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Description: Joe's a new member, and he's got some serious potential. He's shown some very positive dedication, and it won't be long before he shows some serious skills. Joe's ambition makes him a positive teammate, and soon he's shown that he can harness his agressiveness and kick some ass.



Equipment:Silver Tippmann Model 98 with 16oz. tank (the chode), clear VL200, stock barrel*, Lapco Stainless Steel Bigshot engraved "AIM SMALL MISS SMALL", JT Spectra pro shield thermal mask, Brass Eagle case, Psycho Ballistics double trigger w/chrome guard, Air Tipps RVA, and a 32 Degrees chrome 6 stage expansion chamber.

Type of Player:Joe is relatively new to the game, but I must say that recently he has done well and listened well. It's good to have him on the team.

Greatest Paintball Moment:When he was playing with Bryce and them, he ran up to a bunker on a hill, and couldn't move because he was sliding down the hill, but from my location I took out 2 out of 3 of the other team, thanks to the BigShot.

