Objective: Definition
The Examples: Turner, Ben. "An Extra Large Editorial (Subjectively Speaking) ". Online Writing Lab (OWL). Roane State Community College. Kim. "Caught in the Net". Writing Resources. Kamehameha Schools Distance Learning
The Assignment: Write an essay that defines something. The subject of your essay cannot be something simple that has a straight-forward definition upon which nearly everyone agrees--it should be either something of an opinion, or something that is difficult to define. Use strong visual images and practical, precise details. Get the reader to look at your topic through a new lens. Click here to get more help.
Suggestions: ambition, bad date, beauty, charisma, citizenship, common sense, conservative, courage, dedication, feminism, frustration, generosity, good parent, good/bad boss, good/bad coach, good/bad parent, great vacation, greed, gumption, happy marriage, healthy appetite, heroism, honor, human rights, humility, integrity, intelligence, kindness, laziness, leadership, liberal, maturity, modesty, optimism, peace of mind, peer pressure, persistence, personality, physical fitness, political correctness, pride, progress, racism, responsibility, right to privacy, self-assurance, self-respect, sense of humor, sensitivity, sexism, skanky, sloth, sophistication, sportsmanship, success, successful island business, successful student, successful teacher, team player, thrift, true friendship, trust, respect, vanity, virtue, etc.
Objective: Compare and Contrast
The Examples: Gipson, William. "McDonald's and Fox's Diner". Online Writing Lab (OWL). Roane State Community College. Berven, Ella . "Shades of Being Human". Online Writing Lab (OWL). Roane State Community College.
The Assignment: Write an essay that compares two people or things that might appear at first to be very similar, yet hold differences. As an introduction, begin with a paragraph or two that discusses both people or items, and then use an alternating pattern.
Suggestions: Write about the difference between: Being snobby and being proud; a partier and an alcoholic; getting along and knuckling under to peer pressure, a liberal and a conservative, a sports team that's going to win and one that's going to lose; a great coach and a mediocre one; two restaurants, two schools, two stables, two people, two school subjects, two sports, two sports teams, my two best friends, mom and grandma, mom and dad, two ferry lines, the difference between a relationship that's going to succeed and one that's going to fail.
The Technique: Sensory writing--an essay that focuses on what is seen, heard, smelt, etc.
The Examples: Momaday, N. Scott. "Riding is an Exercise of the Mind". Elements of Literature, 3rd Course. pg. 401. Smith, Michael. "The Curse of the Dump". Online Writing Lab (OWL). Roane State Community College. Peddicord, Jenna. "Creative Writing--Sensory Details" ProBLOG. One-sentence samples of sensory detail.
The Assignment: Read Momaday and answer the questions. Describe a place using sensory writing. You may wish to make this writing first person as Momaday did. Choose a place that other students are probably not familiar with, but which you know well.
Suggestions: Examples could include your grandparents' house, a place you played as a child, somewhere you traveled with friends or a team, the room of a friend downstate, the hunting cabin, a vacation spot, a summer camp, your parents' place of work,
Technique: Subjective Writing--Going Beyond the Physical Appearance.
The Examples: Quindlen, Anna. "Homeless". Elements of Literature, 3rd Course. pg. 460 Rylant, Cynthia. "The Best Gift of My Life". Elements of Literature, 3rd Course. pg. 394. Dunn, Stephen. "The Sacred". Elements of Literature, 3rd Course. pg. 435.
The Assignment: Inject meaning into an object or an activity. Think of something that has significant meaning to you and explain how the object or activity is more than it seems on the surface: It's not just baseball, it's much more than that.
Suggestions: How people end up failing/succeeding in school; how a sports team makes it to the top; the causes of failed relationships; the effects of bullying; the effects of divorce; causes and
Technique: Exaggeration; Overstatement
The Example: Soto, Gary. "The Talk" 377. A writer describes his feelings about the awkwardness of growing up and contrasts those feeling with a hope for the future.
The Assignment: write an essay or reminisce that includes some exaggeration--be careful not to overdo it.
Technique: The Example: Lincoln, Abraham. "Not Much of Me" 348 & "With a Task Before Me" 350 The Assignment:
Technique: exposition--explaining something The Example: Ackerman, Diane. "The Round Walls of Home" 420 The Assignment:
Technique: Setting The Example: Jacobs, Harriet A. "Loophole of Retreat" 427 The Assignment:
Technique: The Example: Joseph, Chief. Excerpt from An Indian's View of Indian Affairs 447 The Assignment:
Technique: The Example: Krents, Harold. "Darkness at Noon" 454 The Assignment:
Technique: The Example: Kuralt, Charles. "Misspelling" 468 The Assignment:
Technique: The Example: Cisneros, Sandra. "Those Who Don't" 475. A very short writing about prejudice The Assignment:
Technique: The Stereotyping Example The Example: Angelou, Maya. "When I Lay My Burden Down" 357. A writer expresses her anger against White People and portrays them in a poor light. The Assignment: Hate Writing--write about something that you hate. Portray an example of a behavior that you dislike. The example should repulse the reader. Do not do as Maya Angelou did and choose a race, creed, or persuasion of people.