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Third Watch Madness Fanfiction!

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Got a Third Watch Fanfiction story? Send it to me at: I'll accept any kind of story no matter how crazy it may be. I only ask that the stories be CLEAN. If they are not then they will not be posted. No profanity or other inappropriate material. Please don't include any language that may be offensive. I don't mean to stifle your creativity, but there are kids who may read it. Just try to keep it PG-13 or under please. Keep checking back for new stories!

"Deliver Me" by Lucy Maria Elmer - Drama/emotional/romance/long story

"$K-Ching!" by Sullydude of The Sullivan Third Watch Page - Comedy/very short story

"It's Going to Be a Long Day" by Phyllis - Action/Drama/Medium Length

"Riot In Lockup" by Phyllis - Action/Drama/Medium Length/Sequel to "It's Going To Be a Long Day"

“A Social Club It Ain’t…” -by Jeffrey McGraw - Drama/Medium Length

“Bosco Test of Ethics” -by Niskir - To be used for a fanfiction idea

“Soul Searching” -by Faith in Myself - Drama/Medium Length