Lap and Pole Dancing on Fantasy Booth Island
by Mike Marino

Nothing gives the male a more stand at attention military salute erection than the erotic reality check of a good groin to face lap dance. Need something a little more artistic? Then give a piece a chance by watching a whirly gig girl whirling around on a rim shot badda bing badda boom cheap comics strip club stage spinning like a out of control childs toy top on a pole. Male pleasure in the palace only? Think again. Male dancers are also revving their red-lining engines and taking a few laps around the sexual dragstrip while their pistons are pumping and gyrating with a full erection for the female gender's pleasure. Bear in mind that when baring it all these females and males not only straddle the lap of the opposite sex, but, will also give a bi-sexual performance as might say, more bang for the bi-sexual buck. Go, go, go, girl on girl and oh joy, oh boy, it's boy on boy!

Bi-sexuality covers this thematic study like a protective thong, however, first we will explore the realm of the lap dancing female doing the erectus dance of the muse to entice your hard-on hard earned cash and ten spot tips for hundred dollar tits. She makes doubt about that and she also has a weapon of mass and ass destruction in the form of a secret secretion she unleashes to increase her vaginal profits. It happens at certain times of the month when she gives off a heavenly scent of estrogen. As she is busy marking her territory with her vaginal perfume the male is not only erotically entranced, but, is held as a sexual captive in a garden of estros. Sex researchers have found, and this makes sense, tips for dancers are highest when she is emitting her scent the strongest just inches from the males nose. Other research shows that Lesbians under the same spell tip higher than males! You go girls!

Turning our attention to the male lap dancer we find that he too has his own double barreled shotgun locked and loaded with buckshot and ready to take careful aim at the female or the male patron as the case may be. The female dancer is an expert with a pole on stage, the male lap dancer already comes equipped with his own pole which can be extended and is fully adjustable. In strip clubs it is set to automatic, whereas in private in a home party it can be manipulated manually like a five speed gear shift. The male doesn't give off estrogen of course, but, in some cases the male will masturbate before a performance so the aroma of fresh semen is present and in this way marks his own territory. The female is more apt to tip the male dancer more then the homosexual patron according to statistics. So the dancer may be gay and wants to play...but the female knows how to pay.

The fully nude lap dancer is the preferred choice as it adds a cerebral visual as well as the visceral sense of smell to the experience. Estrogen and a patch of wet vaginal hair does wonders to ramp up the lap romp. The girls know how to get a mans mojo working by working her own mojo just inches from the male face, she strips down...emmits her scent and gets up close and personal!

Depending on jurisdictional jurisprudence (note: prude!) the female dancers may be nude, topless or merely dressed in a skimpy costume that hardly hides a hungry hymen. Like touch football versus the real McCoy, some clubs allow full contact lap extravaganzas where the dancer actually engages in non-penetrating contact of a sexual nature...and lets face it or going to face it in this is as natural as it comes. Coming is natural too, so it's a great combination as it does take two to tango. The dancer, female or male may actually be allowed to "grind' his or her groin against the approving patron. Some clubs will allow private sessions where a bed is used in a private room and the patron is place prominently in a prone position on his or her back for up to one hour with some serious face sitting Olympics. Obviously the charge for the bed dance versus the lap or table dance is like the difference of staying at the Hyatt Regency in Honolulu or a Motel Six in Poughkeepsie.

Physical contact between patron and dancer is usually governed by local law and the individual clubs policy. If legal, be ready to negotiate limits and costs, not counting tips. Depending on the greed of the club owner and the interests of the dancer, and her or his safety, negotiations can be as tricky as the Paris Peace Talks during Vietnam.

The atomic age of lap dancing took off like an explosive erectile mushroom cloud in the 1970's in New York City at a pleasure palace called the Melody Theater that actually had two locations until it closed down forever as the 21st Century was looming on the horizon. Meanwhile in the North Beach beat enclave San Francisco nude lap dancers were allowed to sit and gyrate on customers laps...for a buck! Let's face North Beach the beat goes on, and in this case It was off and running like a buffalo stampede in the US and Canada, and in the Darwinian dawn of the lap dance, eventually prostitution reared it's head. Canada was first in cracking down on the practice. Canada, where beaver is worshipped. I guess not that kind of beaver. Canada has always been a little behind in the sexual arena so is not too surprising. Ah, but, then there is the enclave of Vancouver. The wild child of the Great White North.

At a club in Vancouver called Gary Taylors Show Lounge, they had stripper waitresses where you could get a free dance with the purchase of a drink. Now I tell you it's easy as hell to go through a 12-pack of Moosehead beer while enjoying prime Canadian beaver, eh? Cops raided the joint in 1974, (and the call themselves Mounties!) but, a judge judged that nude dancing was not obscene. Must have been from Toronto originally. The Canadian border patrol was now under attack as throngs of Seattleites adn Portlanders made the pilgrimage to Vancouver to enjoy some fine Canadian sexual cuisine....libido as linguine no doubt. At the time the Pac NW had stricter rules in place. Must have been all the the fog that made them more excited to see Sasquatch than ass and snatch.

You've heard the phrase, take the pole out of your ass? That brings us to next act on the strip club rimshot hit parade where the dancer puts her ass on the pole and out emerges that visual of that high school cheerleader with a twirling baton that is as a phallic symbol can get. Only now, the cheerleader is spinning on a pole, the metal penis of the sexual stage. A hand job of heavy metal making for the perfect erector set.

When you think Pole Dancing, do you think of a May Pole Festival in Poland with religious significance with gay and happy Poles folk dancing happily until the next invasion, or does your mind wander as mine does to a stale beer and old cigarette enclave of the cinder block strip club with more burned out light bulbs on the marquee then Heidi Fleiss had customers. I admit I spent a lot of time in these "libraries" and what I called Institutes of Pubic Learning" Buxom head mistresses fluanting and flouncing in front of the somewhat juvenile patrons who came to unearth the mysteries of the vaginal universe and mainly to get our rocks off in our exploratory quest for the meaning of life in a stale pitcher of Bukowski beer. Topless, bottomless, was all the same...but add a pole dance and it didn't matter if she was from Poland or Portland.

Today in the world of legitimate fitness, pole dancing is used to stay fit, trim and healthy, but, it also has it's place perched on the pedestal of the strip club...and therein lies the problem with fitness freaks. They cry foul as they feel it gives them a bad name. Mention it to me and it gives me an erection of proud proportions. You have to admit if someone says "I pole dance for fitness" a leering smirk begins to form "Fitness, yeah right baby!"

Before we pull a Pee Wee Herman here, lets look at the gymnastic roots of pole dancing, then we can look at the fantastic roots of strip club pole dancing where the dancer is a fleshy disco ball rotating and swirling lke a Catholic School Girl discovering carnal knowledge under the bleachers that will result in ten Our Fathers, 20 Hail Mary's and perhaps a pregnancy.

Pole dancing has pagan roots, joyfully! It did begin as the Maypole Dance in the 12th Century and was part of a fertility ceremony, which would lead eventually to the male of the tribe fertilizing the females garden. They would twist ribbons around the pole as they danced..sort of like covering a Maypole penis in a condum or perhaps more symbolic of a cock ring to keep the erection ready, steady, go. So the next time you're taking in a Renaissance Festival with Robin Hoods and Little Johns, you can guess what they really want and then the question arises? Who actually made Maid Marion, and believe me, in those days of celebration, Friar Tuck did give a fuck.

In 12th Cetury India sexual positions proliferated in as many contortions as were humanly and inhumanly possible. It was here that the art of Mallakhamb was introduced, not with any sexual conotations or contortions but as "pole gymnastics" while in China around the same time their poles were covered in rubber to allow the performers to stick better to it without flying off. Both in India and China, it was a male dominated sport but I can imagine what the female observer had going through her mind...a large pole in a rubber sheath. Cue Fellini and tell him to bring along his locomotive and a dark tunnel!

Pole dancing in the Western World penetrated the scene in the 1920's during the madcap days of the jazz age, but it was introduced under the big top in a circus tent and was known as the dancing pole. In the age of Playboy and Penthouse magazine pole dancing came of age and was moved into the burlesque house and the strip club where instead of Indian men in loincloths, we were now treated to a sexy smorgasboard of females in fishnets, high heels and eventualy thongs. Soon it morphed into the realm of topless and bottomless dancing with suggestive moves on a pole .

You can keep your fitness clubs and your power aerobics. An enterprising entrepeneur by the name of Fawnia Dietrich opened the first exotic pole dance school in Canada in the early 1990's and soon schools opened in the United States. In fact exotic pole dancing originated in Canada...Oh Canada! Today it has spread far and wide and some of the most exotic and proficient pole dancers now come from Australia, giving new meaning to the term "down under" and also they come from the UK. "God Save the Queen!" The first exotic pole dance however was performed on the Pacific Left Coast in 1968. Fitness freaks damn the exotic pole dancing aspects ...but remember this the next time you tackle a pole at the gym....exotic pole dancing came first!

Another aspect of the strip club environment is the fantasy booth, originally called peep shows. To think it all began with the Chinese along with egg rolls and egg drop soup! Chinese peeps proliferated in the 19th Century during the heyday of the Opium trade, which may explain a lot of things. A puppeteer ala "Being John Malkovich" would perform for the crowd and the story would end inside the box, so the panting audience on the edge of their opiated seats would have to lay down some hard earned yen as they had a yen to see the stories climax but, cleverly it was only available for viewing in the box through peep holes. It was enough to confound and confuse Confucius. Thank Tao for Opium..roll credits.

Those madcap Americans were among the first to present lewd pics in pornographic peep boxes in the 19th Century. While the Chinese were pre-occupied with opium dream dramas, Americans were hot to trot for tits and ass...that is about as American as Mom's Apple Pie and your best friends cougar mom's in a bikini and thong. During the Great Depression, the peep shows kept spirits up with photos and short films of other great depressions in the form of Great Cleavage...there were more people lined up for these shows than all the soup kitchens in Chicago.

Today the peep show is live and in the can grab a fantasy booth in certain tawdry neighborhoods of America and for a few bucks sit comfortably while the female or male of your choice performs dance and suggestive performances under your direction. All three dimensional and in color and yes, you may have to keep shelling out the bucks as it is time controlled so if you want the full tilt'll have to pay for it. In some cases the peep boxes surround a stage and the performer performs and poses in explicit erotic positions for the patrons and their bulging pulsating pockets. The private fantasy booths are usually in small topless clubs or in the back of small adult can look over the merchandise available..make a choice and get ready to put another nickle the nickleodeon as Teresa Brewer would say..ok so it's not a nickleodeon anymore but I want to use the song lyrics in this.

The performers make tips from their performances and the money is put into a two way slot from one side of the plexi to the other inside the booth, and there is no touching allowed so the plexiglass barrier provides a barricade worthy of barbed wire in the old west to keep the livestock from stampeding or getting out of hand..of course the patrons hand is usually busy south of his own border. There are also couples booths were you and your favorite girl can sit and enjoy a performance by a favorite girl that you both choose, that way both of your hands can be busy at each others south of the border region while you fight over who gets the one on one lap dance!.

In Europe some peep shows perform live sex shows with male and female performers and also same gender couples. One major landmark for the peeps...the Lusty Lady in San Francisco became the first US sex biz to go union..and by 2003 it was bought out by the employees and is now a workers cooperative. Look for the union label and in the words of Mr. Rourke.."Welcome to Fantasy Booth Island!!"

So indulge your fantasies booth fantasies and do a few laps dances around the sexual race track..who knows you may even get the pole position!