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Excerpts of Early Editions of the Lawton Leader.

Part 1 of 2.

Friday, October 21, 1887.

"Another Pioneer Gone"
John Hunt died at his residence in Antwerp, Oct. 4, 1887, aged 84 years, 2 months and 2 days, the funeral being held at the house. Rev. Anna Barton officiated.

He was born in Trowbridge, Vermont, and married Miss Ellen King, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel King, Sept. 11, 1827, residing in his father's home till the summer of 1835, when he came to Michigan and located, the farm on which he died.

He then returned to Vermont, and on the 1st day of May, 1837, started with his wife and four small children for his future home. The traveler of today, shown the route which necessitates, even a change of cars. But think of Mr. Hunt, taking his family and goods by teams over the Green mountains to White Hall, thence by canal to Troy, and from Troy to Buffalo by canal boat again, consuming seven days. Arriving in Buffalo, he found the lake filled with ice, and leaving his goods to be shipped to St. Joseph, Michigan, he hired a team to take himself and family up the shore of the lake to open water which was found at Silver Creek, where they took passage on a steamer for Toledo.

Arriving in Toledo, he hired a wagon and team to take them to Kalamazoo, and after five days traveling through the wilderness arrived at that place, where his family rested a few days while he built a small rough board house in which they were soon settled.

They commenced the struggle with pioneer life, so vivid in the memory of those who still live to tell the stories. In the sickly season of 1838, most of the settlers were sick with chills and fever. Medicine could not be obtained, and there was much suffering and many deaths. The heads of seven families in this vicinity died that season. The deceased {John Hunt} left his own work and spent most of his time in nursing the sick, cheering the despondent and burying the dead. Those who passed through it, have never tired of relating the self-sacrificing work of John Hunt in that terrible crisis. But a most happy change came. Health and prosperity was restored to the pioneers. Mr. Hunt gave his best energies to improving his farm and building his house. The wilderness faded away, and the rude habitation was exchanged for this more comfortable home. He and his faithful wife toiled together in happy married life for half a century, and their golden wedding was celebrated in a becoming manner - children, neighbors and friends vieing together to make the event an interesting and happy one.

Of their nine children, all but one were living and present on that occasion and all but one of them are present today. Ten more years passed smoothly and quickly away, and the 11th of September last, was the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. Preparations were being made to celebrate that event - so much in life - fitting such an occasion; but sickness had held its heavy hand upon the groom of sixty years, and the day was passed with no demonstration, except the quietly calling of children and neighbors to extend congratulations.

In the early history of the county and this township, Mr. Hunt took an active part in all public affairs. He was repeatedly elected to office, and was supervisor of Antwerp for a number of years. As a public officer, he was faithful to every trust; as a business man, his whole life, long career, was characterized by strict integrity, as a citizen, neighbor and friend. The "golden rule" was his guiding star, and he was respected by all, and died without an enemy. As a husband and father, he was kind, patient, affable and exemplary; and in return was dearly loved by wife and children. Truly it can be said of him "He was an honest man, the noblest work of God", and the world has been made better for his having lived in it. He came into this country when it was one vast wilderness and has done his full share in everything that has tended to develop this highly favored county, and produce the wonderful transformation which has taken place. But, John Hunt has finished his work in life, and "like a shock of corn fully ripe, he has been gathered to his fathers".

Friday, March 8, 1889.

  • Bert Smith is home from Ludington.
  • Chas. Lawton, Jr. has gone to Florence, Wis.
  • Our village election occurs Monday, March 25th.
  • Emile Griner has a copper penny 52 years old.
  • Elias Markle made Bangor friends a visit last week.
  • Mrs. Jaun McKeyes has been visiting at Kalamazoo.
  • Uncle Sam is making the soldiers happy again this week.
  • The protracted meetings at the Baptist church have ceased.
  • The K. of P. had work in the rank of Esquire Wednesday evening.
  • Will Sternberg has moved into the Babcock house on Second street.
  • "Jim" Wood has gone to work again for Doughty again in the shoe shop.
  • Johnny Pelton attended a K. of P. ball at Vicksburg Monday evening.
  • Ira Dickinson's school at the Bell school house in Porter closes today.
  • Geo. Lambert has purchased 10 acres of fruit land of Denison Cornish.
  • Ira Powell and wife, of Jackson, came home to visit their parents Sunday.
  • Miss Kate Austin of Decatur, was the guest of Miss Nettie George last week.
  • James Harper, of Kalamazoo, spent Sunday with his brother, Harvey Harper.
  • Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Smith, of Marshall, spent Sunday with their parents here.
  • Vanderbilt and party passed through here Friday morning on a special train.
  • Miss Hattie Clark, who has been visiting friends here, has returned to her home in Peach Belt.
  • The republicans hoisted their Harrison and Morton banner Monday in honor of the new administration.
  • Will Owen and family returned home from Grattan, Mich., where they have been spending the winter.
  • McKeyes & Smith come to the front this week with a new announcement. It's well worth your time to read it.
  • Mr. T.R. Smith's sister who arrived here last week, went to Chicago, Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Smith.
  • Mr. Claude Mitchell has returned to his home in Worthington, Minn., after a pleasant visit here of five or six weeks.

Mesline & Elliget make and ship 225 barrels every three weeks to Chicago. The material used in manufacturing the barrels is taken right from the log at their shop. This is a record few coopers can boast of.

Addison Parker of Bangor, committed suicide in the barn of Mrs. H. Southard about 11 o'clock a.m. Tuesday. Deceased was about 64 years old, and committed the rash act with a 32-caliber revolver. Domestic trouble was the cause.

Official meeting of the board of trustees and stewards of the M.E. church of Lawton, revealed the fact that the pastor had received his pay in full for the second quarter and a balance on hand of $16.55, all of which speak well for the pastor and people.

Will Dickinson is home again from school. The term, for which he has been teaching, in District No. 6, in Pine Grove township, having closed on Wednesday. Mr. Dickinson has engaged to teach the spring term in the same district commencing March 25th.

In Justice Dickinson's court Monday: Mrs. Elizabeth Clapp vs. D.T. Shafer. Cause was tried by a jury who brought in a verdict of $4.05 damages for plaintiff. Defendant has given notice of intention to remove the cause by certorari, to the circuit court.

The N.H. Bitely estate has been dragging along in the probate court for many years - having run through the administrations of Judges Richards, Lawton, Mills, Hilton (two terms), and is still unsettled. Judge Heckert will have a hearing of the case on the 13th inst. - True Northerner.

Miss M.H. Dunning of Paw Paw, who has been teaching music her of late, has consented to give a "musical" at the parlors of Mrs. L.D. Roberts next Tuesday evening, showing the actual work of her class. She will be assisted by Miss Cora Ihling, of Lawton. Entertainment begins at 7:30. - Decatur Republican.

New suits in the circuit court: People vs. Chas. J. Cripped, violation of liquor law. - People vs. Zimri H. Warner, keeping gambling room. - Arthur Megs et al vs. Satie E. Squires et al, assumpsit. - Arthur Megs et al vs. Fred E. Sherwood, assumpsit. - People vs. Frank Gibbs, larceny. - Chas. Duncombe vs. Horatio O. Felt, injunction. - Michigan Mutual Life Ins. Co. vs. John Gillepsie et al, foreclosure. - Minnie F. Orton vs. Chas. Orton, divorce.

Says the Courier's correspondent from Buckville: "Pete Jones, proprietor of the Morgan house, at the corner of Griffin and South Main streets, started for Washington last Friday to witness the inauguration, while at Lawton got on a drunk, gambled his money all away, sold his round-trip ticket for $10, pawned his watch to Eck Robinson for $4 more, was arraigned before a Lawton court, charged with drunkenness, paid a fine of $10 and $3.10 costs, took his last 60 cents and came home a wiser, and we hope, a much better man."

WHEREAS, It has pleased, the Supreme Ruler, to enter our midst, and take from the family of our brother knight, John F. Gould, his beloved child; and
WHEREAS, In the loss, which our esteemed brother and his family have sustained, we recognize and feel the power of our Great Commander; and bow in humble submission to his will.
THEREFORE, Resolved, that Lawton lodge, No. 84, K. of P., as a body, hereby express to our brother, J.F. Gould and his family, our most sincere regret at their great loss, and tender to them our deep sympathy in this, their time of sorrow and sad affliction; and
RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be handed to our bereaved brother and family; and also that a copy thereof be published in the LAWTON LEADER.

Anson H. Hathaway was born July 10, 1823 in Wilbraham, Mass. He was the third child of William and Mary Hathaway. His parents moved to the state of New York when a mere child, and resided in Tompkins county, of that state until Oct. 1836, when they moved to Michigan. It was yet a territory and the country was very new and people endured many privations. His father died in the fall of 1838, leaving a widow and 4 children, Anson being only 15 years old. After this he had to carve out his fortune the best he could. He, with his two brothers, Newton and Charles, purchased government land in school section 16 of Porter township, Van Buren county, Mich., where he has resided until the present time, with the exception of two and one-half years in Sandusky county, Ohio. At the age of 19 he united with the Freewill Baptist church at York, O. Since coming to this country he has not taken an active part in secular affairs, although he has held them in high esteem.

Was married to Experience Reynolds, August 3d, 1853. Moved to his late residence New Year's day, 1854, clearing a few acres of land the fall before. His wife died July 31, 1879, leaving him with five children to mourn her loss.

He struggled along with poor health and at last went to meet her March 4th, 1889. His children are called to mourn a kind father, wise counselor and friend that they feel can never be replaced in this world. He was highly respected and esteemed by all in the community where he lived. The funeral services were held at his late residence, March 6th, 1889, the Rev. Mr. Day, of Lawton, officiating.

Friday, October 9, 1891 issue.

"LEWIS & DRURY, Publishers."


  • Pumpkin pie socials are fashionable.
  • M.S. Lawton went to Saline Wednesday.
  • An early and cold winter is prohesied.
  • Frank Ohls of Marcellus was in town Monday.
  • M.L. Rudasill was at the county seat yesterday.
  • Dr. Long was in town a few days this week.
  • A case of roller skating craze in Oakland county.
  • L.A. Weldin moved into his new house Monday.
  • Ax handle timber wanted. Enquire of H. Leonard.
  • G.R. Castner of Jackson was in town Tuesday.
  • C.S. Adams was at Grand Rapids the first of this week.
  • Cholera is working on the porkers near Schoolcraft.
  • Fred Prindle is working in a planing mill at Paw Paw.
  • T.R. Smith made a business trip to Chicago this week.
  • Geo. Pritchard moved his family back to Jackson this week.
  • Max Barnett from Detroit, is clerking at the L. Stern & Co.'s.
  • L. Stoker & Co. have received an invoice of new carriages.
  • S.T. Beam and wife were at Mattawan Thursday.
  • Miss Jennie Powell was home from Kalamazoo over Sunday.
  • W.H. Kellogg made a business trip to Kalamazoo Wednesday.
  • Miss Belle Conklin returned to her home in Toledo Thursday.
  • Mrs. N.P. Baldwin has been under a physician's care this week.
  • E. Gillis and wife made a short visit to Grand Rapids this week.
  • The editor of the Gobleville News is feasting on a 5-1/4 pound turnip.
  • Frank Sheldin and H. Bert Jones, of Marcellus, were here yesterday.
  • Geo. Newkirk, of Porter, rejoices over the arrival of a son since Friday.
  • Miss Grace Green, of Cassopolis, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rebecca Green.
  • E. Greiner was at Coldwater last week, where he was called by the illness of an uncle.
  • Miss Cessona, who has been packing grapes for H. Ford, returned to Nashville, Thursday.
  • Chas. McClain arrived here Wednesday from Jackson for a visit to his parents in Porter.
  • Emory Ball and family will move into the Sebring house, formerly occupied by Geo. Pritchard.
  • L.C. Harrington and family and M.L. Rudasill are intending to go to North Carolina next month.
  • Chas. Harrington sold his place east of the M.E. church to C.E. Lee, Monday. Consideration $1000.
  • Mrs. E. Greiner returned from Lawrence, Monday, where she had been visiting her brother and family.
  • Several Lawton sports went to Grand Rapids, Thursday, to witness the race between two noted trotters.
  • Morris Noble and wife, of Kalamazoo, visited Rev. E.S. Dunham and T.A. Palmer and family Wednesday.
  • Mrs. T.D. Ward and daughter, Clara, will spend Sunday with relatives in Schoolcraft.
  • Mr. Giddings and wife and Miss Laura Reed from Kalamazoo visited at J.H. Hall's Thursday.
  • Jabez Wyman, aged 83 years, died at his home near Three Rivers, Tuesday. He formerly resided in Porter and was the father of Tim Wyman.
  • The following are the names of the pupils in district No. 6, Porter, who have been neither absent nor tardy, and whose deportment has been perfect for the month ending Oct. 2: Maud Beck, Ada Shaver, Rena Wiles and Hortie Wiles. FLORENCE HALL, Teacher.
  • Since coming to this place, Messrs. E. Beam & Son have added a new Atlas engine and made a great many other new improvements on the Monitor mills, and Lawton can now boast of a flouring mill which is not only a benefit, but also an honor to the village. The gentlemen are experienced and competent millers and will give their patrons as due a grade flour as can be made.
  • Over 25,000 people witnessed the great race between the two noted stallions, Allerton and Nelson, at Grand Rapids yesterday, for a purse of $10,000. Nelson won the first heat in 2:13, but was beaten by Allerton in the last three, the time being 2:14-1/2, 2:15 and 2:16-1/2 respectively. A bulletin board giving the result of each heat was displayed in front of Adams & Lich's store in this village during the race and attracted a great deal of attention.
  • Sunday afternoon, H. Stern and Ed O'Brien, accompanied by Mr. O'Brien's 8-year-old son, Guy, drove out to Mr. Stern's farm. The men went into the field, leaving the boy with the horse, which became frightened at a stump and ran away. The buggy finally came in contact with a post and the lad was thrown out over the dashboard, one of the passing over his head. He received several bruises, but was not seriously injured. The horse freed itself from the vehicle and returned to town, none the worse for his exercise.

Friday, November 11, 1892


  • Dick Everett was home over Sunday.
  • H.L. Cornwell is in Chicago this week.
  • Dallas Ferris is moving onto his farm.
  • Mrs. Hathaway's trimmer has gone home.
  • Miss Ethel Preston has been visiting in town.
  • McFern finished the cider making Tuesday.
  • Z.N. Warner moved onto his farm Thursday.
  • Fred Gage is now a resident of Benton Harbor.
  • The Maccabees have business for the goat next week.
  • Al. Rogers of Chicago was in Lawrence over Sunday.
  • Mrs. Fairbanks is very low and not expected to recover.
  • Geo. King, Melvin Vining and several others were home to vote.
  • Allie Howe and wife have returned from Jewettville for good.
  • Chas. McCollum entertained a nephew from Battle Creek Tuesday.
  • Mr. Hazelton and Mr. Peterson have both been sick, but are better.
  • Mrs. Burt Northrup has been to South Bend to visit Edna Rush.
  • Rockafellow invites you to inspect his fine line of gloves and mittens.
  • A couple of rowdies indulged in a fight on the street Friday evening.
  • Pritchard gave another dancing party at the opera house Thursday evening.
  • Mr. and Mrs. James Hazelton of Paw Paw visited friends in town over Sunday.
  • Over a hundred less votes polled than registered. Why did you stay away?
  • The drama given by the school Columbus Day will be repeated next Tuesday night.
  • Henry Kingsnorth went to South Haven Wednesday to deliver a colt for J.F. Barrows.
  • Prof. Phillips is preparing to ride the "goat" and become a member of the Masonic Lodge.
  • Mart Burlingame, who went West recently to deliver a horse, returned home the latter part of last week.
  • Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Cornwell spent a couple of days in Kalamazoo with H.L. Cornwell and family.
  • The club rooms in the second story of the Marshall block have been opened up again for the winter.
  • A beautiful crayon portrait of the late George Stebbins, by Roberts, has been on exhibition at the post office.
  • S.M. Hess is in Chicago purchasing new goods. Al. Mentor is working at the store during Mr. H.'s absence.
  • The school for scandal has been closed for three years or more and there is quite a sentiment against its being reopened.
  • There have been two accidents caused by defective sidewalks. Would it not be best to look after them before you have to pay damages?
  • John Hotop and Thomas Cornish visited in Kalamazoo last week.
  • A.I. Weldin has hired Ross Lee to work his farm the coming year.
  • George Adams will teach in District No. 5 and Jennie Perry in No. 6.
  • College Day will be observed at the Porter church one week from Sunday.
  • The Ladies' Aid of the M.P. church met with Mrs. James Burlington this week.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Chas. VanRiper visited aat LaGrange last week. They expect to move to Lawton this week.
  • Mr. Sebring of Kalamazoo, and Miss Kate Harper, of Lawton, visited Mrs. Wm. Morgenthaler over Sunday.
  • Henry Stillwell, John Marshall's hired man, was called to Allegan Tuesday by a telegram announcing the illness of a brother.
  • A.J. Wyman, aged 42, died at Vicksburg Monday night, from an abscess. He was a brother of T. Wyman, of Porter, and formerly resided in this township.
  • Elder Ougley of Blanchard, Mich., will preach at the Porter Centre schoolhouse next Sunday at 10:30 o'clock. He is 80 years old and has been a life-long missionary.
  • Miss Myrtle Hooper has a Cottage organ and is now trying to master the "charm that soothes the savage beast." Miss Maude Wyman is the instructor.

    South Porter

  • William Pitts has gone into the sheep business, having taken a flock of Wash. Gibson.
  • B.F. Thompson, of Edwardsburg, made a visit to relatives in South Porter last week.
  • Enos Maxam and Will Shafer, who are working in Niles, visited at home over Sunday.
  • A large number from So. Porter atttended the Republican rally at Marcellus last Saturday.
  • Fred Reynolds has moved six miles east of Vicksburg to work in Bartlett's saw-mill during the fall and winter.
  • John Buckmaster has moved into the house of Samuel McManigal, vacated by Calvin Maxam, who has moved to Lawton.
  • David Carver, who worked for John Clemmens through the summer, is to stay with Evander Mack, who is in very poor health, through the winter.

Friday, December 16, 1892

    Prospect Lake
  • Revival meetings are in progress this week. Rev. I.P. Bates, of Arlington, is assisting.
  • Miss Amelia Olds, nee Munsell, of Grand Rapids, is visiting at the home of her father.


  • Charles Brown has now got a fast driving team with which to carry the U.S. Mail.
  • Art Field has had two felons {???} on his fingers causing him great pain. Last reports say he is improving.
  • L.L. Moore and O.S. McGowan will have a joint discussion on the money question at Hartford Friday evening, Dec. 30th.
  • Charlie Shearer came very near dying the other day with a spasmodic fit.
  • Clark Johnson and wife, from Decatur, are visiting friends in this vicinity.
  • The Sunday school will be entertained by James Redfield Sunday morning.
  • The lyceum will be held at the school house every Saturday evening at 7 o'clock sharp.
  • We are sorry to part with Mr. A.A. Olds, who left this week for the West. His many friends here wish him well.


  • W.E. Stedman spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Kalamazoo.
  • "McGinty" the detective is again in town. We hope he may succeed in removing some of the gossips.
  • Frank Forester and Minnie Powers, of Bloomingdale, were married on the 8th inst. by Rev. J.W. McDougal.
  • The chimney of the bakery burned out last week Wednesday. No damage was done. When all the buildings on Main street are in ashes perhaps we will have fire protection. Which is the more reasonable, to lose all, or protect ourselves while we may?


  • A.B. Truesdale is in Chicago on business.
  • Mr. Cole has returned from his visit in Wisconsin.
  • C.L. Fitch is tending the post office, Mrs. Goodrich being detained at home by the illness of her mother.
  • Elder Harvey, of Paw Paw, will fill the Congregational pulpit until another pastor is secured.
  • Rix & Campbell's new building is progressing as fast as the weather will permit.
  • A pleasant surprise was given Miss Bertha Atwater Wednesday evening by the young people. Oysters were served.
  • Charles Burdick has traded his stock of groceries for property in Nebraska.
  • O Sid! beware of midnight escapades, searching after lost jewelry.
  • Rix & Campbell have put in a new line of goods; also has our new merchant, Mr. Frost. Business is booming.
  • Mrs. E.L. Parkhurst has on exhibition at the residence of Mrs. Ezra Tillou the finest line of holiday goods ever exhibited in Mattawan.


  • Miss Nash, of Allegan, is visiting Mr. Parker and family.
  • Mrs. Barrows, of Lawrence, made Decatur friends a visit one day last week.
  • Miss Satie Harris, of Paw Paw, is making Decatur friends a visit this week.
  • Several Dowagiac young gentlemen were in town last Sunday evening.
  • Quite a number of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Creagen on Tuesday evening. Progressive pedro was the principal amusement. A very enjoyable time was had.
  • The Misses Carrie Secord and Lotta Van Camp visited in Hartford on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Turner and family who formerly resided in this place, made Decatur friends a visit last week. They were on their way home to New York state.


  • Several persons from here attended the meeting of the teachers' association at Gobles Saturday last.
  • Miss Blanche Haven returned home from Battle Creek Saturday.
  • Rev. Haiste has commenced a series of revival meetings at the M.E. church.
  • Considering the stormy weather and muddy roads, the convention held at the Christian church last week was well attended. The Y.P.S.C.E. session was very interesting. Three essays were re-read at the Sunday evening meeting.
  • Married in Paw Paw last week by Justice Mason, Mr. Arthur Shaw and Miss Celia Waters, both of this village.
  • On account of ill health, George N. Haven has been obliged to give up his clerkship at Grand Junction.

    Prospect Valley
  • Will Goss is now at home to stay.
  • The prevailing salutation now is, "How's your cold?" - Answer - "All id by doze."
  • S.A. Smith has a pig, about the age of a two years old baby, that will kick the (basin?) at six hundred pounds.
  • Wesley Warner has bought the house and shop on what is known as the Barrett farm, and is preparing them to move to some other locality.


  • Mrs. Frank Butterfield has returned home from Peterson, Iowa, where she has been visiting her parents.
  • L.A. Rogers goes to Iowa to look after some property for which he has traded his farm here.
  • Christmas will not be overlooked in Glendale.
  • Don Malby is home from Watervliet.
  • John Burdick has been entertaining friends from Plainwell.
  • Bertha Rogers is visiting Mrs. Frank Butterfield.
  • Marriage license No. 6,130 was issued at Grand Rapids last week to Myron C. Dolbee of Glendale, and Georgie E. Kent, of Sand Lake.
  • Twenty-five young people met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bush on a recent evening and gave their daughter Effie a pleasant surprise. She was presented with a beautiful silver knife and all there had an excellent time with plenty to eat and lots of fun. The deepest sympathy was expressed for Pearl, who was unable to be among them except with crutches, as she has been laid up with a fractured limb for the last six weeks.


  • Elder T.C. Grundy who recently went to Indiana, has been unanimously recalled by the Advents of Porter, to again become pastor of that society.
  • Mrs. Jennings has gone to Brockport, N.Y. to spend the winter.
  • Mrs. Pollard and son, of Kalamazoo, visited at George Pitcher's last week.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Shummel, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. Wood, intend to return to Schoolcraft this week. Their visit has been prolonged by the illness of Mrs. Wood, who is reported better.
  • The ladies' aid met at Mrs. Upham's Wednesday, where they were very pleasantly entertained. They meet again in four weeks with Mrs. Beach.
  • R.J. Huyck, an aged citizen of Volinia township, Cass county, fell one day last week and broke his hip. Dr. Rose, who attended, thinks the fracture will not knit together again.
  • Following are names of pupils who have been neither absent nor tardy, except for sickness, during the month ending Dec. 9th: Pearl Barker, Dwight Barker, Carrie Nesbitt, Willie Nesbitt, Mildred Cornish, Louie Williams, Cecil Wyman. Ellen Hathaway, teacher.
  • Mr. Bennett, living in southeast Porter, dropped dead Saturday while splitting wood. He has long been troubled by heart disease, which was the cause of his death.


  • The reading circle met Saturday night with Mrs. Bert Duncombe. These meetings are very pleasant and profitable.
  • The M.E. Sunday school will have a Christmas tree.
  • Mrs. Harriet Pletcher, of South Haven, visited at Amos Irish's the first of the week.
  • The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Corwin gave them a pleasant surprise Friday evening of last week.
  • Mr. Walker has moved his sawmill to Hartford and plans to move his family there soon.

    The Valley

  • Robt. Anderson has finished his new house.
  • The Ballenger brothers, from Kalamazoo, have been visiting Robert Anderson and have also been hunting quail.
  • Dan Sherburn is laid up with a sprained ankle from the effects of being bunted by a buck sheep.

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