LeaderShape 2001

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LeaderShape 2001

Go to Honor's Family Cluster Go to Troy's Family Cluster email Keith

   Great job everyone! We're getting those pics up and running.  Don't forget if you want to tweak your family cluster's page, 
go right ahead and do so.  Thank you to everyone who is responding and helping with the webpage.  It looks pretty awesome!!  
Let's keep up the great work and keep Leadershape2001 alive and kicking!!!

Check out some pics from this year

GO look at Keith's pictures Or go look at Dave's pictures Click here for a list of names and contacts

Visit your group's page! Leader DOGS Sweet Anticipation Weebeevees Djah Ciesers

Click here for the Leader DOGS last inspiration

Running Dog doo doo, do do do do....

I could be mistaken but it looks like Troy!

Email: cjbien@mtu.edu