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Hi, welcome to Tom and Vicky Smith's. If you made it this far you must like horses. Well we like them ,too! We are especially fond of Tennessee Walking Horses. We trail ride and show them. Their smooth gaits and gentle temperment have made us loyal owners. In fact at this time we own 4 Tennessee Walkers.

We no longer raise foals. We spend our summers in Michigan and our winters in Arizona.I am reworking this website to reflect the changes in our lives.

I am also devoting my time to fighting the mandatory NAIS program being implemented by the USDA. If you own horses or any other type of livestock, you owe it to yourself to get involved.This part of my website is under construction. It can be accessed at No to NAIS

We hope that you enjoy your visit. We have lots of pictures, some useful information and horsey links.

We would sure appreciate it if you would sign our guestbook and let us know where you're from.

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Banner courtesy of Sherry Hartley


Palomino Tennessee Walking Horses Web Ring
The Smith Ranch Tennessee Walking Horses

Palomino Tennessee Walking Horses Web Ring

This site is owned by Tom and Vicky Smith

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This site opened on 2/10/99.