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Hi, my name is Angelwings.
Yes, I collect angels
whenever I find any I truly love!
I love country music,
line dancing, my family,
and my animals.
I just recently remarried
to a wonderful man!
You will see crafts my hubby has done
You will also see a few of our
wedding photos.
No photo album would be complete without photos of our
No site would be complete without our siblings!!
You know what they say about paybacks!! (hehehehe)
And naturally we have to honor our folks!!
If not for them, this site
would not have been possible!!! :-)
And we can not forget our dog,

You will also find a page dedicated to my son, Chris,
who passed away and what he had and what he died from.....

Dani was 13 years old when she wrote this poem for me about my son, Chris, who passed away.

This last page is dedicated to my 99 year old grandmother

Jim thinks it only fair that I show more pixs of me so you ya are!!! Me at 1 year old!!! LOL

Here is my graduation you don't get to know what year!!! LOL

One of my favorite poems is:

Footprints In The Sand

Postcard Of The Day

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Song: Cross My Heart
Artist: George Strait