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Keith's Pics

Looking cool in the face of...well, feeling cold in front of Artesenrahu, Peru

Crunching numbers for the climbathon.

Eating my lunch and being colorful on top of Half Dome!

I'm the guy on the left in the flattering flight suit!!

On top of Mt. Lyell in Toulumne. 13,000 something feet.

How about lunch sometime?

Tell me there is a sidewalk around here somewhere!? (Lost Arrow Tip, Yosemite)

Hmmm...checkers can be a demanding sport too! (Lost Arrow Tip, Yosemite)

Well, I'm here...How do we get over there? (Lost Arrow Tip, Yosemite)

Committing to the Tyrolean traverse (Lost Arrow Tip, Yosemite)

Wow this is cool! !!! Uh where's the ground? (Lost Arrow Tip, Yosemite)