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Song of the Spam -A Ballad-

The deepest hunger woke me up
Late one night in May
I never could get back to sleep
But longed to hit the hay

Obedient to this ache, I rose
To the kitchen, I did sail
Ice cream, pretzals, pbj
All to no avail

I could not find the special food
That I did so yearn for
But then I turned to the cab'net
And knelt down on the floor

I trudged through boxes, cans, and bags
Growing eager nonetheless
Dreaming of the moment I'd find it
It's metal suit caress

The songs of angels filled my head
At last I found one can
My fingers tightly clenched my prize
God of SPAM!

This is an exclusive Ki-chan one-of-a-kind poem, ain't it grrrreat?! It's for my icky icky English class, yucky yucky British I decided if I had to embarrass myself in front of the class by reading an original stinky 'ole ballad...I might as well REALLY embarrass myself by having them all think that I actually eat SPAM!! See, if any of my really good pals were in there with me, then they would get my Spam joke, since we are forever mocking this mystery meat of mystery meats, and then turning around and praising it by singing the Spam Song from that Monty Python sketch..hehehehehe...

Run home, Jack! Run home, Jack!