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Hello. Thank you for taking a little time to visit. This site is just a way to let those who want to keep in touch a way to do so. It is hard these days to keep up with everyone.

My name is Alicia and my wonderful husband is Chris. We have now been married for three years and have three great children.

Chris has been working hard at work. They are actually teaching him german too. He has been working hard at getting back in shape for mountainbike season.

I have been staying home with the kids all day. I love getting to watch them all grow and develop their personalities.

Andrew is almost 11 and he just finished basketball season. We are now getting ready for baseball.

Samantha is 3 now and is starting the"its all about me" stage.I have to admit that it is mostly my fault that she thinks she is a diva princess.

Brady is almost a year now and he is such a character. He is much more active than Sami was at this age. He keeps us on our toes.

I have been working hard for Lia Sophia and loving it. Actually it doesn't feel like work at all. It is more like have a girls night out a few times a week. Just with a paycheck.

Well I think that is all I am going to start with for now. As things occur I will try to keep all posted.