Creating An On-Line Review

There will be two parts to creating the review.  First, the student must individually write the review itself; then the class will work together to create the page that will host their reviews.

Part 1

     When writing the review, the student must be careful to be economical--that means to great care must be made to say the most with very few words. 
     The reviewer must also recommend who would like their book.  In other words, they must match their book with a particular audience.   They might, for example, say that their book might appeal to younger girls, or young people who are interested in science, or kids with a higher reading level.

Part 2

     Students will work together to create  web-pages that will show off their reviews.  This will be done with Microsoft Publisher. 
     Click on the "Book Chatter" logo below to see examples of how it will be done.