Welcome To Jamie's World


To view my blog entries for now and in the future, please click here or go to: http://www.livejournal.com/~triphoppin/

Holy Cow! So it's been a few years since I've updated! Where does the time go?! Well if anyone ever actually reads this, I promise that this time I WILL update and make this kinda cool.

Lots and lots has changed since my last update...I have a new job, an apartment, and I'm engaged. There's other stuff too, but that's the biggest part of it I suppose. Just click on all the thingies below for updates. It may take a little while for me to get everything straightened out, so your patience is appreciated, as are your comments, suggestions, hate letters, etc.

I guess I have a guest book on here too that you can use. I didn't even realize I had one. Maybe I don't. If I don't, there will be one shortly. Anyway, check everything out. Love to love you! --JG

My Journal

FORMERLY News & Updates, I figured I'd hop on the blog bandwagon and keep an online journal just like all the other girlies out there. So you can see my innermost thoughts. Well I guess these ones are like my outermost thoughts. Bear with me.

About Me

Learn who I am, my likes and dislikes, my favorite quotes, my favorite lyrics, etc.

Sound Off Page

My thoughts and opinions on several issues. Rantings, whinings, pet peeves, thoughts to brighten your day, you name it.

Shout Outs

Just saying hi to a few people, a couple honarable mentions, you get the drift.


I think you can figure this one out on your own.

Remember When?

Some of my favorite memories. Some of you may share them as well. :)


Most people skip over links. I know I do. But its not a good idea. Why? Because I'm putting these on here for a damn good reason, thats why. I'm only putting really cool or really helpful sites on here. Or ones I just like a lot. A few friends pages too.

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