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Ballad 'o The Spork

A question rose some time ago
In some place, to someone,
Could eating with a fork or spoon
Just be no

And so this someone thought and thought,
"How can I change this fate?
Will mealtime become quite the bore
With just fork, spoon, and plate?

"No, never!" echoed in the valleys,
It rang out through the lands
"Another utensil must be created,
Lest we eat with our hands!"

This person toiled and struggled hard
Late, late into the night,
And finally finished, laughed and smiled
As the creation caught the light.

Reveling and weeping and leaping in joy.
And yet, spake not a word.
But sat there and held the grand utensil
That would change the world!

"This miracle of sculpted plastic,
This humble 'spoon plus fork',
Why, what better name for this great marvel,
Then the Almighty SPORK!"

Now years have passed since that great night,
And still some praise the spork,
The choice utensil for most foods yet-
Sushi, green eggs, pork

And yet it still seems to go unnoticed,
As just another tool,
I guess you'll all feel pretty stupid,
When it even outlives YOU!

YAY!! I love my poetry! Another to embarrass myself in front of the entire English class..huzzah!! huzzah!! Score two for Ki-chan!! Hehehe...there may be more on the way..with all that extra time in English, since it's sooo boring, and I've resolved to stop sleeping in there! Hehehe..see ya soon! :)

Screw You Guys..I'm Going Home