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'It's Not nice to ask a lady her age!' - Sinead

'There have been people who've said some really mean things about us.' - Edele

'We're not going to say we don't swear cos everybody does it.' - Keavy

'There's so much you can do with denim!' - Lindsay

'It's funny how sometimes hotel rooms feel so wrong and other times feel so right.' - Sinead

'We won't let Lindsay keep a cat. All they ever do is hiss and scratch.' - Edele

'I hate cats. I had a really bad dream where all these moggies were biting me. It was horrible! Now if I see a cat I just feel sick!' - Keavy

'I have to check under the hotel bed before I go to sleep.' - Lindsay

'There's a hotel in London where the camber maids always close the shower curtain in the bathroom and lay a towel on the floor every morning. The first time we stayed there I got the shock of my life. I ran out the room thinking there was someone using my bathroom! I was petrified!' - Sinead

'I get bored with someone making my bed and doing my cooking all the time.' - Edele

'You never know if some drunk person's going to try and get in your room.' - Keavy

'Imagine catching a naked man taking a shower!' - Lindsay

'Keavy always panics if she sits on the right.' - Sinead

'Wherever Sinead's been you'll find one of her false nails!' - Edele

'Lindsay really fancies Brad Pitt but I don't see it myself.' - Keavy

'If you sit next to Edele she'll be tapping her foot constantly!' - Lindsay

'Edele has this habit of just firing rubbish everywhere. Instead of walking over and placing it in the bin, she'll just throw it from where she's sitting.' - Sinead

'She's away with the fairies half of the time.' - Edele (speaking about Sinead)

'I'll tell you a secret about Sinead. She'll never approach a guy or make the first move.' - Keavy

'When Edele went through a phase where her shoe kept coming off on stage, that was Keavy's fault.' - Lindsay

'Lindsay's also really loud when she speaks Greek. When she's talking to her mam on the phone she'll be mousey quiet but then, as soon as her dad comes on the phone, she starts blabbering in Greek and screaming the place down!' - Sinead

'We actually like one cat. His name's Mutley and he belongs to our producer. We recorded his purring and it's beautiful. We're thinking about sampling it on a track.' - Edele

'Edele's very superstitious about five - the number, not the group!' - Keavy

'I have a thing about sharks. You know sometimes when you're in the swimming pool and you can't see the bottom? Well, I get paranoid.' - Lindsay
If you have more quotes, please send them here!
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