All photos on this page are from The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Michigan’s
First (Outdoor) Held Specialty Show. Sept 1945


At the June Meeting in 1942, we voted to have a Specialty Show in connection with the all-breed Oakland County Club. This was our first venture into a licensed event. Mr. Louis Warden was the all-around Judge. There were thirty-three entries, Date September 6, 1942. The following popular decisions were rendered by Judge Warden

The club voted a special assessment of three dollars to augment the trophy list. These trophies were given out in the ring at the conclusion of the judging by a representative of the club. Oscar Sobol‚ served as chairman of the trophy committee and Hjalmar Olsen was chairperson of the bench committee.

At the regular meeting of September 22‚ 1942 a full report of the bench and trophy committee’s was received. Much favorable discussion took place, Enthusiasm ran high for our success at the show. This was the beginning of a long series of bench events. Through the years since that very first show, the club has promoted a yearly specialty usually in connection with some all – breed club.

Some of these were specialty events under our own promotion. Also, we participated in a specialty event in an All–Sporting breed show that was held for several years. We have supported the breed with trophies and prizes in many of the shows in and about Detroit. Shows are very important, educational activities. There is an opportunity to compare the physical attributes of the entries against the standard of the breed. There is much interesting conversation ringside. There is a place for the rankest neophyte to the highest ranking pro to vocalize on the pros and cons of his favorite subject, the Shorthair.

The above ad is the results of The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Michigan’s
First Outdoor Held Specialty Show. Sept 1945

Our first outdoor Specialty Show held September 16, 1945 at the Redford Golf Club was a striking success. There were seventy–two entries, the greatest number in the history of the breed.

Mr. Enno Meyer of Ohio was the judge. He was an internationally famous artist with an interest in pure breed dogs extending over fifty years as a breeder, judge and author. Mr. Meyer over the years bred, trained, and handled to championship thirty – eight different breeds.

It was a beautiful early fall day with the judging starting promptly at one in the afternoon. Mr. Meyer proceeded through the well filled classes in a careful and systematic manner, giving each entry equal time. He showed no sign of tiring, and maintained his enthusiasm throughout his assignment which concluded at six o‚clock

The Following Placements were enthusiastically received:
The above photo is from The German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Michigan’s
First Outdoor Held Specialty Show. Sept 1945

GSPC of MI Specialty Show Catalogs: