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Here's just a few reasons why ya might wanna vote for me someday for President of the United States*:

1. I'm a chick- This is pretty much of this moment anyhoo, hehe. Let's just forget the whole Jusenkyo nonsense for a sec and be serious..and for God's sake, put down that bucket of cold water! We simply need a grrrl prez!

2. I will fulfill the necessities to become the Prez when I turn 35- Duh..just the paperwork, blah blah..I'm a citizen and will be 35 someday..yadda yadda..

3. I'm a weird person- We need more weird ppl in the spotlight.

4. I'll never grow up- The person who'll turn this country around should be a 17-year old 35-year old!!

5. I'm apolitical- Politics=bullshit, bullshit=politics...I can do bullshit without the political part.

6. I'm an uncorrupted, innocent, and naive individual- You know what I mentioned about the bullshit? Yeah well...Seriously though, I am. I don't believe in falsities and lies, and I truly think honesty IS the best policy.

7. I'm not proud to be an American- Pride just leads to racism, Social Darwinism, and all the other junk in the world. I'm proud to be alive, and be me, and be somewhat human at times..but to be American? Feh..

8. I'd never, ever bore ppl with 3-hour long speeches and stupid press conferences-If I wouldn't watch it, I wouldn't make others watch it either :) Besides, if you can't get your point across in 15 minutes, then you have too much bullshit in there anyway.

9. Kids ARE the future- Being a youth, I know how little our rights and opinions really matter- zip, zilch, zero- even though ppl under 20 are the most important audience. I mean, when kids would rather watch Kenny die over the Prez, then something is the matter. I wanna appeal to ppl of ALL ages, especially kids. I know ppl who understand the world's workings more than their 'rents.

10. My first order of business-Host Saturday Night Live!-How great would that be? What better way to truly reach out, than by showing that the president is human, has a sense of humor, and has great taste in TV shows! YAY!


*NOTE: Void in Canada- darn Canucks lol

Take me back to back baby back baby back..ribs :)