
Pincushion me to the demands you make, upsetting your paparazzi formality gliding in light smatterings of rainstorms that ease into the cool glade, maleficent and magnificent in your own lawless way, sharing blind thoughts of pressing me against the fire of desperation you have concocted, bending to the slim strange strength of my will. Sleek and sorrowful, raised from dreams of magic petals unfolding over time, evoking sympathy with every glance my way. Bow your head, close those long lashes, for the empty ache in your heart will soon pass, as it always does; far early and forgotten far late. Uneven step, hesitant with wishful face, your poignant stare rends my soul in two pieces, fall lightly to the ground unnoticed, you live alone in my world. Exhuasted with the childish games, given to fancy and daydream lies, come before me now with your looking-glass set in stone, and see the future unwind before us both, beautiful bird, icy intellect and disquieting mind. Paint me a swan song, surrender to my truth, and I shall sleep forever in your eyes.