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Web Development

Adam recently graduated from Eastern Michigan University's College of Business where he received a Bachelors of Business Administration in Information Systems and an elective minor in Psychology.   He also received magna cum laude honors.

Adam's interests include web applications development, reading - especially about ancient history and the American Revolution - traveling, alpine skiing, camping, canoeing, and video gaming.

Adam is currently working on several PHP/MySQL driven projects that include a forum, a web log, and a gift registry.  These projects, some of which can be found through links on this page, are continually under development.

Throughout his education, both at Eastern Michigan University and while learning through freelance experience, Adam has been exposed to several applications and technologies.  Below is a detailed list of those applications and technologies Adam has worked with and to what level of expertise he judges himself.

Technology or Application Description Usage Experience
HTML/XHTML The scripting language for creating web pages. 1996 - Present Expert
CSS The scripting language for stylizing web pages written in HTML in order to add color, borders, and more. 1997 - Present Expert
JavaScript A scripting language for dynamically modifying web pages written in HTML.  Used to add enhanced interactability and customizable content on the smallest scale.  Referred to as Dynamic HTML when grouped with HTML and the Document Object Model. 1997 - Present Advanced
VBScript Another scripting language for dynamically modifying web content written in HTML.  VBScript is specifically compatible with Internet Exlporer. 1997 - 2000 Intermediate
PHP The server-side scripting language for dynamically modifying web content written in HTML.  Used to enhance interactability on the large scale and to add connectivity to databases. 2000 - Present Advanced
perl A legacy server-side scripting language that is perhaps still the most widely used for making HTML dynamic. 2000 - 2002 Intermediate
ASP Another server-side scripting language, this one developed by and for Microsoft. 1999 - 2000 Novice
MySQL A web-based database primarily used to connect to PHP or ColdFusion server-side scripts.  The foundation of MySQL is adapted from the SQL database querying standards. 2000 - Present Advanced
MS Access A mid-range database application that incorporates the ability to manage data and present it in a uniformly formatted range of displays. 2000 - Present Advanced
C++ A strong programming language for building advanced application infrastructures. 1997 - 2002 Intermediate
Java An adaptive programming language for building distributed and highly portable applications with standardised toolsets for creating detailed graphical user interfaces, embedding itself into HTML, interfacing with databases, and more. 2002 - Present Intermediate
XML Originally developed as a standard for creating formatted and easily editable data documents, eXtensible Markup Language has quickly evolved into an advanced data management technology with numerous uses. 2002 - Present Novice
UML Unified Modeling Language is a set of interpretive systems design methodologies that enables and aids systems applications to be designed before coding begins. 2002 - Present Novice
Windows 9x/XP Windows is the operating system used by most end-users. 1995 - Present Expert
Windows 2K/2K3 The Windows operating systems used to develop networks and network applications. 2002 - Present Intermediate
UNIX/LINUX Fully customizable, stable, and highly versatile, the 'NIX operating systems are used by technology professionals to host systems applications and much more. 2002 - Present Novice