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The "Kim"munist Manifesto

My mom has often told me that our household is not a democracy but a dictatorship. In fact she reminds me of this blatant fact quite often, especially since I've lately been "going downhill" (as if I know what that's supposed to mean- she wasn't talking about the Wintergreen Ski Resort at the time, and so I've labled this quote as "bad"). Anyhoo, since last Monday when I allegedly "skipped school for no damn reason", I've thought more and more of the fact that maybe it's high time a revolution of some kind took place in this home of mine.
So okay, I think, the first step in staging a normal revolution is gathering support and stockpiling weapons. Since I do kinda love my parents, no matter what civil liberties they take from me, I decided that going against them with guerilla tactics was probably not the best approach, let alone the ever-impending chance of getting grounded for bearing arms.
So I went on to the next option, support. This was gonna be the hard part, because to gain allies, I had to join forces with my two greatest enemies, aka the brothers from hell, toward a common goal. Not to mention that it was actually my goal and they just love ruining anything that's mine. Trying to seriously discuss any subject is hard enough with them. But trying to rally them to my cry by explaining the entire fight for independence from Britain, meshed with very toned down versions of Emerson, Thoreau, Gandhi, even a bit of Marx and Lenin thrown in, was a joke. And so, I decided that yes, the fight for independence is a long hard road..and one best traveled alone.
So here I am, a true revolutionary, standing by myself against the status quo minds of my parents, the embodiment of true totalitarianism, probably puppeted by Satan himself...
Man, I think, I can't do this..Anyway I'll be gone in a year..I'd just be fighting to win a peace that could only be enjoyed during my brothers generation. And there's no way in hell I'm about to do that..So, with that, I hop in a small boat, and begin paddling to Cuba. Maybe Fidel needs a court jester...I sure hope so..
