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Name: Michelle Elizabeth Anne

Age: 19

Location: West Bloomfield, Michigan (most of my life) but BEA---UTIFUL Bowling Green Ohio for 9 months of the year *extreme sarcasm noted*

School: I am a Freshman at Bowling Green State University in BORING-ASS Bowling Green Ohio

Hobbies: I enjoy sitting on my ass doing nothing most of the day 'cuz there's nothing to do here - And I have started to crochet a little bit so that'll be a new one; other than that, I just like to write (poetry), hang out with friends, go to the movies, the mall, work out, chill with the boyfriend, yanno, the usual.

Other: I have a boyfriend, Devin, and even though he lives in the middle of nowhere (AKA Metamora), he's cool cuz he's a dork with me and went to the big tents with me (and he's SO Cronk-like it's SCARY!) ---> I love him with all my heart and soul and I'm gonna marry him if it's the last thing I do! ---> I love you baby~!

Other than that, I'm not that interesting; anything else you want to know about me, just ask me and I'll answer as best I can!


Parents: I live with my mom and dad; my mom is an independent computer systems analyst and my dad works as a engineer / salesperson for Delphi Automotive

Siblings: I have one older brother and one older sister. My brother (Adam; 22) is a Senior at Western Michigan University (studying computer science). My sister (Rachael; 20) is a Sophomore at Villanova University in Philadelphia (studying mechanical engineering).

Other: I had a wonderful kitty cat, his name was Snuggles - he died from cancer on August 13th, 2003 and I miss him bunches. R.I.P. Kitty - I miss you!


Color(s): Always blue and for some reason, right now it's pink too (don't ask me why!)

Type of Music: Anything and everything; (the oldies that you can NEVER forget, 60's stuff, and the new stuff!)

Band: Green Day (they RAWKED live in concert!)

Solo Artist: right now, Billy Joel

Movie(s): THE EMPEROR'S NEW GROOVE (all time classic), The Italian Job, Secondhand Lions, The General's Daughter, ConAir, The Princess Bride, Instinct, Rush Hour (1 and 2), 16 Candles, The Cutting Edge, The House on Haunted Hill, Top Gun, Braveheart, L.A. Confidential, The Lion King, Mulan, etc., etc.

TV Show(s): Law & Order (The Original, SVU, AND Criminal Intent of course), The Simpsons

Sport (to play): Football (Powderpuff RAWKED)

Sport (to watch): Soccer (esp. the English Premier League), Football, Hockey, Basketball

Food: Chocolate covered strawberries

Well, I guess that's all. If you want to talk to me, feel free to talk to me on either AIM (my screen name is DancrGurl2) or on ICQ (my number is 84261702), or you can email me. That's all for now. Catch ya on the flip side *~LATA~*

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