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Plastic Cowboy Model Trucks October 2002 Page One

Nick's Peterbilt 378 with big bunk, stretched frame and flamed paint job. I like the truck just as a daycab! Nick, email me your last name~ Tim


Matt Schellie's old Budweiser trailer and White Freightliner.


Saverio Sesto from Italy sent in this nice Peterbilt 352.


Peterbilt 359 Chicken Hauler. Allen Smith, is this yours?


Chevrolet Titan 90 daycab

Scott's Peterbilt 359 setback tractor (Griffen designs hood) and scratchbuilt acid tanker. Scott.. send me your last name~Tim


Tim Ahlborn's 1973 Peterbilt 351 with set-back front axle, scratchbuilt grille, resin hood (Griffen designs), Suspension, tires and rear wheels from the Paystar kit, cut down fuel tanks, and many kitbashed parts.

Thanks to Rick Mark at RNK Conversions for the copy of the G.S.Carter Road Gravel decals. Colors are Plastikote Hunter Green for the chassis and fenders, Duplicolor Cream Beige for the cab and hood.



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