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  Spring 2002 schedule
Tumble Bears w/ parent   
 2-3 years old boys & girls   
Mon       6:15-7:00pm                        $82 
Tues      10:45-11:30am                     $82 
Thurs     10:00-10:45am                     $82 
 Junior Gym 5-7 years boys & girls  
Mon        5:00-6:00pm                        $99 
Thurs      5:00-6:00pm                        $99 
Thurs      7:15-8:15pm                        $99 
Fri          5:00-6:00pm                        $99 
Tumble Bears w/o parent   
3.5-5 years boys & girls   
Mon       4:15-5:00pm                       $82 
Tues      10:00-10:45am                    $82 
Wed      10:00-10:45am                    $82 
Wed      10:45-11:30am                    $82 
Thurs    10:45-11:30am                     $82 
Thurs     4:15-5:00pm                       $82 
Fri         4:15-5:00pm                        $82
Gymnastics 7-12 years Begginer 
Mon         7:00-8:15pm                       $124 
Fri            6:00-7:15pm                       $ 

Gymnastics 7-12 years Int/Adv  
Thurs        6:00-7:15pm                       $124 


  Parking: Please park for CERC events in the north lot of Stadium Drive.  The CERC circle drive is for drop off ONLY!
Parent Waiting Area: The Community Educational Resource Center provides a waiting area down the hall form the
gymnastics room. (Activity Room A)  Please drop off your child at the entrance of the gym to a coach and pick them up at the
end of class.  This is necessary because of the lack of space in the gym.  No child will be permitted to leave the area without a
parent.  The last day of class, parents will be invited into the gym the last 15 minutes to observe.  Classes are offered to both
boys and girls.  If your child is in the Tumble Bear without parent class please be sure that they are able to leave mom/dad.
Tumble Bears with parent are to be one parent to one child.  No siblings in the gym.  If you have any questions in which class
your child should be placed in please call the director Kay Riley at Rileys Gymnastics 248.674.8060