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Jonah: Endnotes:

The books and tapes from the following Bible teachers have been an invaluable resource for my studies in the Book of Jonah. These men have contributed greatly to my ministry. Therefore, their contribution to my studies is noted here.

R. B. Thieme, Jr., pastor of Berachah Church in Houston, Texas for over 50 years. His Bible lessons, "The Assyrian Crisis," were very beneficial in obtaining information about Jonah and the time in which he lived.

Martin R. DeHaan: (1891 - 1965). A former medical doctor who became a pastor, evangelist and Bible conference speaker. He organized and managed the Radio Bible Class out of Grand Rapids, Michigan in the early 1940's. In less than twenty years his radio ministry had grown to hundreds of selected stations around the world. He edited and published a monthy devotional guide, Our Daily Bread, which has a present circulation of over 800,000. He also published over twenty-five books, one of which is the book of Jonah. His analysis of the book of Jonah was a great source of valuable information concerning the personality and character of Jonah.

Robert L. Deffinbaugh: A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. in 1971. Bob is a teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation of Biblical Studies. His email addres is

His 1998 notes on the book of Jonah on the Bible Study Foundation's web site were an excellent source of information.

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