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I've been thinking about it alot lately..and I've come to the conclusion that being sued is bad. Now, you may disagree with me, but I think after watching as much Ally McBeal as I regretfully do, you should trust me on this one! And so, since the only disclaimer I have so far is the little one at the bottome of my homepage, I decided maybe a wee bit more would be necessary, since so many ppl are getting in trouble for in Copyright Law Infringement, and the last thing I wanna do, is do that. Anyhoo, I know where they're coming from..I mean, I'd be pretty pissed if someone stole my ideas, artwork, I hope the following will suffice..
I wanted to make a big long list of all the copyrights, but I'm simply not THAT bored right now!! So there! I think it's pretty darn obvious that I don't own Spam, or RHPS, or anything else except the stupid lil everyday jokes and junk that hold this oddity of time and space called Ki-chan's Realm together. And while suing is still bad, I figure if you actually own one of those copyrights, or you're in an affiliate company, you have something much better to do than surf the web for places like my website..I mean, shouldn't you be rolling in your gold coins in a money bin somewhere a la Scrooge McDuck (© Disney)!? Exactly...
Thanks a bunches for you time!! -The Great Ki-chan..Bow mortal fools!! Mwahahaha!

If you have any questions, or you feel a lawsuit coming on..then please take the time to email me first, and we'll see if we can work it out outside of the courtroom. I'm very openminded and reasonable, especially since I'm pretty sure I would get grounded for getting sued! ^_^
It's Do the Time Warp back home!