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This is my secret page of Darkness.

I made a small attempt at hiding it, but I expect it to be found. Treat it with respect k?

I dont go around showing just anyone these pics.

These pics I drew in Dark Times for me, which happened a few years ago (1998). Actually I have a whole series of writing based on Dark times within my life. I call the series "Darkness Continues". This particular based is called "The Darkness That Inhabits".

To draw from the heart isn't always easy. & to draw with a pen, you have no room at all for mistakes. So do it 1st time do it good. & me being a perfectionist, I rarely use a pen. That further makes these pieces of art unique.

These pictures, I combined those two elements, & tried to leave my perfectionist instincts behind. That is why these pictures aren't up to the standard I prefer. Yet people like them better than some of the other stuff I have done, because (they say) it comes from my heart.

This 1st pic, the start of my journey. September 3rd, 1998

The interpretations are up to you....

Perhaps I shall tell you what it all means

The result of bitterness, anger, betrayal, depression....

You become a new person, a different person...

A person you don't want to be.

Parts of you become unlocked.

Parts you wish you could suppress.

I don't take much crap anymore....

There are a few more of these. But they are unfinished (as usual) & unscanned.

But is there any point?

I am doing my best to leave that part of my life behind.

I am moving on..

To more blue pastures...

Greener skies

Orange clouds

Full of Pink Elephants being chased

By the purple jellybeans...

A Special Girl...


Be Well

Be True

Be You