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Vauris Family/Famille Vauris

Welcome! I created this website out of my frustration with my geneology research. I am hoping this will attract some Vauris' from around the world and will help shed some light on how the family came to America. My mom, aunts and I have found that the Vauris name in the United States is few and far between. We know most everyone except for the Vauris' I located in Freemont, Michigan. There are a plethora of Vauris' in France, I have yet to contact any of these other people.

From what I understand, the family is French in origin. My great-grandfather was James F. Vauris who married Beatrice Sharrow of Algonac, Michigan. His son, my late grandfather, was George William Vauris. My grandpa grew up in Detroit, Michigan.

I am a Vauris by blood, it was my mom's maiden name. I knew my grandfather very well but never asked about his family history, nor was I interested before. He passed away in 1993. His father James died young somewhere between 1930 (according to and 1946 (according to my grandma).

We are relatives of the late Richard Vauris, the police officer who was killed in the line of duty last year. Retired after 23 years with Detroit Police, he was working for the Clinton Township Police at the time. He was my mom's first cousin and my godfather.

I was also interested/intrigued to find a town in France named Vauris. The name is rare in both France and the U.S. I haven't delved into Canada yet!

Facebook Group: les VAURIS et la généalogie

Coordinates of Vauris, France:
Longitude: 0° 54' 0" East
Latitude: 44° 31' 0" North

Below is the email address I reserved for anyone to contact me.
I also will use the email address for an email list for an "update newsletter", to those interested.
