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One thing I pride myself on is having a great vocabulary, but not of any words that you're likely to find in the Thesaurus, but ones that I, one of my friends or another way cool person created..and so on with the list, whose order is done alphabetically because we need some sort of order in this chaotic world..also if you read it the right way, it unlocks the secret to life..(j/k..don't send me emails complaining that you can't get it..okay?? okay!!) And so...


Anit-Spam(Created by Belldandy)-(Anit-noun) This is the purest form of Anti-Spam, which is very deadly and is only found deep in the earth where all the real cows live, as prophesized by Belldandy, who speaks often with the Fluffy Cows who talk to her alot. Of course, some don't believe in the Anit-Spam, and think it's just some evil Fascist ploy to rid the earth of Spam..either that or Bell just made a typo that night...but typo or not, the Anit-Spam is here to stay!! (see also Maps and Spam)

Anti-Spam (Created also by Bell)-(Anti-noun) See Maps


Back Room, the-(n) Few people know exactly what takes place in the sometimes dreaded..*shudders* "Back Room"..screams..of pleasure or pain, I don't know..have been heard in here quite often..

Boo-(used as suffix, i.e. Andi-boo or Andiboo) Used to show prettyDARNcoolness when attached to the end of a person's name; It's much better to say it in a sorta "cutesy" voice too :)


Coolidge and Fuelidge-(Created by Hidoshi)(n) The ultimate stage of coolness; Beyond "cool" in everyway!


Dam, the-(n) A place far out in the woods that only me, one other person, and a bunch of rabid beavers know about; It's basically another place like the moss (see Moss), where wild, kinky things take place >:)

Dood - (created by Dice and Hiddy-boo) (n) - The really really cool way to say "Dude" and sound cool while doing it. DOOD! ^_^

Dorkass-(n) A dork who is an ass..simple enough

DOY?! - (v) (Created by Hawk Harborn and stolen by Hidoshi) A word used when confused and speechless.


Fluckin Hell - (created by Hidoshi) (v) Hidoshi's word when he's pissed off and doesn't want to utter those naughty explatives.... -_-()

Foon-(n) Somewhat like a Spork (see Spork), being a Fork+Spoon (v)to foon To pop the body of the spork inside out

Furby-(n) A most eeeevil Furry Parrot wannabe, that, as you sit there, thinking it's SOO CUTE speaking in it's own lil language, is actually just cussing you out in front of your face in Furbish


Hoyhoyhoy(Created by Hidoshi)-(int) A slightly mangled version of "Hehehe" used to tick off people by sounding like a snob (as Hiddy pulls off rather well..what a snob! J/K!)

Huggyhuggle-(v) To hug and snuggle at the same time; It's an adaptation of the word "huggle", it's just better!! :)

Hugglyhugglesdoodlyhugglydoo (created by Hiddy-boo)-(v)To huggle, for a really really looong time and really tight.

Huzzah-(int) THE exultation of the gods; This word is just a teensy weensy (yellow polka dot bikini) better than "Yay!" and is followed by a minimum of at least 3 exclamation points; (v)To huzzah To hooray, yippee, yay, hurrah....except just in a prettyDARNcooler way :) NOTE: I have been told that "Huzzah!" was used on Fraiser the other night..fear not, they paid me a handsome sum to use it $_$

Huzzar-(Found by Belldandy) (int) Like, "huzzah", just in Old English style!

Hizzah-(Invented by Hidoshi/Hiddy-boo) (int) The result of Hiddy and Dessy going Huzzah and Hizzah attempting to make a rap video. "Huzzah, Hizzah, Hit me wit da Hazzah!" ^_~


Kixasstic- (submitted by Alrai) (adj) Somewhat of a compound word, used to express awe or amazement in something.

Kimbalina-(proper noun/name) A nickname of Ki-chan, given by to her by Andi (only Andi may utter this word, all others shall be eaten by the royal fleas)

Kawinkadental-(Contributed by Witch Baby) (adj) Of the coincidental nature, usu. in a foony way

Kumchuckta-(country) A country in the game Risk..I don't even know if this place exists, but I definitely wanna go there someday!


Ladybug-(n) 1. A small harmless beetle, with a hard shell exterior, and usually red and black markings. This insect consists on a diet of aphids and is usually a help to most gardeners 2. The insect from HELL that invades people's homes in the Fall to late Winter, crawling inside one's ears at night, and laying it's eggs in one's brain, usually causing abrupt and incurable insanity (see Insanity) 3. The bane of Heather's existance and the intrical part of a horrid plot to ruin Americans' lives by Saddam Hussein**

Loofa Poof-(n) No one really knows for sure...


Maps(Created by Belldandy)-(anti-noun) This word denotes the feared Anti-Spam, or more commonly called Maps. It is greatly disturbing to all Spam lovers of the world, because it is, well, it's Anti-Spam! Jeez...Ah well, it's more purer form is Anit-Spam (see Anit-Spam)

Monkimagic- (submitted by Alrai)(n)This is the evilest form of magic, used by horrible howler monkies. It is negative to say He/She possessed me with monkimagic; Quit that monkimagic!

Moss(Created by Andi-boo)-(n) 1. A greenish type of plant that doesn't reproduce normally or something (I'm scraping the bottom of the Biology barrel in my head there) 2. also, "to go to the moss" To have sex, usually on a large patch of the greenish plant ^_~ a must try..believe me!


Neato Burrito***-(adj & n) A phrase used to state that something is better than Neato, by saying that it is literally a cool tortilla with toppings

Neata Fajita-(adj & n) A phrase invented by Heather as an answer to when I say 'Neato Burrito'

Nerfherder-(n) Said to Han Solo by Princess Leia in Star Wars; this word is commonly used as a insult..I mean, who wants people to think you herd nerfs?!?


Ooga Booga-(n) 1. An interjection used as a silence breaker 2. A phrase used between friends to annoy the other on it's pronunciation


Prettycool-(adj) Between Cool and PrettyDARNcool on the Cool-O-Meter

PrettyDARNcool-(adj) The absolute Nirvana level of coolness, only two people in the world are at this stage of PrettyDARNcoolness

Poink***-(adj) A linguistic twist of the word Punk (see Punk)

Punk-(adj) Andi's famous insult; not as prettycool as 'Poink'


Ro-ads-(n) An interpretation of 'roads' from the movie "Tommy Boy"


Slingster Cool-(Contributed by Witch Baby) (adj) Definitely the coolest "cool" word of them all!! It denotes a slight air of kinkyness, which automatically doubles its coolness from the start, and then the fact that it is contributed by Witchy, the leader of my personal fan club (lol!), just makes it that much better!

Snurf-(Contributed by that King of the Moss, Jason, or more commonly known as JAAAY-SUUN!) (v) To sled standing up (usually results in untimely death, but hey, whatever floats your boats, ppl..)

Spam-(n) 1. The God of Lunch Meats, if you can truly call it a meat. The supposed ingredients are pork and water and preservatives..but that remains just a theory 2. A food group full of wannabe, but tasty, pink gelatin globs 3. A word that denotes PrettyDARNcoolness when used in a PrettyDARNcool way

Spiff **on loan from Origami** (I'm sure he won't mind! *winks at Ori*)-(part of speech unknown) This word, being the prettyDARNcool group of letters that it is, is undefined, because the denominator equals zero :) (Can be used as "Spiffy")

Splunk-(n) 1. without exclamation point, i.e. Splunk (a.) A wierd thingy, thingamabob, or floober doober (b.) An odd animal of the 'Weirdassus Animalia' Kingdom 2. with exclamation point, i.e Splunk! A sound effect made when one is hit with a splunk

Spoony-(adj) 1. Duh! The action or act of being like a spoon 2. Acting a little kinky

Sporific- (submitted by the great Alrai ^_~)(adj)U have become sporky and terrific all at once. Congratulate urself.

Spork-(n) An eating utensil above all eating utensils, made by combining Spoon and Fork, hence the name Spork. This was first given to man by the Goddess of Sporks, Sporkia, around 320 B.C. (or Before Cereal, since Cereal was invented by Jesus around .0001 A.D), but it's uses had not been wholly discovered until the 21st century, such as a tool for eating anything that's edible (and some that aren't), a deadly weapon when you unlock it's true potential, and of course, to foon (see Foon, verb), since it's damn near impossible to foon a regular spoon of fork

Sporket-(n) Once thought to be only a legend, sporkets have recently been identified by NASA..they are cast iron sporks, and can do some major damage to areas such as the knee-cap and cranium :)

Sterca Caputis***-(n) Literally "Dung of the Head" in Latin, it is a phrase first developed by me, and then stolen by Andi (who also corrected my horrible Latin grammar..happy now, Andi!? huh?! hehe..), the notorious One of Great Suckage; it and other risque phrases like it will remain the bane of Latin teachers everywhere for centuries to come


Taco Bell-(n) THE home of the spork!! Credited with bringing the spork to the mainstream and creating the best known one to foon...oh yeah, they serve tacos and junk there too..


Yay-(int) The catch phrase developed by the Anglo-Saxons, but actually put into the mainstream by Andi; this word is now known as THE catch phrase for all Marching Band People, Sisters of Marching Band People Named Missy and Official Marching Band People Named Kimmy

Yeperdoodle***-(int) Possibly the coolest word ever to be invented, it was created by me sometime right after birth, and I just forgot it until last summer; it is a positve answer that is just sooo much better than the common "yes"

Yeperdoodleydoo***-(int) Nevermind, this is the coolest word ever invented, and again it was created by meeee!; the famous word that used to make Andi pee her pants, but now is used by herself sometimes, also

Yippee-(int) A word connotating happiness, frequently used by me, and other cool people like me (IF such persons exist..hehe)

Definitely more to come..!!

If you think that you have a prettyDARNcool word that deserves to be on my list, then feel free to email it to me and I will add it (if I like it, and haven't already though of it--keep in mind that not all the words are up yet), and I will also give you credit for it. Just email
Me! Be sure to include the word (duh!) and whatever name you want me to give credit to, and try to lable the subject as "Cool Word" or something so I won't over look it, okay? Thanks a bunches!

** If you are Saddam Hussein, and you are offended by the statement made above, then you have misread it; it was actually meant to warp the minds of the readers, so you should thank me...shouldn't you be hiding nukes instead of looking at my page anyhoo?

* This is used on the word Insanity, cuz doesn't it just drive you crazy that Insanity isn't listed!?! Hehehe...

*** This is an exclusive Ki-chan word, made especially by is FORBIDDEN to use it!!! If I find out you said one of MY words, I will send the extremely hungry, blood-thirsty, killer miniature border collies from HELL to deal with you!! Got it? Good! --Goddess Ki-chan

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