Poliwhirls Cheats

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Any code with a *** means it hasn't been tested! A !!! means it works! 
!!! Get an infinite number of an item! I found this in a magazine, look out though, it might screw up your game.
In Viridian City, there's a guy who shows you how to catch pokemon. Watch him catch a weedle. Then move the item that you want infinite of to the 6th item position using the select button. Then fly to cinnabar island and surf up and down the east coast of the island. When you see a weird creature, run from it, or kill it. You then have 99 of your 6th item! Note: Dont capture it!! That is what might mess up, or delete your saved game!

!!! MISSINGNO.:. --Sent in by Cody484848(Happy4004@aol.com)
Go to Cinnabar Island, and trade with anyone in the pokemon lab. Then get a pokemon that can SURF and surf on the right side of the island immediately. Then surf up and down (on the right shore where it's half land and water). You will then face a mysterious pokemon called Missingno. 

***CHRONA MEW:. --Sent in by Julie Honnold (j3gz@vcu.org)
Mew can evolve into Chrona Mew. Just use the itemfinder in the seafoam islands and find the mist stone. There's only one and it's extremely hard to find. 

  Fly to Fuchsia city and go to the safari zone, right when you enter, go out. Then FLY to Cinnabar Island and go to your right. Then SURF up and down the right shore of the island (where you look like you're on half land and half water). You'll find wild Safari pokemon that can't run! 

*** TOGEPI(IN US VERSION-WITHOUT GAMESHARK):. --Sent in by (see above)
First, Duplicate your rare candys and do the code above. Catch an exeggute and use the rare candys to train him to Level 100. Beat the Elite four ten times without stopping, except to heal your pokemon. On the tenth time, you will be back at Pallat Town. Then go to Prof. Oak's office, and talk to him. He will then give you a togepi. 

!!! A HIDDEN RARE CANDY:. --Sent in by (see above)
Go to Cerulean city. Then go to the house with the man that explains the badges to you and keep on going up while you're in his house until you see a door. Go in the door and you will be in the back. Then, If you keep on pressing 'a' while you are walking, you will find a rare candy eventually. 

!!! Level 100 pokemon:. --Sent in by Kim (armygirl139@hotmail.com)
Use the first code on this page to get unlimited rare candys and use it on a pokemon! 

**** Freezechu. --Sent in by SMR5001@aol.com
use the mist stone hidden in seafoam islands to evolve pikachu! 

*** Catch a lvl 132 mewtwo. --Sent in by James (james_gonzalez@hotmail.com) 
First make Moon stone your 6th item and master ball your 5th item and have 4 other items( don't have any more items then 6 items!!). Second talk to the old man in, Virdianin City and say no, he will show you how to catch a pokemon. Third go to Fuschia City then surf to the Sea foam islands. Get half on water and half on land then go up and down untill you run into a level 132 Mewtwo. Throw a master ball and catch it and you have a level 132 Mewtwo and if you run into a missingo run and it will give you 99 Moon Stones and you can put any item in the 6th place and get 99 of any item you put in 6th place. 

!!! Fish in statues!. --Sent in by Sarath (jigglypuff27@hotmail.com) 
You can fish in any gym leader's stadium. Just use the rod. The best gym for this is Mysty's gym. You can find a lot of rare water pokemon this way. 

*** Pikablu:. --Sent in by Peter(pdickof@sk.sympatico.ca) 
Get all 151 pokemon then go to mt. moon. THere will be a pokeball with pikablu at level 90! 

!!! How to catch certain safari pokemon.. --Sent in by RBSTIGGEI@aol.com 
The following are patterns of how to catch pokemon at the safari zone. 

Exeggcute= rock, rock, safari ball 

Male nidoran = bait, bait, rock, safari ball 

Ryhorn = bait, rock, bait, safari ball 

venonat = bait, rock, rock, safari ball 

dratini = bait, rock, safari ball 

doduo = rock, safari ball 

paras = bait, bait, rock, bait, safari ball 

*** cybermew. --Sent in by flamelau@aol.com 
go to the unknown dungeon and keep pressing a while you're in water and you'll find the mist stone. use it on mew to make it a cybermew. 

These codes
Are all freakin lies! work like a charm! Ouch! a giant mosquito just bit my arm off!

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