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Welcome to the Sailor Moon Fan-Fic Section

"Dedicated to my friend Infinite Star, who has been suggesting that I put a fan-fic section up"

Now this has to be the coolest part of my website. In order for this section to work, I need all the veiwers to e-mail me their Sailor Moon stories. It can be anything from childrens stories to adult rated stuff. But please, don't submit anything out of the Sailor Scout category. E-mail me at with your fanfics. ^_-


Beautiful Angel Written by Silverstar159. It's not that long of a story but describes a day Serena spent with Darien. 25 seconds to load this page.

Silverstrider and the Scouts Written by me Silverstrider. This is chapter 1 in a 2 chapter story. This chapter is about me and Minako being apart, and I visit Ami's house for an unexpected surprise. 17 seconds to load this page.

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