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Excerpt from the book "The History of La Porte County, Indiana"

Chas C. Chapman & Co., Chicago, 1880.

Biography of Early Settler, Daniel Low

Daniel Low was born in Boxford, Essex county, Mass., May 28, 1806, and is the son of Joseph L. and Sally (Wood) Low, natives of the same county, and of English descent. Until 17 years of age he was on his father's farm, and received a common-school education, but, sufferiug a sunstroke at 14, he never attended school afterward. He went to learn the tanner and carrier's trade in a morocco manufactory at Millbury, Mass., where he remained four years; he then went to work for the same company in their store at Providence, R.I., where they carried on a large wholesale shoe trade, mostly with the South. Mr. L. was in this business seven or eight years, spending a small portion of this time, however, in Boston. In May, 1835, he came West and settled in Michigan City, bringing with him a general stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, etc., and carried on a mercantile business and land agency three years. In this time, July 7, 1837, in his native county, he married Miss Mary Barker, who was born July 14, 1806, a daughter of Stephen and Asenath (Pearl) Barker, also of the same county and of English ancestry. In 1842 he rented 160 acres of land on secs. 13 and 18, Cool Spring tp., for five years, with the privelege of buying at the end of this term. He found no improvements upon the place, excepting the enclosure of 15 or 20 acres; this place he bought and has ever since made his home, putting upon it all the improvements which are now there. In 1858 he erected a large two-story brick residence, and he has also a fine barn, out-buildings, etc. The homestead now consists of 240 acres, and Mr. L. has made quite a specialty of fruit-raising.

During his residence in this county Mr. Low has been extensively engaged in the land business; has bought and sold probably over 10,000 acres; he has also had charge of the settlement of several estates. For 15 years he was one of the three Township Trustees and since the law was changed, he has been the sole Trustee for 11 years longer, - is now serving his third year since his last election, - in all making 26 years in this office. The first year of his Trusteeship; only $20 of public money was collected for school purposes; at the settlement in October, 1879, he had on hand a balance of over $1,700 tuition funds, and had expended $840 during the preceding six months; in September of the same year the cash receipts for tuition were $3,337.85, and expenses $1,620; such is the contrast in school matters between the present and one-quarter of a century ago. In politics, Mr. Low is a Republican.

Mr. and Mrs. Low have had a family of 3 children, only 2 of whom are living; the oldest, Augustus B., was born April 12, 1838, and died at about the age of six years, Charles Otis was born March 26, 1840, enlisted at the age of 18 in the 4th Ind. Battery (1861), at the breaking out of the great war, served about two vears, was wounded, taken prisoner and confined in Libbey prison; he now resides at Holton, Kansas; and Mary E. was born Dec. 11, 1843; married Isaac R. Mudge and resides at home with her parents.

Mr. Low's portrait will be found on page 685 of this volume.

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