Encyclopedia of the Waning Isles

 Major Articles

Powerful or Important Groups

The Captains

The Devout

The Eldar

The Widge

Major Events

The Rebellion of 10219

The Retreat


Major Places

The Steeple

New Warrick

Charts and Tables

Distance Chart    

Genre Table    


Administrative Regions & Representatives

A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  QR  S  T  W  XYZ 


Academy, the see Breston Academy. 

Aer refers to the vast expanse of atmosphere between leaf-isles, analogous to “the Main” or “The Open Sea” of sailing literature. 

Albion was a high string of leaf-isles in the Western Widge Isles, occupied by Widge that had long resisted the Regime of the Widge warlords.  Albion became the site of the infamous massacre by the Gaohund’s Captains.  See Banishment of Newton. 

Alexander Nest, The, was, among the powerful clans of New Warrick, the oldest Nest.  It remains the most powerful nest in the Troughton district, but its power was weakening.  See Nest. 

Alexander, Aurelia, Nest Leader of Ricky and Jane, could be stern and inflexible, and she disliked any sort of excuse, but she valued justice and fairness.  She was one of the Seven Alexander Compatriots that controlled Diff Tech.  When Edward Scantini came to the Hall of Five Hundred Statues in defiance of the Banishment of Newton, she gave the decree of safety, essentially removing the ban from him except that he might never again enter New Warrick. 

Alexander, George was patriarch at the time Aurelia grew up in the nest and a grand-patriarch to Ricky.  He began the construction of certainty differentials.  By the time Aurelia took over, it was one of the most powerful businesses in New Warrick.  They made alliance with the Salo Nest, an old money Nest that originally made their fortunes in lumber.  The two Nests eventually controlled much of the tech, lumber, and shipbuilding in Gaohund lands. 

Alexander, Jane was perhaps six years older than Cern.  Her straight, black hair was exceedingly long and was attractive, but she wasn’t the startling beauty that Bernadette was.  She had rather a plain face with a small thin mouth and freckled skin, but she carried herself with the poise and certainty of someone physically strong and mentally disciplined.  Her nose was long and straight, and her plain eyes peered inquisitively under thin, arched brows.  Of medium height, her build appeared well muscled.  Her prime motivation was to be true to the Devout ideals and to live honorably.  Jane was fabricated in the town of Bent Harbor and adopted into the Alexander Nest for her skills as a batch historian.  As with all other members of the Alexander Nest, she performed duties as a peacekeeper in their district of Troughton.  As the rebellion occurs, she accompanies Scott Doulettile on his desperate raid and becomes one of the few that were known to survive, and afterwards leading a resistance in New Warrick.  See Jane Alexander’s Page. 

Alexander, Ricky was a science student, Breston Academy, murdered by the Central Committee that suspected him of being a spy or stooge for the Captains.  He was Devout. 

Andnoh was a small town high in West Irin.  It was the boyhood home of both Edward Scantini and Nathaniel Clintock.  See Map, Irin & Surrounds. 

Arrow, Commander, of the Kronos-Wyght. 

Avery-Tor, Dr., doctor of political art, Breston Academy


Babblestone a fishing isle north of New Warrick Map, Middle Isles,  Map, Irin & Surrounds,  Large Map

Banishment of Newton  The Widge War brought unheard-of horrors.  When the Captains finally had enough of Widge atrocities, they became overzealous and sometimes brutal, even pursuing Widge that had never harassed Tiller Lands.  The conclusive act of violence occurred when Lieutenant Commander Nathaniel Clintock attacked Albion, a group of Widge Isles that had long resisted the Regime of the Warlord.  Many of the Albion Widge had worked as Guides to the Captains, helping them through barriers to attack the Widge Warlord.  Admiral Newton was en route to Albion when the attack occurred, but his enemies at home published the account of the attack accompanied by pictures of him surveying the damage at the site. 
     Although able to conclude a victory in the Widge War
by April of 10197, Admiral Newton found it hollow.  His return became meaningless, as his reputation was fixed either as a merciless killer or as a commander unable to control his troops.  When the Admiral refused to return to the Gaohund Republic, the Governor's Council shamefully removed him from power.  He was condemned in absentia to exile.  Many of his men went with him. 
     Engaged in another theater of operations, Commander Holliston became the high-ranking officer upon Admiral Newton's removal. 

Battle of the Broken Spears occurred after the Widge had defeated the Gaohund people and had driven them to the Waning Islands in the 9000s.  Once off the continent, most Gaohund thought the Widge would relent, but when they pursued them to the fourth island in the chain, the Gaohund knew it was a war of extermination.  On southern Kaiwitz, in July of 9071, Coohey urged them to turn about and make a stand.  There amid the rocks known as the Broken Spears, they inflicted such a defeat on the Widge that they were left alone for almost two hundred years.  Historians often credit Coohey with saving the Gaohund from extinction.  For its location, see Map, Western Isles, or Large Map. 

Battle of Kerdal Pass January of 10193, see Scantini, Edward. 

Battle of Western Sea January of 10193, occurring just before the Battle of Kerdal Pass

Bedford of the Green Islands was the furthest town along the Gaohund main archipelago.  It was the hometown of Admiral Holliston Green and of Thomas Haynin Green.  See also Green Islands.  See Map, Bedford, Large Map

Bent Harbor was a town near the city of Milbrew, both of which are on Tone Bay, on the island of Stanton; home of Jane Alexander; tough neighborhood.  See Map, Middle Islands. 

Beringinold Gap was a wide strait between Irin and the Western isles.  See Large Map

Bio-artifice   Biology and “technology”, such as the wristblades and the Craystone, are combined in all races.  The Primevals are minimally technological almost entirely biological; the Faeron are enveloped in a techno-exoskeleton.  All of these beings are cast, not born.  See Bonemetal, Casting

Birther was the highest position for a female Eldar within the nest.  The Birther was the matriarch, and, as the name implies, was in charge of birthing.  It was a co-equal station with the Griever. 

Birthing Hills Map, Bedford

Bloodribbon This invertebrate hemovore was nearly invisible before sating itself with blood.  The chain of cells can be broken and the creature will still attack.  This creature was an inhabitant of the Nast. 

Bloomkeeper wears a floppy baseball cap with a long brim cocked off at a slight angle.  Bloomkeeper was a Widge of the Albion Isles, and a strong supporter of homogenization and an opponent of the new warlord.  One of the few Widge living in the Gaohund Republic, he was once professor of literature at Breston Academy.  See Widge, See Widge Guides of Albion, See Scantini, Edward

Blues A stray gang

Bonemetal  The biomechanical skeleton and other inner cyborg structures of Treeve beings are made of various metals.  Each of the four genres of Gaohund are each of a different metal.  See genres.   

Brainsnakes was an infectious parasitical disease causing madness.  The “snakes” were in fact microbial worms. 

Breadstone was a small, low-lying island north of Irin, and a county of Irin.  It was not densely populated, and those that live here are mostly fisherfolk.  See Map, Irin & Surrounds, Large Map.

Breston Academy was the central learning establishment of the Gaohund.  The buildings of Breston rose from a low, expansive hill, its slopes slightly steeper on the southern side than the north.  Its white buildings rose in height as the hill did, until in the exact center of that almost spherical mound, the tallest and largest structure stood – a circular edifice topped with an immense shallow dome of pink granite.  “That’s the areola,” Thomas told her.  The Academy’s architecture has tall glass, reminiscent of both a greenhouse and a cathedral.  It was gray in tones, so that it matches the Eldar palette.  Statues, also gray, remind one of the past.  The rebels will smash both glass and statues.  See Map, New Warrick This

Brick was one of the Middle Islands.  See Map, Middle Islands, Large Map. 


Canikam Gap was the wide straits between the Green Islands and Forestal   Large Map

Captains, The, are the military part of the three branches of the three of the Gaohund government.  Most of the Gaohund are not explorers at heart.  For centuries, the tradition of the Captains has been to protect with honor.  However, the New Generation of Captains are not just fighters – they are exploring new resource locations to alleviate Gaohund’s dependence on Zamalaysia.  They negotiate with Manital’s various leaders for rights to explore.  The Captains and the merchants chartered their necessary routes, and the Captains charted nearby areas where storm might blow an excursor, but the charts were often simply a register of size.  Many leaves that were charted had not been landed on, not even to see if fresh water were available.  More islands were entirely uncharted. 

The Captains played the major role in repulsing an invasion of Toltau Widge following their invasion of the Western Isles in December of 10192. 

At the time of the Rebellion of 10219, the Captains divided into those old enough to have served in the Widge War and the younger pirate chasers.  The pirate chasers used the newer, smaller, and faster craft moored at El Pra, such as corvettes, although they moored some frigates there as well.  The Widge War vets were more accustomed to the bigger, bulkier frigates, destroyers, and heavy cruisers. 

See Battle of the Western Sea, Battle of Kerdal Pass, and the Banishment of Newton; for a display of their ranks, see Edward Scanitni’s Page.  

Captain’s Monument was erected at the eastern end of Lowens Park, New Warrick, in memory of those who fell resisting the Widge invasion. 

Casting or fabrication  The creation of living beings and their Craystones by an Island. 

Central Committee  The name taken by the revolutionaries for the controlling elite in the new rebel government. 

Cern, see Green, Cern

Clintock, Nathaniel came from Andnoh, Irin, the same town as Edward Scantini.  While they were holdalts, a fierce hatred broke out between them.  Arnold, the simple compatriot given to their care met an accidental death – an accident that was a direct result of their battles.  The middle compatriot, Stan, then intervened and resolved the dispute by giving Clintock a choice: he could leave and never return.  He could stay and Stan would lay everything before their Nest Leader.  If he stayed, Stan would depart the Nest, leaving Clintock responsible for their Nest Leader losing two sons in a single day.  Claudius, knowing how their Nest Leader would view all the unfair and cruel things he had done, left. 

During the Widge War, he was responsible for the attack on Albion, and thus for the Banishment of Newton (See Banishment of Newton).  Later turned pirate and became the mentor of Orson Pollman Trotter. 

Continent, the Gaohund often referred to Zamalaysia merely as “The Continent.” 

Coohey See the Battle of Broken Spears. 

Corvette Class Ships are the smaller, more agile fighters in the Captains’ fleet.  Scott Doulettile’s Page displays the main three types. 


Crippendraught Industries was one of the largest industries in New Warrick; its owners were supporters of the Star-Comet Party and mostly residents of Highland Park.  See Star-Comet Party and Highland Park.


Devout, The, was a quasi-religious group that centered philosophically in The Text and physically in the Steeple of New Warrick.  Cern had seen the Devout on the Green Islands.  The Devout Way, Cern has read, once spread like wildfire through the Faeron Republic.  He knew that there were also branches of it within the Western Widge Isles, but the Gaohund Devout claimed a direct inheritance from the Faeron practitioners, and claimed Widge branches to be errant.  They perform sucfh functions in society as overseeing births and funerals and sealing alliances.  They will eventually be known as the Faithful Exiles. 

Structure and Process:

The structure of the Devout was not through any permanent organization, but through a system of deliberation over published works.  Initially, for a written work to carry any weight, a Birther or Griever of a Well must publish it.  Those in agreement with the published work could then sign it, adding significance to the opinion.  Important to note was that in publishing an opinion, the original writer released control of it.  Once published, the author could not recall it, only remove his or her name from it.  The work would only considered dead if all signers had removed their signatures from it.  If any other the signers passed away, then the document became a permanent part of a library of deliberation.  If the number of collected opinions on a monograph grew, a council could be convened specifically to make to make a decision upon the opinion.  It was an intentionally slow process. 


Many of the Devout ideas are practical, often focusing on daily living (see the First Scroll as an example), but guiding these practical approaches was a mystical concept of two opposing forces in nature.  One, Nai Nollopa, was the force behind rising evolution that has pushed all beings upward from primitive creatures to complex animals, and from the animal state to their present state of existence as thinking beings, and with hope will continue to push them upward to something higher in the future.  The other force, Nai Sinoyda, was the force of chaos, the animal drive, and the “imp of the perverse” which drives species back to the animal level and individuals to personal destruction. 

The Devout were also interpreters of dreams.  They believed that there were a multitude of universes, for the most part running parallel to our own.  They believed that as one sleeps, one’s soul migrated to its other bodies in these other universes.  The more sense the dream made, the nearer its universe was to our own.  We carry only fragments of these alternate universes back because they can only be retained in short-term memory; long-term memory, they believed, was physical, while the short-term could be retained in the living soul.  It was important to study the Multiverse for many reasons, not the least of which was prognostication, as some near universes may be ahead of ours in time.  Beliefs about prognostication caused an important schism early in the Devout history.  See Stollian School / Stollian Heresy. 

Diff Tech A manufactory of reality differentials in Troughton, New Warrick.  It was the main source of income for the Alexander Nest. 

Distance Chart – Below was a chart (in miles) listing the distance between major cities of the Waning Isles.  See also the Large Map. 





































Johnson City
























New Warrick






























































Doulettile, Lt.  Scott has big loopy blond curls; strong and well-built; he wants to make a name for himself in the Captains.  He was sometimes too forceful, may sometimes bully.  He was raised in Grackleburg, Longshores, and began his career as an intern as a Captains cadet, Doulettile was a bodyguard to the Griever of the Green Islands.  He led a desperate strike against the Rebel Alliance in the opening of the Rebellion of 10219.  See Scott Doulettile’s Page. 

Drayman, see Holliston; see also Admiral Holliston’s Page

Dregsworth, Abernathy was a crotchety bent over old Gaohund who wore a black cowboy hat with a wide colorful band – large scarlet crosses with green leaves, cobalt blue waves, and stony stars.  A cigarette dangled from his perpetually down turned mouth.  Long gray locks spilled down onto the pastel blues and pink of a flower print shirt.  His nose was large, his skin tanned like old leather, and his eyes had a sleepy look, but out of the dark sleeves of the trench coat, his hands revealed readiness.  His only motivation was greed.  He was an untrustworthy fence dealing with the rebel alliance, a creep, and a murderer.  Demonstrating his character mercenary, he counts the cash in front of the stranded rebels before he will lift a finger to help them. 


East Irin was an island just east of Irin, and a county of Irin.  See Map, Irin & Surrounds, Large Map

East Irin Straits lay between the islands of Irin and East Irin.  Map, Irin & Surrounds

Eastern Islands are islands which lay east of the Green Islands.  They are spread further apart than the Gaohund Archipelago, and are scarcely populated.  The Sou lies directly east of the Gaohund islands, but there were others more distant than the Sou.  Somewhat out of the main stream was Market Island.  Furthest east and most remote was the Hoaten-Hanca pair. 

Edgelands, Edgelander was a term refereeing to the provincial areas.  Likewise, an Edgelander was one that comes from these areas.  Specifically, this refers to the Western Islands, Forestal and The Falls, and the Green Islands. 

El Pra was a large harbor on the west of New Warrick, surrounded by the military barracks, shipyards, etc.  See also Map, New Warrick. 

El Pra Rocks was a peninsula in the southwest corner of New Warrick, just south of El Pra Harbor.  See also Map, New Warrick

Eldar, the, were maternal or paternal, superior beings symbiotic with Gaohund and native to the same lands.  They may be analogous to parents, to angels, or to elementals.  See also tremmenation (fixed and variable).  See also Tzynn (the semi-mythical, dark counterparts of the Eldar). 

(Here are the initial questions that launched the entire creation of the World: In many Sci-Fi stories, humanity must and overcome apparently superior aliens that have taken over Earth, and thus the story proves the value of the human race.  What would happen if they really were superior to us?  What if they learned the calculus as toddlers and lived to be eight hundred?  What would our relationship to them be?  Many Scifi stories also have aliens that appear beneficent at first, but prove to be sinister.  How would we relate to them if they actually were beneficent?) 

Eporuen Retsae was the capital of Toltau lands, the nation of Widge that existed on islands directly to the west of Gaohund lands. 

Estella was one of the largest Gaohund nations on the continent of Zamalaysia before the Great Retreat. 

Ethnic Groups of the Gaohund


Irin, People of



Excursor Craft was any flight craft using the Wellonis Breeze as a means of propulsion.  See Cern Green’s Page

Exile of Newton  See Banishment of Newton and Admiral Holliston’s Page. 

Expulsion, the Great see Retreat, The Great


Fabrication or Casting was creation of living beings and their Craystones by a Island.  

Faeron Language The language of this group, used by Widge and Gaohund Isles beings as the central language of science and literature, analogous to Latin.

Faeron People are the ancient dwellers of the continent.  The continent has open hilly country, with tells, ruins with rubble and sand up to their knees.  This was a founding Republic, analogous to the Roman Empire. 

Faithful Exiles The name taken by the Devout in exile after the rebellion of 10219 when they relocated on the far side of the Beringinold Gap. 

Falls, The, was an island north of Forestal and east of the Middle Islands.  See Map, Middle Islands, Large Map

Farragesh was the only sizable community on Forestal, and closest to the Middle Islands.  See Map, Bedford, and the Map, Middle Islands. 

Fayette was the largest city on the Western Islands, and the only city or town on the western coast of those islands.  It was the site of the first attack in the Widge War.  The Fristal Shipyards are located in this city.  See Map, Western Isles, Large Map. 

Forestal was a large, low-lying island in the east, between the Middle Islands and the Green Islands.  Forestal was set aside for development of natural resources like lumber, clay, and minerals.  See Map, Middle Islands, Large Map. 

Foundation Advisors was one of the three parts of the Gaohund government.  Its role was one of advising and occasionally overruling the Governor’s Council.  Its processes were slow and mirrored the Devout.  See Foundation of the Republic; see also Devout: Structure and Processes.

Foundation of the Republic was the title of the constitution of the Gaohund people.  The early leaders wrote it on Bedford of the Green Islands and signed it in July of 9073.  It established a three-part government, consisting of the Governor’s Council, the Captains, and the Foundation Advisors.  The Governor’s Council was the deliberating and legislative body of the government.  The Foundation Advisors role was one of advising and occasionally overruling the Governor’s Council.  The Captains had a military.   Certain executive functions could be legislated to the Captains for discrete periods during times of crisis.   See also Captains, Foundation Advisors, Governor’s Council, and Hall of Five Hundred Statues. 

Foundation Hall was a small building in Bedford, Green Island, were the Foundation of the Republic was written and signed in July of 9073. 

Fristal Shipyards was by far the largest shipyard in the Waning Isles, and the only one designed for military shipbuilding.  They were located in the city of Fayette, on the island of Kaisen, Western Isles.


Gaohund began as dominant species on the Eastern Continent, called Zamalaysia.  Technological superiority of the Widge, the dominant species of the other two continents, reduced their numbers to a tenth of their original size and drove them to the remote northern islands.  They are omnivores that lean heavily toward vegetarianism.  

Gaohund Genres 











Precious Metal Genres

Hair and skin

Hair was stark blonde

Hair was red or black

Skin was darker; brown or dark tan

Hair was honey brown, russet

Hair was golden or silver

Body type

Tallest, with heavy neck and upper torso; beefy

Tall and thin

Shorter, heavier, stockier

Diminutive, petite


Tend toward domination and control; tend toward brutality

Explorers, adventurous, protective

Gardeners, homebodies, responsible, stable

Useless, mischievous things 


Irk, Commander Holliston

Bernadette, Cern, Scantini

The Noles, Hester Hennah

Elizabeth Sari


Gorjan was a language commonly spoken in the Western Isles.  Gorjania was the most northerly of Gaohund nations existing before the defeat on the continent.  In the names of their islands, the prefix "kai" indicates northern, and the prefix "wel" indicates southern.

Governor’s Council was the main deliberating and legislative body of the Gaohund government.  It met in the Hall of the Five Hundred Statues, in Old Town, New Warrick.  The Foundation of the Republic stipulated that all members of the Governor’s Council would be Tiller. 

The Governor’s Council was divided into three distinct layers.  The general assembly was referred to as “the One Hundred”; a higher level was referred to as “the Twenty-One”; finally there was “The Three”.  There were also three types of Council Members: Senators, Delegates, and Envoys.  The Foundation of the Republic stipulated that only a senator was eligible to be elected a member of the Twenty-One or the three, but tradition had always allowed that the envoy of the Steeple Warder be given a seat there.  Eighty-six members of the One Hundred were elected from their constituent areas; the sixteen others were appointed.  The One Hundred would then elect the members of the Twenty-One.  To see the breakdown of the One Hundred Council Members, see  Administrative Regions & Representatives.  See also Hall of Five Hundred Statues; see also The Foundation of the Republic. 

Grackleburg was he second largest city of the Middle Islands, after Millbrew.  It lies on the south side of the island of Longshores.  See Map, Middle Islands, Large Map. 

Grav-eddies.  While the island harbors have anti-gravitational qualities granted by Eldar artifice, there are some irregularities around the edges.  Around major harbors, “tug” creatures that are sensitive to grav-eddies pull craft in and out. 

Great Ice, the was the name given to the great frozen lands of the pole that faces away from the sun.  See also the Outer Darkness.

Green, Cern was one of those “only two out of a hundred” Gaohund to be born Pilots.  As far as he was concerned, this meant that he was destined to get away and see the world, to have adventures.  After a childhood injury left his arm crippled, however, local authorities decided that Cern should remain on the home isle instead of joining the Pilots’ exodus.  Cern would never forgive them.  His deep desire to leave the Green Islands found outlet in a fascination with excursor craft, and he became an expert in both civilian and military craft.  He could spot, name, and describe any craft that came to Bedford Bay, and became an accomplished excursor craft mechanic.  In the year of the Rebellion, 10219, he found a group of people dedicated to opposing the authorities, the Foundations of the Republic. 
With a sense of contrariness, Cern put down those in his home isle and wanted desperately to move out into the Yonder, but once off the home isle, he was offended that people didn’t accept his
Edgeland ways.  See also Cern Green’s Page. 

Green, Holliston, Admiral known in his retirement years as “The Drayman”, was born in 10155 on the Green Island.  He was commission at the age fifteen, in 10170, and was promoted to command the Venture in 10186, at the age of 31. 

An old Pilot returned to the old home-leaf after years of service elsewhere.  He was a small fellow, head bald on the top and shorn on the sides, the shortness of which exaggerated the size of his bristly moustache.  He drove the dray wagon, and most people simply called him the Drayman.  He was a retired war hero of the Widge War, during which he commanded the Venture.  He was Edward Scantini’s commander during the Battle of the Western Sea.  Scantini first came to his attention with his clear assessment of the situation after they were blown off course (See Scantini), and they became lifelong friends.  During the attack on Albion, June 10195, Commander Holliston was engaged in another theater of operations and thus upon Admiral Newton's removal, Commander Holliston became the highest-ranking officer in the Captains (See Banishment of Newton).  At age 64, The Captains called him back into action during the Rebellion of 10219 in which he was appointed Admiral of the fleet.  See Admiral Holliston’s Page.  See Timeline. 

Green Islands were considered by most Gaohund to be remote, as they were beyond a large, nearly deserted island called Forestal and a wide strait called the Canikam Gap.  Those who lived there, however, saw their position differently: they were the link to civilization for the many isles farther east (See Eastern Islands).  The village of Bedford was the center of culture and commerce for the Green Islands.  The abundance of unspoiled nature and fresh air attracted many summer tourists, who also come to tour Foundation Hall, the building in which the government of the Gaohund people was drafted some three hundred years before.  “Big Island” was a major supply of natural resources.  See Map, Green Islands, Large Map. 

Green, Thomas Haynin was an intellectual and a genius liquid metal engineer.  Thomas Haynin habitually wore a floppy hat with an impractically short bill.  His imitations of stray culture are analogous to romantic concepts of Noble Savage and gang-envy ideal.  His eyebrows had not yet grown beyond the frame of his face.  Behind the round lenses of his spectacles, his eyes were alternately angry and dreamy, his most important characteristics.  He was angry at perceived wrongs, and dreams of a better world.  However, he was not prepared to engage in the bloody revolution that his comrades plan and execute.  He sometimes played Mac Beth to Bernadette’s Lady Mac Beth.  He was fain to catch onto new fads and styles.  History: Thomas was from the Green Islands.  Despite Thomas’s rather romanticized vision of the Exodus, launching off alone in a solitary skiff, in September of 10217, Thomas was booked onto a passenger transit by his Eldar with his admission to the Academy in hand.  See Thomas Haynin Green’s Page. 

Griever, The Clergy Eldar of the Green Islands: Cern seldom saw the Griever, an Eldar who kept himself in his sanctuary, in the upland forest, beneath a tall projection of rock.  A big nose and deep-set, beady eyes marked the long face.  His head was nearly bald of hair, and the technocrown, still a sparkling artifice, protruded directly from his knobby skin.  His body’s ceramic armor barely covered the gnarly neck, but as with the rest of his body’s plating, he kept it polished bright.  He raised his crooked, knotty, long fingers to his mouth and cleared his throat.  Halfway Island exists halfway across the Beringinold Gap. 


Hall of Five Hundred Statues was the seat of government of the Gaohund Republic.  See Governor’s council and Old Town. 

Hams was a fishing village on the south shore of Stanton.  See  Map, Middle Islands

Heeltools Metal blades retractable as a cat’s claw, but in the heel of a Gaohund. 

Hennah, Hester


Highland Park was the Echeloni District of New Warrick, Masters of Industry and Their Politics.  Two generations before Aurelia Alexander, the Alexander’s Nest began constructing certainty differentials and by the next generation, it was one of the most powerful businesses in New Warrick.  Four of the sons married into the Salo Nest, an old money Nest that originally made their fortunes in lumber.  The two Nests eventually controlled much of the tech, lumber, and shipbuilding in Gaohund lands.  The city Echeloni are divided according to the two political parties.  Two allied Nests supported the Foundational party, and a host of smaller Nests supported the Star-Comet party.  The Star-Comet Party was beginning to recall images from pagan ways to support them.  The Star-Comet itself was once considered a god, so now these phrases are applied to the party: giver of light in darkest times; the one that moves when all else was still; the independent, the unrestrained.  Many of the Star-Comet supporters are also engaged with the Norrell Corporation or the Crippen-Draunt Industries.    See Map, New Warrick. 

Holdalt The middle stage of life, between tarvi and Eldar

Holliston, Admiral see Admiral Holliston’s Page see Green, Holliston Admiral


Institute, The was the officer training facility of the Captains.  It was located in Johnson City, Irin.  

Irin, Island of was the largest of the Gaohund Islands.  The island was the native home of the people of Irin (see below).  The Irin people raised sheep and mined coal on higher elevations and the northern slopes of the island.  The Tolden, who settled on the eastern end of the great isle, raised was beef and remained on the lower elevations and southern slopes.  (see Map, Irin & Surrounds; Large Map; Tolden; Irin, People of). 

Irin, People of, lived on the Waning Isles long before the Great Retreat.  They primarily lived on the island of Irin and the nearby islands, Breadstone, East Irin, and the island that was now named New Warrick.  After the settlement forced by the Great Retreat, they continued to live on Breadstone, East Irin, and on the northern slopes of the great island of Irin.  They tended to be tall and thin, wore no jewelry or finery, often carried walking staves and knapsacks, and ate dishes with onions.  They also tended to be reticent and taciturn.  Irin Cuisine: cheeses, heavy crackers or non-sweet breads and cakes, often with seeds and cracked grains; fish, often salted or steaks; poultry soups with vegetables; steamed vegetables roast birds; occasionally beef or mutton.  Sausage or cub ed meats in their vegetable hashes, or in soups of rice and black beans or black-eyed peas.  They love baked and buttered squash. 

Irk see: Trotter, Orson Pollman.  See Orson Trotter’s Page.  See Timeline. 

Islekin were those born of the same isle, whether or not of the same folk.  The Gaohund often called Eldar of the same isle their islekin. 

Itzanalya was a militaristic group that wants to fight the Widge, an unrealistic dream.  They remain a minority faction after the Rebellion. 

Jameson, Bernadette was older than Cern, Thomas, or Scott Doulettile was, almost to the age of final tremmenation.  Her eyebrows had grown long, extending beyond the frame of her face, a physical sign of maturity in their folk.  She was also very tall, with athletic contours and big devil-may-care eyes.  The length of her hair accentuated the length of her body.  The thick rippling tresses of deep dull red like russet or brick hung to the middle of her back.  The red of her lips was a brighter hue, and even her eyebrows were a shade of that color.  Prime Motivation: to become a historical mover; to be at the center; to be seen as the one that righted the wrongs.  People found her fierce, terse, cold, and efficient.  She spoke in short, sharp sentences with an intense glare at the person to whom she was speaking.  Development: Bernadine Dorhn, American terrorist and rebel in the late 60s and early 70s, partly inspired this character.  Bernadette’s Page.  See Timeline. 

Jane of the Faithful Exiles See, Alexander, Jane  

Johnson City was the largest city on the island of Irin.  It thrived on the fishing from the North Banks and trade from the Western Isles.  The city administrated over the refueling station on Halfway Island, which lie in the Beringinold Gap between Irin and the Western Isles.  It was an important hold on that shipping route.  Johnson City was also the site of the Captain’s Institute, their officer’s training school.  Johnson City was divided into two boroughs, Tirin River and Tuhone River. See Irin, Map, Irin & Surrounds, the Large Map, and the Institute. 

Julie (the ethereal) While Admiral Newton was busy dealing with Clintock’s attack on Albion, a young Tiller named Julie, to whom he was devoted, took on final tremmenation after receiving what would otherwise have been a mortal wound.  She became Ethereal Eldar - something greater than faerie but less than goddess.  Not only did she appear and disappear like other Eldar, but she was able to give the sight necessary to end the war, since Clintock’s attacks had forced the Guides to abandon the Captains.  Although able to conclude a victory, it was hollow.  Adm. Newton’s love for Julie and her disappearance made his return personally meaningless, and his reputation was fixed either as a merciless killer or as an impotent commander, unable to direct and control his troops.  The Admiral refused to return to the Gao Republic.  With victory seemingly assured, the Governor’s Council shamefully removed him from power.  He was condemned in absentia to exile, and many of his men went with him. 

Julie’s Eyes This was a small boat, ostensibly Faeron, in which Edward Scantini had many of his adventures. 


Kaisen was the largest of the Western Isles.  On a bay of its northwestern shore, the Western Isles boasted its only real city, Fayette.  Also on a bay, on the opposite side of the island, was a town called Kurzen, which was a coal port.  Dividing the two cities was the northeast-southwest mountain chain; joining the two was a road leading through the Kerdal Pass.  The Widge War was begun when the Widge took Fayette.   It was retaken by the Gaohund only after a pitched battle in the Kerdal Pass in January of 10193; it was the first land battle of the Widge War, and followed closely on the Battle of the Western Sea.  See Western Isles, Map, Western Isles, Large Map, Fayette, Kurzen, Battle of Kerdal Pass, Battle of the Western Sea. 

Kaiwann and its sister island Welwann make up the lower Western Isles, sparsely populated even by the standards of the Western Isles.  They are also much lower in elevation and lie closest to Widge lands.  See Western Isles, Welwann, Large Map

Kaiwitz was the second largest of the Western Isles.  The town of Pine lies on its northeastern shore.  On its southern plain, the Gaohund people halted their flight from the xenocide of the Widge.  Amid the rocks known as The Broken Spears, they inflicted such a bite into the marauding Widge that they were left alone on the Waning Isles for two hundred years.  See Western Isles, Battle of the Broken Spears, Pine, Map, Western Isles, Large Map

Kannad was a fishing town on the easternmost point of Stanton, the largest of the Middle Islands.  See Map, Middle Islands

Kershaw, Daniel, and the and the Capsplitter Platoon cleared the Waning Isles of stoudines, a dangerous animal of the same class as Widge.  The Capsplitter platoon was named for its tendency to use hand-to-claw combat to engage the stoudines, often with a long-bladed knife. 

Kershaw Knife was the blade used by David Kershaw and displayed in the Hall of Five Hundred Statues until it was looted during the Rebellion of 10219.  Also this term was used to refer to a knife made in the same fashion, a stout handle with a blade eight and a half inches long and curved to the side in its last three inches.

Kershaw Nest was one of the largest on Irin, which existed on the north side of Irin for centuries before the Great Retreat.  Their castle lay on the Kershaw River, a branch of the Kerkik.  The nest controlled virtually all of central Irin, with their population densest in the Kerkik Lowlands, but with many ranches and pasturages, spread over the highlands to its west, south, and east.   Because of the danger presented by stoudines, the southern slopes remained uninhabited until the Great Retreat (see Kershaw, Daniel).   The chief rivals of the Kershaw were Irin of the Johnson Nest, who lived on Tirin Bay just over the highlands, and their allies in the Irin River Valley. 

Kerensky Government was a temporary government set up legitimately after the Eldar withdrew and overthrown by the Central Committee. 

Kerensky, Lloyd, was the leader of the majority party that made up the Rebel Alliance.  In spite of their majority, however, they lost control to the Central Committee shortly after creating a government.  

Kerral was a small city on the Kerkik River, on the Kerkik Lowlands on the north side of Irin; see Map, Irin & Surrounds

Kolhni were a Widge people.  The Kolhni have a secret artifice: the quick rising craft.  It was an artifice envied by militaries of the other folk, but kept secret because it was a necessity to the Kolhni keeping a monopoly on the fish trade, necessary to feed the skorrah.  The Kolhni are great fishers and cruise the Great Ocean Beneath in small, hardy craft like The Hueron, The Chip and The Smoky Gomer.  Long Nails on Kolhni

Kongry Haunts see Shipping District

Kornell, Professor, was a doctor of sociology at Breston Academy. 

Kurzen was the only major city on the east side of the Western Isles.  Holliston landed near there after the Battle of the Western Seas and just before the Battle of Kerdal Pass.  See Map, Western Isles

Last Names are determined by the Well from which the individual was born.  Persons with the same last name all belong to the same nest.  Cern, Thomas, and Holliston have the same last name of Green since they were all born of the Green Island Well.  See Well, Nest

Leek Creature The Leek-tree releases a small, free-roaming creature called a “leek” that carries the gamete-DNA sequence to a new leek tree, which traps it in the same chamber as the food. 

Leek musk was the enzyme and pheromone-rich substance that the Leek used to identify the Leek Creature and which kept the creature from being consumed.  It was used by the Rebels to enable Leek experiences. 

Leek Tree The Leek tree was a carnivorous, rooted invertebrate disguised as a tree.  The creature shoots darts from its branches at the prey, injecting it with a drug that makes it crawl to a fleshy, subterranean chamber where the creature digests it.  The victim’s step upon the creature’s roots will trigger the darts. 

Longshores Map, Middle Islands, Large Map

Loop, the      See “Philosophy of the Loop”

Lowens Park was the largest park in New Warrick.  In a slight depression between Old Town and Breston Academy (See Map, New Warrick), the park was thickly planted with deciduous trees.  In the spring, the trees were covered with tiny sprays of white flowers, giving the park a fairylike appearance.  Their dark, thin, wet-looking branches reached up through translucent cottony crowns like giant dandelions gone to seed.  The Devout could often be seen there, arranging themselves in formation, lines and rows, performing slow, regular movements in unison. The Captains' Memorial stands just at the edge of Lowens Park.  During the Revolution of 10219, the Rebels ripped out the trees and them replaced with Leek. 


Middle Islands Map, Middle Islands,   Large Map  The Middle Isles carry the densest population of the Gaohund people, as well as the being the most industrial.  Loyalties and cultural similarities in the Middle Isles tend not to be consistent across islands, but rather the people living in cities and towns along the Sound, who are agricultural and agri-business, associate with each other and look down on Stannout, Scotz, Kannad, and Hams, which are full of fisherfolk.  (South Shores was a more recent settlement, and consists of summer homes for many of the richer Sounders.)  In winter, residents of the Sound have been known to take sleds across the ice.   Sounds Cuisine: pasta and or vegetables with cream sauces, flavored with celery or other herbs; fish and shellfish

Millbrew Map, Middle Islands, Large Map

Mindstroke The mental connection achieved between an Eldar and its Gaohund. 

Moore, Sylvia had short narrow fingers that always seemed to point upward; narrow distrustful eyes sunk in darkness, yet the golden irises glowed.  Development: She was a Kolhni trader and foreteller working with the Nole Nest that helps Cern in his search for the relic ship.  A tall thin Widge with long neck, and fingers; on her bald crown a tiny fez sat framed by long wisps from his encircling ring of hair and from his eyebrows; he dresses in a long robe.  Sylvia Moore agrees to help Cern because the Kohlni don’t want to see the power structure change: they don’t want to see the Toltau dominate the Gaohund Isles.  Without the Widge to balance them, life would be terrible for them.    The minor character Sly More in Attack of the Clones originally inspired this character, before she was Widge. 


Nai Nollopa and Nai Sinoyda, are the two forces of nature according to the Devout.  Nai Nollopa was the force behind rising evolution, pushing thinking beings upward from the animal level to their present state of existence, to something higher in the future.  Nai Sinoyda was the force of chaos, which draws thinking beings back toward the animal level.  See Devout.  

Nast, The was a tangled, inner, jungle-like area of Zamalasia, the Nast was home to filthy savages called Primevals.  The Nature Cults worship the Nast as the first product of the creative energy.  The extremely young leaf-isles there produce prodigiously but erratically – not producing a steady and constant folk like mature leaf-isles.  The folk of the Nast are also living in darkness, in the shadows of vegetative life. 

Nest a group of Gaohund formed around a Well. 

New Warrick was the primate city of the Waning Isles (a primate city was one that was so comparatively large  that it dominates the country was economy, culture, etc.  See Map, New Warrick, Map, Irin & Surrounds, Map, Middle Islands, Large Map

History of New Warrick


The Steeple and its courts existed from ancient times.  No one was certain of its origin, but the Gorjan of the Western Isles controlled it.  Thousands made their pilgrimages to the Steeple from the Gaohund nations on the continent of Zamalaysia. 

After the Great Retreat (9071), New Warrick grew to be the Gaohund primate city because of its location.  Originally a market for agriculture and lumber, New Warrick’s downwind position with prevailing winds promised cheap transport of these raw materials - since the inbound journey was but a glide, producers of raw materials burned through no Wellonis Plates with their heavy loads.  During this period, the Boroughs of Troughton and the Shipping District thrived.  Troughton was the center of New Warrick Life.  Older residents removed inland, to Old Town, hence its name.  Troughton was populated by new immigrants, often with entire new nests springing up around emergent wells.  The powerful Alexander Nest was founded during this period, originally a nest of the fowling trade, it rose quickly under the management of Aurelia Alexander and the Seven Alexander Compatriots, who established an industry of reality differential production.  Their economic power resulted in their control of the Party of the Republic. 

Additional nests created additional corporate entities, notably Crippendraught Manufacture and shipping firms.  These nests, although individually smaller than Alexander Nest, eventually created a challenge to their authority on New Warrick through alliance and the formation of the Star Comet Party.  These new nests were located in Highland Park.  Only the Salo Nest remained in steady alliance with the Alexanders, although some of smaller nests of Old Town could be courted by either Troughton or Highland Park. 

Boroughs of New Warrick


Each part of the Eight Boroughs of New Warrick has a character, a style of architecture, and a symbol or symbolism.  Only Highland Park tries to do away with symbolism.  Each section has an identifying pair of colors. See articles on the various boroughs and parts of New Warrick:

Breston Academy

El Pra Military Base

Highland Park

Old Town


Shipping District

Steeple and its Courts, The


The following articles are also related to New Warrick:



Alexander Nest, The

Colstye Park 

Crippendraught Manufacture

El Pra Rocks

Hall of Five Hundred Statues

Lowens Park

Norrell Corporation


Newton, Admiral, was the commander of the Captains during the Widge War.  See Banishment of Newton. 

Norrell Corporation was one of the largest industries in New Warrick; its owners were supporters of the Star-Comet Party. 

North Banks Large Map


Old Town was originally a place that Primevals were moved to, to keep them away from the Shipping District.  It eventually became the seat of power.  The Hall of Five Hundred Statues was there.  Map, New Warrick

Ormund, Dr, educative administrator and sociologist employed by the Captains.  She was overweight, continually pushing black spectacles back up her nose. 

Outer Darkness, the The Widge planet was set on its axis so that it had a sunward pole and a starward pole.  The Outer Darkness referred to the great, unoccupied zone toward the starward pole.  Folktale would have it occupied by Tzynn, dark counterparts of the Eldar.  Rumor has it that Nathaniel Clintock voyaged there with his crew of pirates after the Exile of Newton. 

Palm Positions were traditional vestiges of an age when sign language had been important among the Gaohund.  The Rebels, of course, laughs at all of this tradition. 


Horizontal, fingers entwined – unity; we are together

Vertical, tip to tip – we fight together

Facing out – I go to do the task

Facing self – I take it to myself

Upward – I will accept the majority opinion/decision; I resign to authority. 


Party of the Gaohund Republic One of the two principal parties of the Gaohund.  Generally, they support strong defense, the upholding of the Foundationals, and the separation of Gaohund from Widge societies.  The other main party of the Gaohund was the Party of the Star Comet. 

Pendon was a town in central Irin.  Ethnically, it consists of both Irin and Tondel.  See Tondel; Irin, island of; Irin, People of.

Philosophy of the Loop “Life was not a strait line – the high must return to the low; civilization must return to the primitive.”  Early in the novel, this was expressed as a newly discovered law of nature; later as an ideology that the committed must make happen. 

Pilot The larger and more robust genre of Gaohund

Pine (Town of) was a coal port on the northeastern shore of Kaiwitz, the second largest of the Western Isles.  See Western Isles, Kaiwitz, Map, Western Isles

Pirate-Chasers The younger generation of Captains, who are assigned the mission described in their name.  They are stationed primarily in El Pra, New Warrick, with smaller faster ships than those of the Veterans, typically stationed in the Fristal Shipyards, Fayette. 

Pirini was a city of the Tondel ethnic group.  The city lies on Pirini Bay, in east Irin.  

Pirini Bay was inlet lying furthest east on the island of Irin. 

Pogs was the nickname of the Party of the Gaohund Republic

Praisors are somewhat mysterious creatures that continually fly around the Steeple with golden, almost transparent wings.  There was some debate as to whether they are among the thinking beings.  Of late, those wishing to include them had subdued their arguments, as this was also the position taken by Devout. 

Primevals Savage-living Gaohund of the continent, remnants of the once-native population there.  The Primevals still use inflatable craft.  The Primevals hunt the wabaz, a shark-like creature that cruises the murk-aer.  The hunter must maneuver his narrow outrigger through the aerweed clogged narrows, spear at the ready. 


Quinns was a town of the Middle Island Sound, on the island of Longshores.  See Map, Middle Islands.

Rebel Alliance, the existed between the rebels and the Toltau

Rebellion of 10219 was essentially a war against the hegemony of Captains, the Devout, and the Eldar.  For the rebels, the Captains represented xenophobia and isolationism, but more importantly, since the rebels could not hope for anything but the weakest influence through legitimate methods, the Captains stood as the Rebels’ largest obstacle.  To the Captains, the rebels were a threat to stability, as they demanded removal of the Eldar, and a threat to the very existence of the Gaohund specie, as instability was an invitation for reinvasion of the Western Widge Isles powers. 

Before the outbreak of hostilities, the rebels operated in and around Breston Academy as a semi-legitimate organization pushing certain political and societal reforms.  They remained disorganized and ineffective until Bernadette Jameson, a flamboyant and charismatic leader, fell in with Orson Pollman Trotter, the exiled pirate and former putsch leader. 

Their internal activities sparked the conflict.  Suspecting a stooge in their midst, they murdered a young student.  When Trotter was arrested, rioting broke out on campus.  With intelligence that a large number of the Captains were on shore leave, other members of the rebel inner circle murdered guards at the military port, captured numerous vessels and used them to attack the vessels still manned by the Captains’ Corp.  

Kerensky Government was a temporary government set up legitimately after the Eldar withdrew and overthrown by the Central Committee. 

The Rebels removed the One Hundred from New Warrick to house arrest on East Irin.  Later that autumn, after the Central Committee seized power, the One Hundred were removed again, ostensibly to seclusion on Breadstone Island; however, they were murdered there and buried in a mass grave. 

Replacement of the trees of Lowens Park brought the return of the envoy from the Warder of the Steeple’s Sanctuary.  He had left the government after he was refused a seat on the Twenty-One by the Kerensky Government.  He was murdered on the deliberating floor. 

Murder of Devouts and their ostracizing on the Sound Island encampments, East Babblestone, and the notorious camps on Scotz Islands. 


Reds A stray gang

Regula Corleonis Frigate of the Republic during the Rebellion of 10219. 

The Retreat, or the Great Retreat from the continent was neither orderly nor unified.  Those that fled north were cut off from the main conflict – many wished to be there.  Others were residents of the coastal nations – warriors and nests from the northern interior and merchants and sailors fleeing warmer waters. 

After the expulsion from the continent, the Gaohund began to speak Widge.  Not enough of them knew each other’s languages when they were pushed off the continent, but almost all of them spoke Widge.  Pushed to the treeline by the planet’s new dominant specie, the Gaohund lived with their symbiont Eldar almost in darkness.    

See also: The Smith-Hadden, The Battle of Broken Spears, Map, Western Isles, or Large Map. 


Salo was a borough of New Warrick occupying that island’s southeast corner.  Its neighbors were Troughton to the west and Old Town and Breston Academy to the north.  Salo was a common area for students’ residences, often above the shops and shopkeepers’ residences.  

Sanctuary Buildings that are the homes and quasi-temples of Birthers and Grievers within Gaohund Nests. 

Sari, Elizabeth was petite, even diminutive.  Precise little china-doll features marked her face.  Her hair was very blonde, straight, and held up behind her in a ponytail.  She was a precious-metal Gaohund.  Sari was the fourth rebel, a shy but adept thief of rare books and other antiques.  She finances much of the Central Committee’s activities this way.  She was untrustworthy, finding pleasure in creating trouble for others.  Later, they suspect her of collusion with Ricky Alexander, and Bernadette murders her. 

Scantini, Cmdr Edward was the town’s librarian, a tall, knobby, skinny fellow.  He walked with his head bent slightly forward, and his huge bushy eyebrows curved away from his face like longhorns.  He was a deep scholar, having attended the Academy many years ago.  He continued his studies in semi-retirement while running the Bedford Village Library.  Cern Green studied and worked there under his eye, where Cern seldom tried to get away with anything.  In addition, Major Lieutenant Edward Scantini was one of the leading commanders of the Widge War. 

Scantini was born in Andnoh on Irin in 10170, and spent his boyhood there before going to common school in Johnson City as a youth.  He was commissioned into the Captains in 10186 and rose to the rank of lieutenant as a navigator the year before the opening of the Widge War, 10192. 

XXXX His section-leader, the ship’s main navigator, was killed in the first real fighting of the war, the nighttime Battle of the Western Sea.  Confusion during the combat ended with their ship being separated from the flotilla and on an unknown coast. 

XXXX His Commander, Holliston Green, thought to rejoin the flotilla as soon as possible.  “It was our duty to support them,” he said. 

XXXX “Bother finding them and supporting them,” the young Scantini said. 

XXXX “What?” 

XXXX “We are on western Kaisen, and it was undefended.  My advice would be to contact the flotilla and tell them that you have taken the island’s west coast with a minimum of casualties and can hold it if we can secure Kerdal Pass.  The Widge should try to move into that pass as soon as they discover we’re here.  If I take the bulk of our troops to the pass; you can defend the coast with the battleship until the flotilla arrives.” 

XXXX Commander Holliston looked at him stunned only for a moment, then promoted him to lieutenant commander and ordered him to the pass. 

Before the war was over, he owed a life-debt to one of the Widge Guides of Albion, of the Nest of Bloomkeeper.  After the war, the Guides were unable to return home since many Widge, even those that abhorred the Regime, came to see the Guides only as traitors.  Even the softshells (there was one in the Alexander Nest) turned to scorn them.  Although under the exile of Newton, Edward Scantini came to plead for his friend’s amnesty in the Hall of Five Hundred Statues in New Warrick.  Admiral Holliston, the senior commander that chose not to go into exile, vouched for him.  He received not only amnesty for Bloomkeeper, but also received permission to return himself, and remained banished only from the Isle of New Warrick.  Aurelia Alexander gave this decree.  He was recalled to duty during the Rebellion of 10219 and became Commander of the Regula Corleonis during the Rebellion of 10219.  

See Timeline.    See Edward Scantini’s Page .  

Scotz was a small town on the north shore of Longshores, the second largest of the Middle Islands.  Just offshore were the Scotz Islands.  See Middle Islands.  See Map, Middle Islands.   

Scrubbles Kids’ name for the Tzynn, dwellers of the undersides of some islands, goblin-like, scuttling little critters.  See Tzynn.

Seldah Map, Middle Islands

Shipping District  was one of the major boroughs of New Warrick.  The main approach brought the craft to the concave cliffs used as a bay.  As Cern overflew the harbor, he saw the great cyborg beasts tow ships in and out of harbor.  Pilots help maneuver the craft around grav-eddies,  Spangled with air moss  A few of the lower wharves and docks used pulled and open air elevators to bring their wares to the surface, but most had tunnels that reached to their warehouses in the shipping district.  Legends told of the extent of these underground passages; their lengths may not have been exaggerated, Cern mused, but surely their darker aspect were – stories of Thutkari survivors working in caverns, exchanging the product of their labor through titanium bars for food and other necessities.  And the stories of the Kongry Haunts, teeming with dark gatherings of the long dead cult of the Tree that focused on the physical – the body, wounds, blood and other bodily fluids, violence, birth and death, and sacrifices. 

Silver Spheres  Pilots, both Steel and Titanium, use Silver Spheres to operate excursor craft. 

Skorrah A dark hawk with a tail of flame, ridden in early times for transportation.  The various folk might have used the skorrah more commonly if it wasn’t a voracious piscavore. 

Slow Pistol  Jane Alexander’s Page

Smith-Hadden was by far the largest of ships in the great retreat.  It carried the only survivors from the interior of the Gaohund nation on Zamalaysia.  It launched, in fact, from just outside the capital of Burturk.  While overflying the Widge encirclement, the Smith-Hadden, a luxury ship now carrying six thousand refugees, was shot down.  It landed upon Welwitz, in the Western Isles.  The refugees were able to disembark, but the fire that consumed the ship also destroyed food and supplies.  It was, in part, the arrival of these additional refugees that induced Cooey to turn and fight at the Battle of the Broken Spears.  Its wreck still stands, and has been designated a national monument. 

See Also The Retreat, The Battle of the Broken Spears.  For its location, see Map, Western Isles, or Large Map. 

Softshells    See Widge

Somlesk, a remote island far from Gaohund lands, offering snow sports and tours to the iceberg islands. 

Sound Islands make up a small archipelago in the mouth of Tone Bay, Stanton, the Middle Islands.  See Middle Islands.  See Map, Middle Islands

Sound, The Map, Middle Islands

South Shores Map, Middle Islands


Spark, The was the name of the underground newspaper of the rebellion.

Sphere, Stony, Silver, or Golden See Craystone

Spruce, Commander Raymond leads the Exploit.  Raymond Spruance of the Enterprise inspired this character. 

Stanton was the largest and highest of the Middle Isles.  It has the best harbor of the Middle Islands by far, Tone Bay.  See Map, Middle Islands, Large Map

Star Comet An unusual sky phenomena, something like a comet in having a long tail, but unlike it in its unpredictability of appearance.  It was once an object of worship and was considered even in later days a symbol of chaos and randomness. 

Star Comet, Party of the One of the two principal parties of the Gaohund.  They tend to believe in fixed tremmenation rather than the Foundational concept of variable tremmenation.  Currently, they attempt to reduce the Captains’ power and expand diversity, but some of this was in penitence for their rule during the Widge War, during which they unjustly imprisoned many Western Gaohund and urged the Captains forward.  The other main political group of the Gaohund was the Party of the Republic. 

Steeple, the, was either a tower or natural pinnacle on the eastern height of New Warrick.  Around this was built an ancient shrine and gardens.  By law, the Shrine was allowed a single representative in the One Hundred, but it held a much stronger influence that this. 

Its Physical Structure was easy to describe, but opinions differed hotly as to its origin.  Obviously, it was ancient.  Even the sanctuary complex built at its foot was created in the distant past.  The Steeple itself was a seven-sided pinnacle with a flat surface at its top.  The entire structure stood nearly seven thousand feet high.  Although set on a low hill of rock, the edifice appeared thrust suddenly out of the ground.  The upper thousand feet of the structure exuded a glow, commonly referred to as the “glory”, which would have made street lighting on New Warrick redundant.  The glory or the structure itself attracted mysterious creatures called Praisors, which were seldom seen anywhere else on the planet of Twilight. 

The Steeple Courts surrounded the actual edifice with an inner and outer wall.  Both walls formed heptagons, echoing the structure itself.  Within the inner wall was an ornamental garden, and it was here that Devout on pilgrimages would meditate.  Between the inner and outer walls were the east and west arbors, and the sanctuary.  The sanctuary consisted of six buildings: the library, the men’s dorm, the women’s dorm, the kitchens, the root cellars and green house, and the sepulcher.  The sepulcher was the opening to the tomb complex below, where the monks of the sanctuary were interred. The inner wall had but one entrance.  The outer wall had three: the Ryan Street Gate, the James Street Gate, and the Main Gate, on Easter Avenue.  See Map, New Warrick. 

History Political and Devout Significance

Since ancient times, the Gorjan of the Western Isles controlled the sanctuary, and that language remained the tongue of the monks of the sanctuary even after the Great Retreat populated the Waning Isles.  Long before the Gaohund’s defeat on the continent, the Faithful journeyed to the Steeple to mediate, to visit the library, and to see the Praisors, with their golden, almost transparent wings, circle the Steeple, flying and singing around its heights.  Then, the Faithful would leave alms with the monks there and return to their homes in Zamalaysia. 

When the Foundation of the Republic was signed in July of 09073, the Warder of the Steeple was authorized to send one Council Member to the Assembly.  By tradition, the Council Member, although only an envoy, was allowed in the Twenty-One, the inner circle of the Gaohund deliberating body.   This envoy was denied that seat by the Kerensky Government, a provisional government set up after the Rebellion of 10219.  After his assassination later that year by the Central Committee after he spoke out against the Leek Trees in Lowens Park.  His assassination opened the way for the committal of Devout to interment camps. 

See also the Devout, the Rebellion of 10219. 

Stollian Heresy and the Stollian School made a mark in early Devout history, and thus left a lasting influence.  The Stollians focused on the casting of lots, the sorting of thorns or short sticks, or looked to other points where seemingly random events met human action.  Stollian practitioners used these points as a means of divination, meditation, and psychological insight.  Councils eventually condemned all of these practices (See Devout, Structure of). 

A similar practice, the interpretation of nature events, survived the council without being condemned, but as it was also a part of the Stollian School, was only tolerated, and many viewed it as heretical, even if no council had passed judgment on it. 

Stout was one of the three large cities of the Middle Islands.  It was on the Sound shore of Brick Island.  See Brick Island, Map, Middle Islands, Large Map. 

Strays Gaohund term for another Gaohund that was unattached to an Eldar. 

Sugar Island was the closest of the Toltau Islands

Sun’s Anvil was the great desert covering a large area of the Planet Twilight.  It covers the pole that faces the sun and up to about 45 degrees.  It was a volcanically active area. 


Taldon was a small city on the northeast of Irin.  The Tondel people, who continue to use that language, settled it.  Taldon was a center for surrounding sheep and cattle ranches.   Taldon processes wool, leather, and beef.  Map, Irin & Surrounds

Tarvi The immature form of life, before first tremmenation. 

Tauser, Tauser-spells  Tausers are pipe-like devices that Tiller put in their mouths and blow gently, causing a low luminescence from its end and the subdued sound of tiny wheels whirling.  When the tauser was lost, a Gaohund has two choices.  One was to not remove the Craystone, except during sleeping and bathing, which was normal.  Choosing this, the Craystone begins to consume the flesh, slowing reducing, feeding on the body.  Sleeping longer may retard the rate.  The other option was to set the Craystone aside completely, allowing it to drop into a deep hibernation.  There are drawbacks to his, however: the body becomes brutish, hairy, and eventually forgetful of the Craystone.  Thomas Haynin’s Page

Tennally was one of the Green Islands.  See Map, Green Islands. 

Text of the Devout, The  The ethical and philosophical core of the Devout.  See the First Scroll as an example.  

Thutkari An extinct folk. 

Tiller The gracile genre of Gaohund.  See Gaohund: Genres






Orson Pullman Trotter “Irk”

Rebel Youth

Loyal Youth



Battle of Broken Spears








The Foundation was Signed in Bedford








New Warrick becomes capital;  The Hall of Five Hundred Statues Founded









Birth of Holliston Green








Commissioned at age 15

Birth of Edward Scantini







Promotion to Command the Venture, age 31

Scantini was Commissioned age 16

Birth of “Irk”






Age 36

Promotion to Lt.; Assigned to the Venture, age 21

Age 5





Western Widge attack

Age 36

Age 22

Age 6





Battle of the Western Sea

Age 37

Age 23

Age 7





Battle of Kerdal Pass

Age 37

Promotion to Lt. Commander

Age 7





Attack on Albion

Age 40

Begins working with Bloomkeeper Age 25

Age 9

Birth of Bernadette Jameson




Banishment of Newton

Promoted to Admiral, Age 40

Age 25

Age 9

Age 2 months





Age 41

Appearance in the Hall of 500 Statues, age 26

Age 10

Age 1





Age 44

Age 29

Age 13

Birth of Thomas Haynin Green

Bernadette was 4

Birth of Scott Doulettile




Age 46

Age 31

Age 15

Bernadette was 6

Thomas was 2

Age 3




Retirement from the Captains, age 48

Age 33 Promoted to Commander

Age 17

Bernadette was 8

Thomas was 4

Age 5

Recovery of Cern from Faeron Craft


Trotter’s Putsch

Age 55

Age 40 Retires

Trotter’s Putsch

Age 24

Bernadette was 15

Thomas was 11

Scott was 11

Cern was 7

The Rebellion of 10219

The Rebellion

Recalled to active duty with promotion to Grand Admiral

Age 64

Recalled to active duty, Age 49

Irk was 33

Thomas was 20

Bernadette was 24

Scott was 20

Cern was 16





Orson Pullman Trotter “Irk”

Rebel Youth

Loyal Youth




Tirin Bay was a large, deep, and narrow bay on the northeast island of Irin.  Johnson City was located on this bay.  See Map, Irin & Surrounds

Toltau was a Widge nation just to the west of the Gaohund lands.  The capital was Eporuen Retsae. 

Tondel Bay was a large, narrow bay on the southeast corner of the island of Irin.  Tondel City was located on this bay.  Map, Irin & Surrounds

Tondel City was the second largest city on the island of Irin.  The city of Tondel was named after the people of Tondel, an ethnic group of the same name.  It was the largest by far of the "ethnic areas" settled after the great expulsion from the continent.  Outside of the Western Isle, it was the only area larger than a town s that speaks a language other than Widge. The economy of the city was exporting goods out of Tondel Bay to the Middle Isles.  See Map, Irin & Surrounds, Large Map. 

Tondel People, the are the ethnic people that settled eastern Irin. 

Tondel nation was a nation of Gaohund on the Zamalaysia continent before the Great Retreat. 

Tremmenation was the metamorphosis.  There are at least two metamorphoses.  The first changes a being from the tarvi, or immature form, into its Holdalt form.  The second was referred to as final tremmenation, and sometimes does not happen at all.  There are two theories concerning final tremmenation: 

Variable tremmenation

Variable Tremmenation was the concept that a being’s character determines the form achieved during final metamorphosis. 

Fixed tremmenation

Fixed tremmenation indicates a belief that the form was predetermined.  The concept of fixed tremmenation can be detailed as follows: Ethereal Eldar draw from the Praisors of the aer.  Earth Eldar draw from Gaohund of the sunny leaf-isles.  Boreal Eldar draw from the Toltau of the cold isles.  Shoreline Eldar draw from the Widge of the base-isles.  Ocean Eldar draw from the Mervelle of the Great Ocean Beneath.  Tzynn are the semi-mythical, dark counterparts of the Eldar, and reside in the Outer Darkness  Tremmenation was another word created by my children, which I had in my word-hoard long before I discovered the meaning. 

Trotter, Orson Pollman, “Irk” was the exiled leader of a putsch in the late 10100’s.  (See Orson Trotter’s Page.)  Fleeing government troops after its failure, Nathaniel Clintock rescued him; Trotter assisted this pirate in his crimes until the Revolt of 10219.  He was a huge titanium-fabricated Pilot, violent, with an urge to lead and control.  His ship was The Damage Done.  He was raised by a Devout nest and rebelled against them, but can quote the Text of the Devout.  Development: Mashing Trotsky with “trotter” (a la Animal Farm) inspired the name.  The middle name results from the fact that Trotsky rode a Pullman car about Russia. 

Troughton had once been the high-life of New Warrick.  (See Map, New Warrick.)  Remnants of great houses and ritzy hotels still punctuated its now dark streets.  Its normally narrow streets are broken seldom, most notably by Colstye Park.  Cage elevators, grave-like statuary, steam.  When Ricky set him up in an old apartment building, Cern wondered if it was dead.  No one had lived there for a long time, that was certain, but buildings were like trees, they could live a long time and most of them were dead wood anyway.  Troughton broke off from New Warrick ages ago, and was held in place by alloy girders.  Bridges carry foot-traffic across the breach.  Within the breach are many wires collecting Wellonis energy.  Kurtzweil’s Alley – yellowish pools The Struckhold Building – circular, red brick with limestone trim and a frieze around the top

The Twenty One See The Governor’s Council

Twilight was the name most often given to their planet by off-worlders.  The planet lies on its side, one pole perpetually facing their sun; the other pole, deep space.  Life throve only in the equatorial band, the majority of settlements just starward of the equator, in the twilight between the volcanically active deserts of the Sun’s Anvil and the Great Ice. 

Tzynn Dark counterparts of the Eldar rumored in folklore to occupy the Outer Darkness and even to creep into the daylight side, traveling by night and resting during the day in the shadow of island’s Sogrom Darkside. 

Umma the Skirth

Veterans are the older generation of Captains, i.e., The Widge War Veterans.  They are primarily stationed in the Fristal Shipyards, in Fayette.  See Captains, Pirate-Chasers, Fayette. 


Waning Isles lay north of the continent Zamalaysia, and were the main home of the Gaohund people after the Widge pushed them off that continent.  The waning isles were farther north than any inhabited islands.  Few inhabitants of either Widge or Gaohund ever lived north of the equator, for their peculiar planet lay on its axis, with one pole perpetually facing their sun and one pole facing deep space.  A tilt of this axis provided equatorial regions, such as the waning isles with a day and a night. 

Waning Isles, Administration of the Waning Isles divided it into twenty-six regions.  The six most populated regions were designated provinces, and were thus entitled to send a senator to the One Hundred.  Four of the regions, being less populated, were labeled Districts, and were entitle to sent delegates.  Sixteen of the districts, however, were so sparsely populated that they were designated a ward of another region.  Below was the breakdown of regions and the representation that they received. 

43 Senators

(elected by a province, a municipality, or a borough)

A Province was recognized as an area that held within its borders a recognized municipality.  Each elected 5 senators, a total of 30 Council Members. 

Western Isles





New Warrick

Municipalities and Boroughs would be entitled to elect one senator.  Municipalities and Boroughs elected 13 Council Members. 

Fayette Proper

Fristal Shipyards (Fayette)

Tirin River (J. City)

Tuhone River (J. City)




Stout (Brick)

Highland Park (New Warrick)

Old Town (New Warrick)

Salo (New Warrick)

Shipping District (New Warrick)

Troughton (New Warrick)



(elected by a district or an abode-and-depot)

Districts would not have a recognized municipality within its borders, but each had at least one recognized Abode and Depot.  Each province elected one delegate to the general assembly, a total of 4 Council Members. 

Green Island



The Eastern Islands

An Abode and Depot was a lesser settlement than a municipality, but one that still held an important economic connection, such as a rail depot or an important harbor.  Each Abode and Depot elected one delegate to the General council, for a total of 23 Council Members. 







Western Islands: Pine













South Shores



Lord Gayle



Green Island:


Eastern Islands:

The Sou

Market Island

30 Envoys

(elected by a territory or appointed by one of the other three groups). 

Wards had neither a recognized municipality nor an abode and depot.  They were attached to a state or province as a dependency.  The warders sent envoys - 16 Council Members. 

Fox Islands (Longshores)

The Falls (Brick)

Babblestone (Stanton)

Sound Islands (Stanton)

Breadstone (Irin)

East Irin (Irin)

Welwann (WI)

Kaiwann  (WI)

Welwitz  (WI)

Wokkenwieser (WI)

Big Island (Green Island)

McDonnell (Green Island)

West Island (Green Island)

Engading (Eastern Islands)

Munasing (Eastern Islands)

Hoaten-Hanca (Eastern Islands)

The Warder of the Steeple sent 1 Council Member to the Assembly

Administrators of Economic Zones, who were appointed by the Twenty-One, sent envoys to the One Hundred.  They are not part of a region’s tally, and were in fact seen as interlopers. 

Fishing Zones

Mineral Zones

Forest Zone

North Banks

Longshore Shallows

Zamal Shoals

Coal Zone of Irin

Coal Zone of Kaiwitz

Coal Zone of Kaisen

Mineral Zone of Zamalaysia

Forestal and the Falls

The Captains sent 5 Council Members. 

The Institute at Johnson City

El Pra

The Three Fleets


Recapitulation (checksum)

Provinces (68)

Districts (18)

Other (14)

Irin (15)

8 Senators

5 Reps

2 Envoys

Western Isles (13)

7 Senators

2 Reps

4 Envoys

Longshores (11)

6 Senators

2 Reps

3 Envoys

Stanton (12)

6 Senators

5 Reps

1 Ward

New Warrick

10 Senators

Brick (7)

6 Senators

1 Rep

Eastern Islands (6)

3 Reps

3 Envoys


5 Reps


Green Island (5)

2 Reps

3 Envoys


2 Reps


Ward of the Steeple (1)

Economic Zones (8)

The Captains (5)


Weather of the Planet Twilight was dominated by its unusual axis, with one pole perpetually facing the sun and the other facing deep space.  The air was heated over the pole facing the sun, a great desert called The Sun’s Anvil.  The heated air rises and travels towards the starward pole, where it cools and falls over the Great Ice, which covers that pole. The dominant air currents at the surface, therefore, are cool winds traveling sunward.  

Wellonis a particle stream emanating from the ocean that was used to power excursor craft. 

Wellonis Lines Cern Green’s Page

Wellonis Plates are nine inches long and placed one inch apart. 

Wellwann was one of the Western Isles, and the Gaohund island closest to the continent.  See Large Map. 

Welwitz was one of the Western Isles, between Kaiwitz and Kaiwann.  See Map, Western Isles, Large Map.  

Western Isles carry the least dense population of the Gaohund people, and this was one reason their habits and ways seem strange to the rest of Gaohund.  Although they have full representation in the Hall of Five Hundred Statues, their capitol in New Warrick, they otherwise live in isolation.  The people of Fayette and Pine even trade freely with the Widge, who live on islands to the west, and find nothing wrong with that.  This was their strangest habit to the other Gaohund, since the Western Islands were the site of many battles when the Gaohund were pushed off the continent and later during the Widge War.  Coal was also mined on the Western Isles. 

Westerners use colorful embroidery on dull colored clothes.  They wear long great coats in winter.  Long skirts remain fashionable with the women, and men’s shirts often continue to their mid-thigh, reined in by a large belt.  Most of their clothing was wool. 

The people of the Western Isles built log houses that with colorfully decorated borders around windows and doors. 

The Western Isles have a very stratified culture, with traditional clothing for each occupation: mariners, fliers, miners, sheepherders, and goats on the higher elevations.  Their diets tend to the bland and fatty.  They drink beer, since they are far enough south for grain, and they love potatoes. 

Western isle folk rides horses. 

Gorjan was commonly spoken in the Western  Isles.  Gorjania was the most northerly of Gaohund nations existing before the defeat on the continent.  In the names of their islands, the prefix "kai" indicates northern, and the prefix "wel" indicates southern. 

Widge  In their primeval form, they were dark spider-like beings (actually closer to crustaceans) with glowing eyes that haunted the forest.  They are gray with undertones of pale yellow, sickly green-yellow, or olive.  Their Craystone was attached to the bottom of the thorax.  They do not wear clothing; when they carry satchels, they are often olive green.  Widge artifice, including weapons, was usually mounted just behind the head.  Small, thin feeder arms emerge from the Widge’s face and are used to manipulate artifice.  Their colors are jade and emerald; bottle green The Widge executed a race war - that was their crime.  They are a folk in decline.  He could not help but visualize that the staccato sounds were the sharp points of giant crab-like legs, scuttling the enormous spider-like body of a Widge through the forest.  “I can answer that,” said a voice.  Cern turned quickly.  The voice came from behind him, and she peered into the thick, ancient roses that arched above a doorway of stone.  Perched on the steep ground beside the doorway was the living image that haunted many a tarvi’s nightmare: a Widge.  She had heard that the Academy kept an old Widge groundskeeper, but had dismissed it as ludicrous rumor.  Yet, here was the dark being, spider-like and absurdly trimming the roses.  She stepped forward, drawn to the thing in the darkness.  It was gray with undertones of pale yellow, sickly green-yellow like a bad olive.  Its long narrow head – or was it head and neck? – reminded Cern more of a lizard than a spider.  She had always heard Widge do not wear clothing, yet this one’s bumpy encrusted head was topped with a dirty baseball cap with a long brim cocked off at a slight angle.  She saw its Craystone attached to the bottom of the thorax, and dangling below that was an olive green satchel. 

See Also: The Widge War

Widge Guides of Albion were Widge from Isles that had long resisted the Regime.  Many of the Albion Widge had worked as Guides to the Captains, made necessary because artifice and natural barriers protect the Widge homelands.  During the Widge War, Lieutenant Commander Nathaniel Clintock attacked them.  After the war, the Guides were unable to return home since many Widge, even those that abhorred the Regime, came to see the Guides only as traitors.  Even the Softshells (there was one in the Nest) turned to scorn them. 

Widge Softshells were a new model of Widge that looked entirely different from the enemy faced by the Gaohund during the Widge War.  Softshells were interested in art, music, and literature, but unable to defend anything.  They were weak, physically but also weak in spirit.  The art they produced was intentionally ugly, their literature despairing.  Cern knew what the previous generation had done, how evil it was, but he could not help but pity this new generation of Widge.  They had lost something vital. 

Widge Language was the primary language spoken by the Gaohund peoples after the Retreat.  The various Gaohund peoples often knew it as a second language on the continent, but after they found themselves on the Waning Isles, too few knew each other’s languages.  The Western Isles were settled before the Retreat and retained their original language; a few scattered tribes and households still on the continent also retained their original languages.  On the Waning Isles, they were only studied in books.  


Widge War, The was waged from December of 10192, when the Widge of Toltau captured the city of Fayette, until the Banishment of Newton in April of 10197.  The Gao had long been a lesser people, but in the century before the war, they had grown in population to rival that of the Widge of Toltau, and their industry was rapidly rising to match.  See Battle of the Western Sea (Jan 10193); Scantini, Edward; and Admiral Holliston’s Page. 

Wills was both the name of one of the Middle Islands and the name of the largest town on that island.  Other Middle Islanders found the mannerisms and conversation of Willsers odd.  Sounders, the elite of the Middle Islanders, often made Willsers the butt of their jokes.  See Middle Islands, Map, Middle Islands, Large Map

Wind eels are long, narrow, and flying creatures:  Beez, beez, beez they sang, their long bright bodies changing colors in the wind. 

Wokkenwieser was a large island north of Kaiwitz and west of Kaizen.  It was the landing point of the invading Toltau Widge, initiating the Widge War.  It was also the last stand of the Toltau Widge on Gaohund lands, in March of 10193.  See Widge War, Map, Western Isles, Large Map

Wristblades   Similar to heeltools


Yama Danna  and it exotic stone temples of the Vanished People.  No one really knew anything about them, other than they built great cities and then disappeared.  Some said they were Thutkari with their bloody rituals.  Now it was a tourist spot, with the added attraction of their warm lakes. 

Yenshe was the language of the Devout. 

Zamal Fishing Villages are found along Irin’s southern shore, and especially around Irin Bay.  See Map, Irin & Surrounds.  Fisherfolk from these villages travel to the Zamal shoals. 

Zamal Shoals are valued fishing grounds between Irin and Zamalasia.  See Large Map. 

Zamalaysia was the continent to the south of the Waning Islands, and was once the Gaohund home.  They were pushed off the continent in the war ending in 9071, often referred to as “The Retreat”. 
