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Twinkie, anyone? Twinkie, O Twinkie
-A Ballad Homage-

Twinkies, ah, what a wondrous snack!
It's agreed on o'er the lands,
Yet do you know what power you hold,
When you have one in your hands?

I always knew there must be more
To that simple, Godless treat,
Than a spongy, yellow outer layer
And icing inside to eat.

It started one day at the store,
Myself no more than five,
When I got to pick a nummy snack
For behaving on the ride.

My eyes glanced wildly at all the shelves,
Junk food for miles and miles!
I stepped back, merely to catch my breath,
And suddenly, did end my smiles.

I had stepped on something in the aisle,
My mind flashed back to the sign;
It was posted in the front of the store,
It was posted in my mind..

"Welcome to my humble store,
Welcome, hi and hey!
The only rule I ask you to follow
Is, 'You ruin pay'".

I knew my mother would be so mad,
To buy an unwanted treat,
That I had carelessly crushed that day,
Under the shoes on my feet.

And back stepped I, with a worried look,
To see the victim of my fate,
But worried more did my look get,
When I did a double take.

It was a Twinkie that I had squished,
It laid flat on the floor,
But when I blinked and blinked again,
It's natural shape did restore!

I put the snack back on the shelf,
And to the door I hurled,
Not knowing the power I just had witnessed,
Would eventually rule the world.

Now here I am, ten years hence,
And again, Twinkie in hand,
But now, I know how to harness it's power,
Thanks to it, I rule the land!

Who needs a nuclear sub-atomic gun,
When killing with Twinkies is two times the fun?!

I rule the world with iron fist,
And iron tongue as well,
Chosen of the Twinkie Gods,
To make the earth a hell!!

So, the next time you are at the store,
Consid'ring Twinkies as just 'snacks',
Re-evaluate your morals then,
'Fore my Twinkie army attacks!!

YAY meeee! This ended up being the one I actually turned in today, Friday, February 19. It was actually kind bad, cuz I forgot to bring it to school today..thankfully, my dad loves me a lot and ran home and brought it to me, since my dumb school considers it skipping if you leave for even approximately 14 minutes, which is how long a round trip drive to my house would be from the school.. ugh..that's "law and order" for ya..
ANYhoo..I did turn it in during a class change, and my teacher was very happy that I had actually written 3 in all...although I think she was faking her excitement..but I don't care, if she can't cope with the fact that I would rather write a ballad about Spam or Sporks or Twinkies, instead of forgotten love, and heroes, and blah blah..she can just kiss my THERE!

Screw You Guys...I'm Going Home