depressed, don't ignore the signs. Urge them to talk to someone... a guidance counselor, parent, friend, clergy, ect. Talk to them and find out if they are suicidal and if you think they are, try to get help for them as soon as you can.

To become more aware of teen suicide, click on the links below. You can share your thoughts and stories. You can learn more about depression and suicide. Or you can visit other suicide prevention web sites.

Please share this web site with your friends and family. If you know about suicide, you might be able to save a life. Thanks again for your time!

"Don't let yesterday use up today"