Remnants of great houses and ritzy hotels still punctuated its now dark streets. Its normally narrow streets are broken seldom, most notably by Colstye Park. Cage elevators, grave-like statuary, steam.
Twilight was the name most often given to their planet by off-worlders. The planet lies on its side, one pole perpetually facing their sun; the other pole, deep space. Life throve only in the equatorial band, the majority of settlements just starward of the equator, in the twilight between the volcanically active deserts of the Sun's Anvil and the Great Ice.
Waning Isles lay north of the continent Zamalaysia on the planet Twilight. The Waning Isles were the main home of the Gaohund people after the Widge pushed them off the continent. The Waning Isles were farther north than any other inhabited lands. Few inhabitants of either Widge or Gaohund ever lived north of the equator, for their peculiar planet lay on its axis, with one pole perpetually facing their sun and one pole facing deep space. A tilt of this axis provided equatorial regions, such as the waning isles with a day and a night (See Twilight, the Planet).
Weather of the Planet Twilight was dominated by its unusual axis, with one pole perpetually facing the sun and the other facing deep space. The air was heated over the pole facing the sun, a great desert called The Sun's Anvil. The heated air rises and travels towards the starward pole, where it cools and falls over the Great Ice, which covers that pole. The dominant air currents at the surface, therefore, are cool winds traveling sunward.
Wel, meaning south in Gorjan, the language of the Western Isles, is often a prefix in geographical names
Wellwann was one of the Western Isles, and the Gaohund island closest to the continent. See the Atlas of the Western Isles.
Welwitz was one of the Western Isles, between Kaiwitz and Kaiwann. See the Atlas of the Western Isles.
Western Isles carry the least dense population of the Gaohund people, and this was one reason their habits and ways seem strange to the rest of Gaohund. Although they have full representation in the Hall of Five Hundred Statues, their capitol in New Warrick, they otherwise live in isolation. The people of Fayette and Pine even trade freely with the Widge, who live on islands to the west, and find nothing wrong with that. This was their strangest habit to the other Gaohund, since the Western Islands were the site of many battles when the Gaohund were pushed off the continent and later during the Widge War. Coal was also mined on the Western Isles. Westerners use colorful embroidery on dull colored clothes. They wear long great coats in winter. Long skirts remain fashionable with the women, and men's shirts often continue to their mid-thigh, reined in by a large belt. Most of their clothing was wool. The people of the Western Isles built log houses that with colorfully decorated borders around windows and doors. The Western Isles have a very stratified culture, with traditional clothing for each occupation: mariners, fliers, miners, sheepherders, and goats on the higher elevations. Their diets tend to the bland and fatty. They drink beer, since they are far enough south for grain, and they love potatoes. Western isle folk rides horses. Gorjan was commonly spoken in the Western Isles.