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The Greenery

Welcome to the cloudiest page on the net! I'm currently constructing a collage of pot-pics for your enjoyment. Until then, here are some cool facts about everyone's favorite plant: 1. Marijuana is the oldest-smoked plant. People have been tokin' since the Chinese did in 4000 B.C. 2.Marijuana was determined illegal in the U.S. by congress in 1937. 3.It is a FACT that marijuana does NOT kill brain cells. In a study done by a group of scientists, they concluded that it would take the smoking of 412,000 lbs of weed to destroy 1,000 brain cells. 4.If you hold in weedsmoke between 18-22 seconds, you get higher. 5.Our first president, George Washington, not only smoked, but grew marijuana. 6.During the second World War, the U.S. government ordered the growing of hemp for clothing to support the war effort. 7.Marijuana is still legal in 42 countries. 8.That 67% more men smoke weed than woman, but in the early centuries American Indian women smoked more while the men were hunting or at war. They did this to "get closer to the Gods" and to pray for "luck at the hunt or war." 9. Seventy-five percent of parents survyed in a government survey agree to smoking pot sometime in their life. 10.The most potent natural marijuana is Purple Haze, which is grown normally in the equatorial countries.

Best Breed Weed

Some Very Smokey Links:
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Bud Smokaz only!!
The smokiest chat room


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