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  • "Put the world in a box...

    Then kick it really,really hard"

    Why are you people still coming here??? site has moved bastards! Click Here

    Saturday, August, 12th

    I have the domain up and somewhat running right now violock and I are working on some CGI, its kinda hard but then again he knows what hes doing. So thats it, oh and don't bother going there if you have any browser below 5, it'll be all messed up... that I am still working on...

    Thursday, August, 10th

    The domain is confirmed, I am going to the place on Saturday to finalize it and get stuff up and running. Would be tommorow but I have to work through their hours. So look for within the next 3 days. Also our page was unacessible for most of yesterday, it was something from angelfire and they fixed it right away so no harm done.

    Tuesday, August, 8th

    We are for sure getting a domain, probally register on thursday when we get payed $$ for our slavewor.. erm jobs. BTW (by the way) work was absolute hell today, I ended up doing everthing because the kid that was supposed to help me is a lazy bastard, I was very mad, almost crazy. Anyhow we are attending the fair tommorow and we are gonna get some pictures of the Carneys, heh. This site will be FULLY updated soon, yes at last. I have had no time for a life since summer started, I work nearly everyday, and this is my first two days off in a row for two months, I am going to live it up or end up sitting here

    Monday, August, 7th

    She said no.... Ill adopt, this is'nt over.

    Monday, August, 7th

    KMFDM is an acronym for : KEIN MEHRHEIT FÜR DIE MITLEID. Hey guys. You know what i've been thinking long and hard. I want a kid. I want one right now. Im going to see if my girlfriend will make me one. I sure hope she says yes. I mean i've been practicing well you know, tee hee. I want a kid, so i can teach it to talk backwards, and get up and get me things. I want one know, cause i don't want to wait till im all old, and start caring about children. You know how am I going to teach it to talk backwards if i want it to have a good life. So i want one know, when im young and stupid. I hope nothing stops, me. Hmmm girlfriend might say no......that will suck. Ill keep ya updated on that. Here is something that only one person and one person along could possibly make any sense out of this. Magdelena is a good song. I like it like a brother. Matt got a new posty thingy, so did I. Look. Cool huh? It's not me. It's Brandon Boyd from Incubus. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning … Smells like-victory." I know what that's from. Do you? Id hope so. Well that's about it. Today was like another work day. Monday. Bye kids ~Wyatt.

    Monday, August, 7th

    I redid my pic thing its actually me to so I guess it fits. I had a hard day at work, thats all.

    Sunday, August, 6th

    Well with the new domain coming, and the way i've been feeling lately. I would like to say a couple of things. Everything we have been doing, with lower class people and overwrought people, is mean. I know it is. For those people who see this site and are either of the two, i am honestly sorry for that. Im being very hypocritical. Im overweight, and my family has had hard times way back in the day, when i was little. So it's like, I was really freaking angry, causes of work and all the people who came in just happened to be either overweight or underclass. It seemed like they where always the rude ones. Im not as angry anymore, and i feel really really guilty. Wensday there is another adventure. It's not just my site, it's Pill's too. Im just not going to participate as actively before in the adventures. Im going to start to make new features, soon. When we get the domain. Id like to say sorry again if i offended anyone. The guilt was eating away at me. Hmmmm in the lighter side of things. I found something out about my "wee wee". If like you think it's small, it will like get smaller, but if you think it's huge, it will get bigger! See what ive learned with all my free time! Ill tell you more when i find more. by kids ~wytt post script "Oh bliss! Bliss and heaven! Oh, it was gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh. It was like a bird of rarest-spun heaven metal or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now. As I slooshied, I knew such lovely pictures!"

    Sunday, August, 6th

    Well its "fair" time in our town, its called that because its not big enough to be classifyied a Circuis (excuse spelling). We are going to attend this on wensday and take pictures of umm Circuis Carneys and such, it should be "good times". I have nothing, although I like oranges.

    Sunday, August, 6th

    Im back. Yeah, in the time that i've been gone, i realized a lot of things. I feel better about myself so much now than before. I've experienced true happines . It was cool. tee hee. I wont be the same. I don't feel the same. Cool eh? No more depressing post. I know im sorry Brandon, you do love them.....I just made up a person, im sorry. It happens. I do it a lot. Well a lot happen in my week i was gone. Too much to post about. It was allllll good. I officially stopped caring about my job. Ask Pill. When i came back from my week of not working, the only work i did that whole day was like 3 hours, that's just cause i was bored. Mostly i walked around, i read magazines. Drank a soda, ate some brownies. All while i was working on the clock. Oh the bottle room was fun too. I can honestly say, i shit you not, that in the 9 hours that i was there today i worked a total of about 2 good hours. The rest was sitting. It was great. Im very excited about the (if we can get a credit card number) domain soon. Don't be afraid if you people feel generous and let us use yours. You know how to contact us. Any who. Time to get down to the dirty stuff. You know, i have a hard time posting without mentioning some white trash. I saw a lot recently. Two things did stick out more than others though. For example. When Pill and I where at my favorite most place to be, in my town. Music world, after spending like 8 hours there, all of a sudden where ever we turned there where, gross as hell. Circus carney/white trash people. Hmmm the smell = cigarettes + ass sweat. We stayed and made sure they like didn't take anything. It was very unpleasant. They did like Ween though. So i dunno. Oh and and Matt, was solicited for prostitution. By a circus carney. For 250 bucks, you could experience nice fine carnival grease on your "sha-lappy-wappy" Matt asked me if he could borrow some money. Sadly i was of no help. Oh i bought 46 cd's this week. Yeah i know im sic. I love making fun of people. I think it's cause of my insecurites ....Oh and the other event. The story that my good friend Pyromantic told me. 30 minuets away from Lansing. There is this man. He is a good guy and all. Cept i dunno.....he is a racist. I mean gee golly what am i saying??!! He is so PC, i mean there is definitely only 2 type of black people. Black people, and "the horrible "N" word. My god! This man needs to be shot! Oh and for you woman. According to this brilliant man. WOMAN ARE ONLY DEPOSITORIES!! You hate him now don't you? I mean he is a good guy and all. Just a little miss guided. Oh and i knocked over this poor little girl. I rammed into her by accident she went a flying. I felt like crap. Her mother didn't even care. IN FACT, her mother yelled at her for crying. I felt so bad for this poor little girl. I got a letter from the A.F.D.W. More on this later. It disturbed me that's all i have to say. Im back you can exhale now. Well bye kids. ~wytt

    Sunday, August, 6th

    I could not get into Angelfire today, it took me a while to find out what it was... I got mad and deleted all my cookies, behold the problem was gone.. What dose this entail, did angelfire try to stop me from posting with a cookie? Well I do not appreciate it. Anyhow we are gonna do everything over when its Domain time, and all the old stuff will be lost...forever. We are in the process of looking at places, and every one has something I or wytt dose not like, I.E. no CGI bins, no emails, crap like that. Our local ISP has a very expensive start-up fee of 140$ plus 25$ a month, its the 140$ that bothers us. When other places are 70$ or less, all in all our local ISP has the stuff we need, so it may be a while. Updates, soon if ever... like any of you care. -sigh-

    Thursday, August, 3rd

    I found a really cool site that has an interview with Man or Astro Man? Thats good, check it out at Run in We will probally get a domain in a couple weeks or less, we are kinda happy about that.

    Wendsday, August, 2nd

    Did you ever hear something funny and you took it literally, and you where not supposed to, then you realized it and you feel to. Anyhow I am checking around for domains, and I might have found a pretty good one thats cheap. Check back later

    Tuesday, August, 1st

    I am updating some stuff, so go to them soon. If I ever get a domain or hosted I will have a CGI bin so I can use a Newspost type deal, making it easyier and way faster for us to post, thus = more posts and stuff. I got tommorow off, so I might actually get out for once! Oh, and I have some good music you all should get into, 1st is Moby, which is pretty cool techno, and the other is Hayden, its a great band.
    Peace, Love & RPG's

    Sunday, July, 30th

    I redid the sloppy code so it should work on AOL and netscape, since they can not read my "mad table coding skills" as the kids say. We might get a domain instead of hosted since Negatives can't take us or anyone for that matter, aww well, hes updating again so go there. Well we will see yeah no news here. Wytts "busy" for a week of which he has off work to visit with his girlfriend, his dissappearance is explained, as for mine I have been working for 5 days in a row so far, 8 to 5's 12 to 9's, so I am tired and stuff. Well I am back and will update soon, I am sorry we are truely lazy because of our jobs.

    Thursday, July, 27th

    Today at work I thought about stuff, our world, and people. Just how we can do this stuff to ourselves, what the hell is wrong with our society when this goes on? I have seen the stiles and rottens and I am not inpressed at all. How can they make entertainment of these things that disgust us, and destroy ourselves. This "bad-Stuff" as I have come to know it is bad, further demoralizing its viewers thinking its ok. Making light of death and "these" disturbing things. Its bad enough there are a "few" if these sites around, but now all I see is other sites doing the same things, most the time the exact same pictures, and I notice this because I visit most supposed E/N sites, which have lost the purpose of what they once where. Instead they copy eachother and reproduce what the other "sites" already have done, like a parasite sucking there "news, and or Pics" from them to survive in the E/N community. And I know what your thinking, my site is E/N, that it may be, or not, I don't know, but its all original here baby. Next time you see that crap, think about whats in it, and where it came from.

    Monday, July, 24th

    Sorry for lack of updates, but I have worked a lot. We should be hosted shortly as Negatives domain is registered. In which case we will resume updating Frequently*sigh. Yes we live again. In other news, the Evil Dead game looks great, the screens make me drool, and it is called the Evil Dead 4 we have all been waiting for. What a sequel, we get to portray Ash in our favorite sceens, yes the Chainsaw and all folks! I will add a page to this when we are, you guessed it, Hosted. Possibly a page for halo as well. Oh yeah, Halo-Net is up again witha few new admins and what-not, the beta page looks great. Not much else, but in local news NMO switched to a different provider and I noticed the change right away, load times are way less and I get at least 50 less ping than I had before. MMM NMO goodness
    Peace Love & RPG's

    Tuesday, July,18th

    Today was so boring. All I did was slept. Usually I love that, but today it bothered me. I worry about things too much I feel. That's just the way I am.I have a hole in my head im happy about that. I stopped drinking soda. I have no reason for this, I just did. I drink juice. Juice is good. I like it. Something seems wrong with Archu If you go there it's been down for a long time. That's ok. My album should be done soon, for all those people who care. Yep. I really have nothing to say. Matt and I will start paying more attention, when we get hosted, so calm down monkeys. see ya. BI. ~wytt

    Tuesday, July, 18th

    At work yesterday a kid droped like 250+ pound pallet on my foot. I yelled a profanity and he quickly got it off my foot, it hurt for like 3 mins, but shes all better now (she being my foot). Halo-net has closed...that sucks if you know what I am talking about, if not go back to your meaningless life. Aparently Alan wants to write music, good luck in it.
    Thats all

    Sunday, July, 16th

    Bah, well nothing new here. The lack of stuff happening affects me, how tiresome. EQ has taken much of my time, theres nothing better to do, and TFC was getting a bit old, still love it though. Summer is going by fast and I haven't done anything with it much. Well, umm yeah.

    Saturday, July, 15th

    Negative is open with ben back, hehe that took a while. We are eager to get hosted and thats why we haven't posted much, its gateways fault. We might add stuff later, but definitely after we are hosted. I got addicted to EQ, EGH AHH make it stop, everything else is not real.

    Sunday, July,9th

    I haven't posted in awhile because Pill makes it feel like work...bastard. Any ways where doing stuff to the site. Yeah work today was fun. Matt and I (a.k.a. Pill for the idiots) worked in the bottle room all day. We cleaned out bottle bins and like mop buckets. We used up 4 bottles of chemicals, that we weren't even sure what they did. It was starting to get hard to breath it was great. Yeah that's it. I hate posting because you people don't care. Bye pigs ~wytt

    Sunday, July, 9th

    I started a lings page, for the other sites we (I) visit, theres many more to be added, so it will expand each day (under the links). Work was fun, hahaha... yeah. Think I am going to paintball the two days I get off, wendsday and thursday. Oh, and I know you people come here, SO vote...please... I see you... I know because my counter thingy tells me...everything. Oh and I find that I am forgetting what day it is, frequently, I am usally way off on my guesses, its a true sign, summer is here for now.

    Saturday, July, 8th

    Ok, I did the vote Ballot box, and now vote. I have the question because I do not want an empty Forum type thing. This way you all can express yourselfs, and have more interactivity with the site ect. Stuff is good, and stuff. I bought a new barrel for my PaintBall gun, Smart Parts progressive I want the all american barrel, but I didn't want to blow all my money this week so I might get it later. I also want a PGP stock gun, those look cool. Well I am off.

    Friday, July, 7th

    Umm yeah, I think we are going to get a Forum for stuff, eh? Yeah thats what I thought. Anyways nothing new here, I might do stuff with the site wait and see. Bens still dead, and thats bad, I guess we will wait it out. I might post later, I have nothing now.
    Peace Love & RPG's

    Wensday, July,5th

    Why don't any of my fans icq me? Is there something wrong with me? Is it all the sores in my mouth? what? Anyways, The Smashing Pumpkins breaking up still feels like doing sit ups on a razor back......bye kids~wytt

    Tuesday, July,4th

    " Ah, the suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song in the center of the world, and the sound is like razors through flesh. I'm here to turn up the volume. To stick the stinking face of humanity into the black blood of it's own secret heart!" This past week at Glens has been HORRIBLE. People and there "4th of JUly" B.S. Im so glad its finaly over... Well I did somthing.....tee might be up, might not...we will see.Matt is right about the 4th. As you all know people make me sic, so sic to the point i feel other loathe, and disguest for. Anyways. I also feel, that the 4th of july has lost its meaning. People dont parade in the parade for what it was meant for. They do becuase they get to be in a parade. Also the fireworks. The only reason why we have them now a days is becuase we did the previous year. Most kids dont know what those fireworks mean, that we are able to do that,without getting our hands cut off or some weird ass thing like that. They just see perrtty colors,and they grow up not realizing what a great pain,and hardache it took for it to be this way. This is why the whole celebration of it i could care less for. I mean people don't really celebrate for the reason why we have the day, they do becuase they did last year. I celebrate in my own way, take in appreatiaon all the customs and luxzeris (how ever you spell it) i have come a custome too. well bye kids ~wytt

    Tuesday, July, 4th

    I haven't posted in a while because I really didn't feel like it.. I work much this week, and wytt made a thing about our work, we are contemplating to put it up or not, its kinda mean.. But we will see in time. Wytt updated music, and I might do movies tonight or tommorow. We are still waiting for Ben's computer, we miss it as much as he dose. So domain soon, I will do the poll later sometime maybe, without a gurentee. Uh, we might have another project online maybe, so we will keep you up on that. Happy 4th and stuff, we are free, which many of us don't care about. I didn't realize it untill recently how easy things are here, and how much it cost. I know, your thinking crap, but people died, and look into a vets eye and say you don't care. Pe0pLe MAkE mE sIck

    Monday, July,3rd

    overcome by your moving temple overcome by this holiest of altars so pure so rare to witness such an earthly goddess that i've lost my self control beyond compelled to throw this dollar down before your holiest of altars i'd sell my soul my self esteem a dollar at a time for one chance one kiss one taste of you my magdalena i bear witness to this place this prayer so long forgotten so pure so rare to witness such an earthly goddess that i'd sell my soul my self esteem a dollar at a time for one chance one kiss one taste of you my black madonna i'd sell my soul my self esteem a dollar at a time one taste one taste one taste of you my magdalena A Perfect Circle

    Sunday, July, 2nd

    Saturday, July, 1st

    Hmm, I worked all day, and stuff. I am gonna add more stuff when we are hosted. Soon hopefully. I watched The Green Mile, great, great movie. Go rent it and watch it three times, well once will surfice. Yeah do that..

    Friday, June, 30th

    The EvilDead game site is up Evildeadgame I can't wait to play one of my top 10 favorite movies in a game. Cheers to Bruce Campbell. One of my sisters friends gets to meet him, thinking of getting my limited edition, special directors cut, wide screen and all deleted sceens, Army of Darkness video. Its even in a special case. Tee-Hee. Anyhow work sucked, so busy.

    Thursday, June, 29th

    Hmm I am tired, we where up till round 4 am, and stuff. I am going to take some more pictures of well, stuff. maybe add the paintball page soon, oh some stupid kids tried to hold up a bank in Alanson with paintball guns... It must be the city water... stupid kids.
    I like oranges

    Thursday, June, 29th

    God. What I do for dares. Ok my jewish friend Jesse Drank a whole paket of kool-aid in like one glass. He said it was really really gross. So I was like I gotta try that. Then he dared me to do it. So I did and went over one paket of kool-aid. View here.It did'nt taste that bad. This happend a while ago. But yeah. ~Wytt

    Wednesday, June, 28th

    HAHAHAHA. You know our little "white trash adventure?" We screwed up all the links majorly. First what happend was, we forgot every single /mi2, directory, then we put that in the wrong place. So we had to go back to evey single html, and change it AGAIN. Then we had to put a dot, on some of the links. So we had to go back and change those. Then we forgot to upload some pictures. After that some of the......forget it nevermind, it was a pain. So go and see it. We worked hard on somthing that is suppose to take 10 minutes. Well Bye kids :) ~Wytt

    Wendsday, June, 28th

    Wyatt and I, made a new thing. Its called white trash adventure. We looked all over our "city" for these people, visit it. Anyhow I am at wyatts and we did that.

    Tuesday, June, 27th

    I like the diagram wytt, nice touch...Anyhow I had an uneventfull day at work, watching wytt and all. Quite amusing for sure. Well Bens (Negative) computer has broken so our hosting will be delayed, poor guy. So we are going to update, cause we have been holding it back to long. YaY, this undoubtidly makes you shiver with excitement. Oh yeah, and I have been getting many ICQ messages, if you IM me or whatever, please tell me that you came from here so I jes don't put you on ignore like I do most people :). I made a song, I really like it, so me and the "boyz" can get down "wit" it. I am going to watch The Green Mile and review that for you all.
    Peace, Love & RPG's

    Tuesday, June, 27th

    Today was a rather interesting day. I freaked out at about 8:15 a.m. I could'nt deal with the stores crap. I was thinking all nilhlstic like.That put me in a werid mood. A really werid mood so I was going to write down, what i was feeling at a particular time, but i did'nt. What I did do, was sat there and counted. The old people. Now when I say old people i don't mean just old people, I mean old people that, are so old, they should die. You know what I mean. I counted those. I counted all the White Trash that came in. No, not poor people, there is a diffrence you can tell. I counted the White Trash .I also counted, all the gross brats, the assholes, and the bicthes, and um......the Jamacanis. How ever you spell it I don'nt know or care. You can view the results right here.Also today was very um.....painfull for me. No, not emotinal as usaul. I mean phiscaly, painful. This morning I was in rather a hurry. So I did'nt rinse my penis as good as I usally do. I was fine in the morning I did notice a little discomfort in my penis, but nothing big. Until near my final hour, I discoverd, that Herbal Essance, has gotten inside my urethra.(see diagrahm at below) It hurt like hell. My god. It was so bad. I hardly could walk. I stumbled to the register's. I could'nt take the pain any longer. I had to do what i dread the most. Pee in a public bathroom. I did it. It hurt like hell when it first came out. It was like pissing razors (good band). It felt so good and relived after I was done though. It's a little sore, but ill be ok. Well Bye kids :) ~Wytt

    New layout, v 3.5




    --Music----The Band----Staff--
    HTML coding by Pill. Graphix by Wyatt.
    Please don't steal our stuff its not compatible with AOL or netscape because I am dumb.