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GALATIANS: Law & Grace

Lesson #1: Introduction & Outline:


(1) - The book of Galatians is one of the greatest monuments to the grace of God ever written. In some ways the subject of Galatians is the same as that of Ephesians. Except Ephesians approaches grace from a positive perspective and Galatians approaches grace from the negative persepctive.

(2) - In Galatians Paul wrote in a very firm and stern manner. This is found clearly in the original language of Greek, but it can be seen in the English.

(3) - The book of Galatians has been called by some the Magna Carta of spiritual liberty. It was the battle cry of the Reformation, and it is the Christian's declaration of independence. Galatians embodies the basic teaching of Christian freedom which separated Christianity from Judaism. Therefore, the message of Galatians is the message of the Christian's spiritual freedom.

(4) -The theme of Galatians, and the central theme of the New Testament is that true freedom comes only through Jesus Christ. In Galatians Paul deals with spiritual freedom in two areas:

(A) - Salvation, through which Christ sets a person free from the bondange of sin and the law.

(B) - Sanctification in the Christian life. This involves the freedom that God gives His children in the Christian life. In other words, Christian liberty.

(5) - Paul wrote Galatians from Corinth in about 56 or 57 AD.

(6) - Paul received news that the Galatian Chrstians were moving into legalism. The Judaizers came to Galatia after Paul left and began persuading the Gentile Galatians that they could not be saved or be spiritual until they accepted the Jewish law and were circumcised. Many Galatian believers accepted the teachings of the Judaizers and began following some of the teachings of the Mosaic Law. When this news reached Paul in Corinth, he sat down and wrote them this letter.

(7) - This epistle is very sharp, stern, critical and sarcastic. Paul appears to be more disturbed by legalism then by any other religious movement of the ancient world.

(8) - The salutation is given in verses 1-5, and in verse one we have the identification of the human writer. But remember and always keep in mind, that even Paul was the human writer, it was God the Holy Spirit who is the author. (II Peter 1:21).

Galatians Chapter One

Vs 1 - Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)