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DNA (Washington)  August 5

Uprising in Mexico, Mexican President Murdered

by Daniel Andrews

As their hardships have multiplied in the ongoing economic
collapse, the people of Mexico have finally risen up and
overthrown their government.  Weekly riots in Mexico City
grew to a climax this week as angry people from all over the
country converged on the object of their anger.  There was a
riot right through the presidential residence and the president
was thrown from a balcony.

With most of their army indisposed in Chiapas or protecting
the maquiladoras along the US border, the government was
left virtually undefended.  Many of the remaining troops threw
down their guns or joined the protesters.  Even now, they are
forming a federation of people’s councils, forging a system
based upon direct democracy to replace the corrupt and
aristocratic government they have deposed.  This is the fruition
of a grassroots movement which has been growing in this
country for over a decade.  This movement actually had its
roots back in the 1990’s in the early strikes in the maquiladoras
and in the Zapatista rebellion.

After NAFTA was signed, Mexico became a playland for the
rich, a place where they could cheaply build huge mansions
overlooking the squalor of the Mexican people who were
oppressed to increase their riches.  The maquiladoras--border
town factories--were the agents of oppression and exploitation.
Workers suffered intolerable conditions, long hours and grueling
work for wages which were barely sufficient to prevent they and
their families from starving to death.  In the 1990’s, workers
began efforts to form unions.  As the efforts spread through the
maquiladoras, the movement turned into a war between workers,
their employers, the Mexican government, and the government
backed unions.  In recent years, strikes and retaliations have kept
the area paralyzed.  Yet the movement has spread across the
entire nation as strikes have become the rule of order everywhere.
This eventually led up to the massive national general strike which
began two weeks ago.

The strike movement has grown hand in hand with a call for agrarian
reform and self-government led by indigenous peoples.  This began
with the Zapatista uprising as an army was formed to protect the
people of various villages while they sought to expropriate the lands
around them.  In the late 1990’s, the government began to amass
troops in Chiapas, where the Zapatista rebellion was headquartered.
In spite of the series of slaughters and retaliations which followed,
the Zapatistas grew stronger and the rebellion spread to other
regions.  In various areas, villagers began to take back the lands
around them and reorganize their villages.

Two years ago all of these various movements began to federate,
and at that time it became obvious that the Mexican government
would have to fight to maintain control of the country.  The US
increased military funding--supposedly under the guise of fighting
the drug war.  The number of US military advisers in Mexico
increased as well.  Yet there was little the president of Mexico
could do against a movement which seemed to pop up
independently everywhere.

Now, while there are elements of the military still fighting in Chiapas
and elsewhere, the government has fallen and the people have
begun the great work of building a true democracy.  Already the
maquiladoras are being expropriated by the workers.  Everywhere
people are taking over their own destiny, and sprawling mansions
are falling to the torch.  Property of Mexican, US and other
international corporations is falling back into the hands of the
Mexican people.  But, even as they are so busy, many are
beginning to look to the north, watching for the US response.

The people of Mexico offer solidarity for the struggling workers and
citizens of the US, but they fear the response of the US government.
While reports in the US have tended to play up the rebellion as the
work of radical communist terrorists who have gained control of the
crowds, this reporter believes that there is a strong undercurrent of
sympathy in the United States on the part of the majority of citizens
who have suffered under global capitalism.

*********Dissemination News Agency*********
This report is entirely fictional.  It is
part of a short story written as a series
of news reports, and is presented purely
for entertainment purposes.
*********Oh, for a pair of wireclippers********

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