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Check out these pretty neat quotes that I've found along my journey through life (so far ^_^). Some are funny, some weird, even some inspirational (how'd those get in here?), but all are worth wasting time reading :) Just for the record, I messed up a few things and for the most part they've been corrected..I would stand corrected, Missy and Jessy, but I'm sitting :P

From the horse's mouth: Today, I can honestly say I turned over a new forest. Not just one leaf like other people do. That would be too normal. And me? Well, I'm far from any definition for "normal" Webster could ever spit out.

I am your mother's twin sister born ten years later who killed her out of penis envy because she was a hermaphrodite.
--"Wrongfully Accused" (Submitted by HiddyHid)

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
--MacBeth in "Macbeth" (Submitted by Nina)

In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.
--The Kick-Ass voice guy from "Law & Order" (By Nina)

Wow! I tell you what, Wow!
--Bartok (By Nina)

Are you threatening me!?
--Beavis (By Nina)

To Hell with Gluck and Handel, it's a scandal that'll pack 'em in the aisles.
--M. Firmin (By Nina)

Turn your face away from the garrish light of day, turn your face away from cold, unfeeling light and listen to the music of the night.
--Erik in "The Phantom of the Opera" (By Nina-is she makin ya gag yet? Just wait a little longer..she will..)

My name's not Todd. I'm Aisrail Abyss, Prince of Sorrow.
--Asrail Abyss, Prince of Sorrow (By Nina)

Look what you did to Mr. Bigglesworth!
--Dr. Evil (By Nina)

When everything feels like the movies, yeah, you'd bleed just to know your alive.
--Goo Goo Dolls, "Iris" (By Nina)

He's on the table and he's goin' to code, and I do not think anyone knows what they're doin' here.
--Third Eye Blind, "Jumper" (By Nina- the one with NO life!! Do you see why I was hesitant to start putting quotes up!? Ahhh!)

Far away, long ago, glowing dim as an ember; things my heart used to know, once upon a December.
--"Once Upon a December" (Nina)

Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big ole bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch; she's a bitch to all the boys and girls.
--Cartman (Nina)

Jack McCoy could have convicted O.J.
--Nină (Submitted by herself, obviously, 'cause I never listen to a thing she says! Lol!!)

I am Edgar Allen Poe.
--Nina and Heather (By Nina)

Moo...I say...moo.
--Moo-sashi the Mu (Submitted by Origami)

In the way that although you know that one day you will die, you live as though you won't.
--Arundhati Roy in "The God of Small Things", a novel that you should read if you haven't!!

When will the hurting stop?
--Ed in "The Terrible Thunder Lizards"

I'm sitting here in Latin class
As bored as I can be
First Latin killed the Romans
And now it's killing me...

--Found by Andi, Queen of Sluts, scribbled in blood in a 2nd year Latin textbook

You treat me like I'm a princess..
--Alanis Morisette, "Head Over Feet" on Jagged Little Pill

We're men...we're men in tights, _tight_ tights..
--The Merry Men, in Mel Brooks' "Men in Tights"

Mr. Hat is a two-timing whore!
--Mr. Garrison from "South Park"

Walk THIS way!
--Sheriff of Rottingham in "Men in Tights"

Just think of cheerleaders as speed bumps
For your big redneck trucks!

--Jessy's line in Andi's and Missy's and Jessy's original parody of our school fight song (YAY!)

I always keep my diary with me in case I need something exciting to read on the train.
--Oscar Wilde

Dry up and DIE!
--Akane Tendou in "Ranma 1/2"

The most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made of rubber
Their bottoms are made of springs
They bounce, they trounce, they flounce, they pounce
Their full of fun fun fun!
But the most the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is that
I'm the only one
I'm...the only one!

--Tigger from "The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh"

Illusions never change..into something real..
--Natalie Imbruglia, "Torn" on Left of the Middle

Ranma, honey...
--Ukyo, aka U-chan aka Spatula Girl, in Ranma 1/2

...and I left forth a barbaric yawp!
--Walt Whitman in "Leaves of Grass"

Consistancy is the hobgoblin of small minds...
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

I went into the suck out all the marrow of life..
--Thoreau in "Waldon's Pond"

Mi casa de crack es tu casa de crack
--My stupid brother

And just when I was gettin' used to the old Zealand..
--Seen on Owen's waterbottle

I don't have sex 'cause I can't get IT UP! (Ki-chan's note: It sounded better the other way..*sigh*)
--Green Day, "The Grouch"

Misspellers of the world..UNIT!
--Heather-boo's motto

The same thing we do every night Pinky....try to take over the world!
--Brain in "Pinky and the Brain" on Animaniacs

I'm so fuckin' happy I could cry!
--Green Day, "Hitchin' A Ride"

Now that's a dirty bastard...
--Uncle Jimbo on South Park, talking about Kenny

Meow Mix, Meow Mix, please deliver!
--The Meow Mix song

--Me (yay!!)

Andi's feet smell like Freeman!
--A startling discovery by JUST Missy ^_^

Go and close the curtains
All we need is candlelight
You and me, and a bottle of wine
For tonight..uhhuh..
Save tonite
Fight the break of dawn come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone

--Eagle Eye Cherry, "Save Tonight"

If I could tell the world one thing
It would be: We're all okay...

--Jewel, "Hands"

And how 'bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out?
--Alanis Morissette, "Thank You"

Who put the drag in the drag-queen?
--Green Day, "King for a Day"

Don't despair!! Many more to come, I'm just getting really tired right now and since I haven't evolved enough to not need sleep, I must go to bed soon..^0^ *yawns*

Please, sir, I'd like some more of your site..